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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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The biggest criticism with this has to be how insultingly lazy this is; that's right its not just lazy but insultingly lazy.


Mario 3D Land was great, it made excellent use of the 3DS's USP - those puzzle rooms were inspired - it used simple, stylised levels to ensure visual fidelity on a platform with limited resources, it was perfectly in tune with the system. Here EAD Tokyo just shit out the same idea but without the USP autostereoscopic 3D and replace it with spasticated controls using a fucking D-Pad (did no one send the memo about D-Pad in Other M?) rendering it unenjoyable to anyone other than player one using the GamePad. Perhaps online could solve the issue but I guess there's too much going on in that empty world.

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You do know that it is playable with GamePad analogue stick and Pro Controller analogue stick, right? They include Wiimote play to make sure everyone can play


http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/11/4412144/super-mario-3d-world-preview-hands-on-e3-2013 Polygon preview, overwhelmingly positive


Metro statement

Although the isometric view tends to be the most common the game happily alternates with side-on views, overhead views, and everything in-between. It can even have a more dynamic camera similar to the Galaxy games if you’re playing on your own (including using Off-TV Play).
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I guess those pissed off it's just an upscaled 3ds game, or that it's not a Galaxy 3 will not be buying this then?


Not sure.


Also, the multiplayer is thrown in to add a different feel to a 3d Mario game. I don't honestly think they would be able to add multiplayer like this to a game like Galaxy, Sunshine, 64 etc. It's quite refreshing to see that Nintendo are trying to push something 'new' even if it may appear 'old' because it 'looks' like a 3ds game. Which can I just say it looks nothing like a 3ds game. As Serebii says it uses the same art style - but the 3ds could never produce the beautiful textures and effects that I've seen from this in screenshots and videos.


One more thing. Nintendo are still trying to cater this as a family console, for families to play together and enjoy. That's what they're all about. So when people see that this is a 4 player full Mario 3d adventure, I think there will be a lot of people who want to get involved - and I personally think that's great. So well done Nintendo. *Stands up and applauds on his own*

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One more thing. Nintendo are still trying to cater this as a family console, for families to play together and enjoy. That's what they're all about. So when people see that this is a 4 player full Mario 3d adventure, I think there will be a lot of people who want to get involved - and I personally think that's great. So well done Nintendo. *Stands up and applauds on his own*


*stands up and joins in a few rows back* :)

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I guess those pissed off it's just an upscaled 3ds game, or that it's not a Galaxy 3 will not be buying this then?


Not sure.


Also, the multiplayer is thrown in to add a different feel to a 3d Mario game. I don't honestly think they would be able to add multiplayer like this to a game like Galaxy, Sunshine, 64 etc. It's quite refreshing to see that Nintendo are trying to push something 'new' even if it may appear 'old' because it 'looks' like a 3ds game. Which can I just say it looks nothing like a 3ds game. As Serebii says it uses the same art style - but the 3ds could never produce the beautiful textures and effects that I've seen from this in screenshots and videos.


One more thing. Nintendo are still trying to cater this as a family console, for families to play together and enjoy. That's what they're all about. So when people see that this is a 4 player full Mario 3d adventure, I think there will be a lot of people who want to get involved - and I personally think that's great. So well done Nintendo. *Stands up and applauds on his own*

Indeed. Should I manage to find/build a girlfriend by December, I know we're going to be playing this a lot (after I power through it in Single Player, of course)


Almost all the impressions say it plays more like Galaxy than 3D Land, anyway


Also, apparently, one Nintendo rep let slip the Frog Suit is in this. It allegedly uses its tongue, like Yoshi. Guess no Yoshi in this then

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This image has never been more accurate.


I'm all for a 4 player 3D Mario. Everyone has been asking for Mario/Luigi co-op for years and when they finally get it, it isn't enough because Mario isn't running upside down in space.


If people are gonna complain, they should make legitimate complaints. D-pad in a 3D world? Oh dear. Lack of online? Oh dear. BLUE SPOTS ON TOAD? OH DEAR. I'd even go so far as to say the main environment we keep seeing, WORLD 1-1 most likely, is a little stale.


You're all going to buy this anyway, so why not give it a chance?


Oh man, I laughed so hard reading that! It's exactly what happened too! For the record I love all those Zelda games and think one of the timeless things about Zelda is that it constantly changes and evolves and thusly always feels and looks fresh. What's more the art styles of Skyward Sword and Wind Waker are stunning and will remain so forever.


As for Super Mario 3D World I will obviously get it and am sure it will be great. My concerns stem from the fact it looks like it is built around a concept of 4 players and local co-op. That's great for those who do that, but most of us don't.

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Oh man, I laughed so hard reading that! It's exactly what happened too! For the record I love all those Zelda games and think one of the timeless things about Zelda is that it constantly changes and evolves and thusly always feels and looks fresh. What's more the art styles of Skyward Sword and Wind Waker are stunning and will remain so forever.


As for Super Mario 3D World I will obviously get it and am sure it will be great. My concerns stem from the fact it looks like it is built around a concept of 4 players and local co-op. That's great for those who do that, but most of us don't.

To be fair, people said the same about NSMBWii and NSMBU, and they work brilliantly single player

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To be fair, people said the same about NSMBWii and NSMBU, and they work brilliantly single player


It's not just that.


I've always appreciated the fact Nintendo have both the 3D series and the NSMB series. Both do different things.


NSMB is pure old school 2D fun to appeal to everyone. 3D Mario was always there to push boundaries. It wasn't there for your girlfriend to play with you or your sister and her family to pick up and play together at a family gathering.


3D Mario was there for an epic single player for the gamer who wanted that, it presented challenge, graphical excellence and most of all ground breaking new gameplay.


