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Nintendo Direct 11th June


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It wouldn't take much for Nintendo have a truly exceptional E3.


Hour long press conference - show mario, show mario kart, trailer for smash brothers, show more of bayonetta 2, yoshi, wii fit etc, announce Wii Sports U and end with Retro's new game. Whatever that is. Then annoucne some far off games and 3rd party partnerships.


Then every day have another direct. One on the digital platforms - show new eshop games, show a MUCH BETTER release schedule for the virtual consoles. One on the extra services - improve and build on nintendo tv, launch it in europe; new channels and services etc. One direct on some big games - there's one on Pokemon, have one on Mario 3D too. One direct purely for the 3DS.


This would be amazing and not out of thinking either. Just will they do it?!?!

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That's not even funny. It's right up there with making fun of... a bunch of stuff I'm not going to mention, because that would be incomprehensibly offensive.


New Super Wario Bros. U: Incomprehensibly Offensive Expansion - DLC available 2014.

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Actually dug up my cousins GCN to play it for a bit. Lo & behold, 1080 was inside! switched it on but only got up to the main menu as I was there to do them a favour.


However, I was lucky enough to listen to this once again...


I do want to see another 1080/Wave Race game but we'll just have to wait and see if it materialises.

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