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I don't know who guerilla games are, but the rest of this felt rather funny and somewhat apt with some of Nintendo's attitudes.


Guerrilla Games are combining Mario with Mario. The twist? It's DLC Only.
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Here is the first one I got:


The creators of Minesweeper are combining Professor Layton with Bayonetta. The twist? It's only available after 4am in France.


and here's one that I liked:


Some guys who made ExciteTruck are combining Forza with Half-Life. The twist? It's exclusive day one DLC on Xbox One.


Day One Forza/Half Life hybrid DLC MUST MUY LOL.


Sega are combining Doom with Darksiders. The twist? It's being written by JJ Abrahms.


Ok last one:


Retro Studios are combining Bayonetta with Dark Souls. The twist? It's what's inside Molyneux's Cube.
Edited by flameboy
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Retro Studios are combining Mass Effect with Sonic. The twist? It's a dating sim


That sounds beyond creepy.


Nintendo are combining Transformers with Legend of Zelda. The twist? It's actually fucking brilliant
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Microsoft is combining with EA to block used games, make Kinect mandatory, and flood every game with adverts and micro-transactions. The twist? There isn't one. The games industry will be destroyed.


Wait, I thought this thing only dealt in rumours?

Edited by dwarf
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Brenda Romero and her husband are combining Phoenix Wright with Puzzle and Dragons. The twist? It's a reboot of Steel Diver


The mere fact that it mentioned Phoenix Wright on my first try is making me wary. This thing knows me!


A group of game jammers are combining Zelda with Papo & Yo. The twist? It's indistinguishable from reality


One more. I don't know what Papo & Yo is, but a Zelda indistinguishable from reality sounds sexy.


Ubisoft Reflections are combining Doom with Gunstar Heroes. The twist? It's featuring Sony's new mascot, 'DildoSimon'


This one just for 'DildoSimon'.

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Some classics here...


Frank Lantz and his students are combining Mechwarrior with Bushido Blade. The twist? It's Shenmue 3


Eutechnyx are combining Secret of Mana with Turrican. The twist? It's playable on Dreamcast VMUs


Some ex-Free Radical guys are combining Batman with Axelay. The twist? It's only for Amiga


Games Workshop are combining Dead Island with Metal Gear. The twist? It's a dating sim


Capcom are combining Rock Band with Fez. The twist? It's going to feature Bayonetta


A group of game jammers are combining Final Fight with Mass Effect. The twist? It's not remotely sexist


The last one I could actually believe...


Platinum are combining Killzone with Rez. The twist? It's actually fucking brilliant


... Platinum Games can make anything brilliant! :p

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Two founding members of id are combining Castle Crashers with Doom. The twist? It's already out


Team Sonic are combining Rock Band with Quake. The twist? It's a PS4 exclusive


The Pickford brothers are combining Magic: The Gathering with Transformers. The twist? It's a documentary about the founding of Polygon


Jonathan Blow and Notch are combining Chrono Trigger with Phoenix Wright. The twist? It's exclusive day one DLC on Xbox One


50 Cent and his mates are combining Toribash with Varicella. The twist? It's featuring Sony's new mascot, 'DildoSimon'


I'll stop now. Otherwise, I'm gonna be here all day :heh:

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Now it's just getting crazy.


Tynemouth Women's Institute are combining Pissman with Sentient. The twist? It's crap


Will Wright and Tetsuya Mizuguchi are combining Castle Crashers with Hungry Hungry Hippos. The twist? It's part of a new five year partnership deal


The Pickford brothers are combining Half-Life with Quake. The twist? It's a mid-core card battler


50 Cent and his mates are combining Phoenix Wright with Bonetown. The twist? It's not remotely sexist
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