I'm a little disappointed that Nintendo seem to be dumbing this down and making it for the whole family to sit around and play. I've already said I'm sure it will be good. But I personally feel Nintendo have made this a little like NSMB 3D Edition, not exactly what I wanted.

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But I personally feel Nintendo have made this a little like NSMB 3D Edition, not exactly what I wanted.


They have three types of modern day Mario:


2D - The New Super Mario Bros series

Simple 3D - 3D Land and now 3D World

Full 3D - 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2


We'll get a proper 3D adventure Mario next. Nintendo need a system seller, the Galaxy games are too hardcore for them at the present time. This series is a good medium between 'New' and 'Galaxy', and leaning far more towards the latter anyway.

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They have three types of modern day Mario:


2D - The New Super Mario Bros series

Simple 3D - 3D Land and now 3D World

Full 3D - 64, Sunshine, Galaxy 1 and 2


We'll get a proper 3D adventure Mario next. Nintendo need a system seller, the Galaxy games are too hardcore for them at the present time. This series is a good medium between 'New' and 'Galaxy', and leaning far more towards the latter anyway.

I wouldn't call this simple 3D


Seriously, there's like no difference between 3D World And say Mario 64 except one has linear levels (you still look for stars though)

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You know what I mean though, far simpler level design than the Galaxy games. There's a clear start and end point to each level for a start. The objectives are different: reach the end of the level vs find a star. Not knocking it at all, but it's a totally different class to the other two types of Mario games.

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I will definitely be getting this as it really does look great fun but it's a shame that they aren't working on a 'system seller' Mario that defines the generation in the same way that Galaxy and 64 did.


It doesn't help that this clearly was a 3DS game that's been put over to the Wii U to sell some systems. I'll be there day 1, but to think we will have had 2 mario games on the Wii U by this Xmas and neither will be a flagship Mario is disappointing.

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I will definitely be getting this as it really does look great fun but it's a shame that they aren't working on a 'system seller' Mario that defines the generation in the same way that Galaxy and 64 did.


It doesn't help that this clearly was a 3DS game that's been put over to the Wii U to sell some systems. I'll be there day 1, but to think we will have had 2 mario games on the Wii U by this Xmas and neither will be a flagship Mario is disappointing.

It really wasn't. The developers have said otherwise. They wanted to do multiplayer Mario for a while, and finally can thanks t the power of the Wii U

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It really wasn't. The developers have said otherwise. They wanted to do multiplayer Mario for a while, and finally can thanks t the power of the Wii U


'the power of the Wii U'. Fucking lol. You're being trolled; this is clearly the successor to 3D land and it could easily be done on a 3DS.


I don't want to argue with you because we all know how you are but the disappointment some have with the title is pretty warranted.

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Alright i'll try a positive spin on this

if people feel they've taken the development from a 3DS game and made it a WiiU game that will only mean another 3D mario is in development but a way off


If its not originally a 3DS game, then its been designed from the ground up for the WiiU and will probably have a scale you'd expect for a console game


we've only seen what looks like 1 maybe 2 levels out of a game, and 3D land had 16 worlds each with multiple levels, so even if this follows the same exact formula then thats a lot of opportunity to excel beyond what looks like world 1 lvl 1


i think the more we see of this game the less people will complain, and the more they'll get hyped

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It was never a 3DS game, did nobody actually watch the developer video?


They came up with the idea of doing a multiplayer sequel for Wii U in the middle of SM3DL's development and started making it straight after the 3DS game was done. They wanted to do multiplayer but couldn't pull it off on 3DS and wanted to have all the players visible on the same screen at once (the characters would've been microscopically small on the 3DS' screen). It has been in development ever since the start of 2012, is in no way rushed and was never in development for 3DS. The two games' development cycles follow NSMB and NSMB Wii to a tee.


Right, done, dusted. Move along :)

Edited by Dcubed
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'the power of the Wii U'. Fucking lol. You're being trolled; this is clearly the successor to 3D land and it could easily be done on a 3DS.


I don't want to argue with you because we all know how you are but the disappointment some have with the title is pretty warranted.

It really isn't. Watch the Developer Direct for it and then come back...

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Just to clarify, my point is that this is clearly inspired by the 3DS game and not meant to be a successor to the SM64-Sunshine-Galaxy games. To say the 'power of the Wii U' makes this type of game possible is a bit stupid and I don't think anyone would ever believe such a thing.


Moving on, I really REALLY hope the soundtrack is good. The galaxy games had a stunning soundtrack and 3D Land had some great ones too (although most of the soundtrack was just a recycled version of the theme). I hope they nail it because the recent 2D ones have been pretty poor soundtrack wise.


Also, I can't help but feel that this game makes it more likely that we'll see a 4 player Zelda game like 4 swords comes back...that was godly stuff.

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Moving on, I really REALLY hope the soundtrack is good. The galaxy games had a stunning soundtrack and 3D Land had some great ones too (although most of the soundtrack was just a recycled version of the theme). I hope they nail it because the recent 2D ones have been pretty poor soundtrack wise.


Also, I can't help but feel that this game makes it more likely that we'll see a 4 player Zelda game like 4 swords comes back...that was godly stuff.


same composer, well when asked about it he gave a suggestive wink, so either he couldn't really say, or the interviewer had one hell of a ride in the hotel room later



4 player zelda....best be a huge open world

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The biggest problem I have with this is the lack of online, if this and NSMBU had online I'd buy them!


Was reading the digital spy preview at work during my dinner and right at the end was this...


The one feature that was not on display at E3 was the online multiplayer, which is a long-overdue first for the series.




If that is true, my god.

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