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Longtime iPhone user - Android switch?


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Well a store model is all I had. I'm doing the best I can to make an educated decision - including asking you guys here. Which generally has been very helpful, aside from some of the clear Android bias...


You say Android bias like I work for them.


I'm probably the best person you could ask here because I was just like you - an iPhone owner and had been for a long time. The only reason my posts are so pro-Android is because Android is by far the better platform. There's nothing else to it.

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Yeah, there's not much argument about it, Android is the better platform, with better phones.


The only benefit of iOS is that it's easier/simpler (and the benefits that go with it, such as app support).


I can understand why people who don't know much about technology have Apple products. But why anyone who does would have one is beyond me.

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Well putting the phones to one side why anyone would by a Windows PC is beyond me.

But i'm not turning this into an Apple vs whatever war as it happens all the time whenever Apple is mentioned.


Regardless of what people say, the fact that Apple make their products so simple to use is part of the reason they're so successful.

I have to say that I find Android to be very confusing from first glance, and even from playing about with it a bit it still seems like it'd take a bit of getting used to - and I'm pretty techy really.

However I am willing to try it as I think I'd get along with it quite well and utilise it close to its full potential I'd hope.


Been out this evening but am gonna dedicate some time to looking at Android properly and then the actual phone. It's all well and good switching to Android but the phones gotta be up to scratch too! :heh:

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I will throw in my two cents.


A year ago, I had never used a smartphone before. Until I started working for HTC and was given the Desire S as a loan phone. It seemed very strange to me at first and I had no clue what to do with it.


But after using it for a while and figuring out how things worked (I had never really worked with apps and widgets before), I really started to like it and started to personalize the phone. There were five screens to use and I thought it was great that I could use one for different things (like one for an email widget, one for a contact list, one with my music player etc.).


I didn't think I would really need a smartphone, but when I had to hand it back in after 6 months, I missed it. I did look at buying an iPhone (as I have been a MacBook user for 7 years), but since I was so used to Android now, I ended up going for the Nexus 4. The HTC One looks very nice, and it will come with HTC Sense, which means it will be a bit different from the normal Android experience. I liked it on my Desire S to be honest, looked very nice.


Also as for music, you will have a music app on there, but I think it might be worth using Google Music. Simply upload all your music through your PC and then you can stream it to your mobile. If you don't have a connection, you can also have songs cached so you can still listen to quite a few. I didn't have a contract that would give me mobile internet, so I used the cache function to still be able to listen to some songs on my bus rides. =)


Anyway, I would suggest reading up a bit more about the HTC One, maybe watch some videos on how it works etc. It might give you a better idea of how it all works. A store model will have been messed with quite a bit, so it might not give you the best experience really.

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In the end it will all be up to you. I haven't used iOS so I can't really compare, but I really enjoyed using Android, it didn't feel difficult or anything.


It might take you a bit to get used to though, since you will be used to iOS and you will have to get used to the change. But I think with practice you will figure it all out and you can get to like it too. =)


But that's why I suggest to look at some videos, as it might give you a better idea of what you can do with it. Look at tutorials or something, specifically for the HTC One, as all devices are different.


Hope you can make up your mind soon!

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Regardless of what people say, the fact that Apple make their products so simple to use is part of the reason they're so successful.


I know that, and for most users that's great. But if you know a bit more than most users, and don't need everything simple and easy, the customisation ability of Android beats the limiting strategy of iOS. In my opinions at least. If you have the know how to change it, I can't see why you'd stick with such a restricting "one size fits all" OS.

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I know that, and for most users that's great. But if you know a bit more than most users, and don't need everything simple and easy, the customisation ability of Android beats the limiting strategy of iOS. In my opinions at least. If you have the know how to change it, I can't see why you'd stick with such a restricting "one size fits all" OS.


I guess it's more a case of familiarity. And if I'm being honest I don't think that the majority of Android devices have been anywhere near close to the quality of the iPhone for a number of years.


That is now, however starting to change and there have been some great devices that look great and offer a wealth of features that Apple don't.

I've always been more than happy with my iPhone and could quite happily continue to be. I don't think I'm missing out not having an Android device. But it does seem I could utilise / personalise my handset how I would like to with Android - and it's that which is the appeal right now.

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But it does seem I could utilise / personalise my handset how I would like to with Android - and it's that which is the appeal right now.


(Depending on how much you plan on customising) You could always look up some of the custom ROMs available for the phone. See if there's any that catch your eye. It might help with making your decision.

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So I just spent a good half hour looking into the actual device (HTC One) and it seems it's absolutely amazing.

Reviews are glowing on every aspect minus battery life - but hey, coming from an iPhone that probably won't be a problem. :D


Hmmmmm dunno.


Done some more research.


Looked into this HTC Sync Manager program that is now compatible with Macs. Basically it pulls the music that is stored on your iTunes and allows you to virtually paste it into your new HTC device. Brilliant.


Or not.


The program is slow, sluggish, constantly freezing and the biggest offence of all is the missing album artwork. See piccy:




I could forgive the thing freezing and being slow providing it just let me put the songs on that were in iTunes but albums or songs with no artwork is criminal to me.

Call it OCD or whatever you like but I kinda pride myself on a perfect digital library of music and my iPhone has all of my playlists and albums on in the exact order I like with all of the corresponding art work.


A quick Google search doesn't tell me anything as to why this artwork is not showing or what steps I can take to try and add it in. It doesn't even seem like it is addable.


Major blow.


I checked out Google Music and as great as it sounds / is, I can't see it being for me. I use my phone to play songs via my cars bluetooth and don't always have a connection when out and about. I also don't think it'd be easy to totally change the artist I was listening to without fiddling on my phone whilst driving, which is kinda illegal... :P

Added to this is the fact that my phone syncs to my car so that I can actually tell the car what to play by pressing a button on the wheel - and it works perfectly. Lord knows if it'd have the same success on this HTC device.


Well, earlier this evening I was contemplating the switch and ready to go. But the music thing is massively important to me as I like to carry it with me everywhere and as far as music devices go, Apple kinda win for me with the whole iTunes and music sync set up.

I know it was a bit of an ask to try and get an Android device to connect to my iTunes music library but the HTC Sync Manager should be able to do it. If it weren't for the damn album artwork situation it would have pretty much been done.

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The program is slow, sluggish, constantly freezing and the biggest offence of all is the missing album artwork.


FYI, this is everyone else's experience with iTunes :heh:


In regards to the artwork. I know iTunes allowed you to right click and 'get album artwork' (although it never seemed to work), is there nothing similar.


Having a quick look around, some people suggest iTag. Had a quick go myself, but only one album on my phone so not the best test :p But you seem to go into the album, select either 'Lucky Cover' (guessing the first result) or 'Search Pic', which will return about 8 pictures for you to pick from.


Actually, also seen Album Art Grabber recommended. Downloaded three more albums to my phone, loaded up the app and just clicked 'Grab' and it got all three albums. This includes a Childish Gambino mix that was only released on his website (i.e. not an album you'd find in shops/expect to easily find an image of) so it seems pretty good. There's an option as well for it to automatically look for artwork when there is a new song/album added to your phone.


May be one of those annoying things you have to do when you get a new phone, but it wasn't too long ago we had to manually transfer numbers!


Speaking of, with Android you can save all your contacts to your Google account, so when you have new devices the contacts are automatically copied over.


In regards to your car, perhaps check how it is working with your iPhone. There may be a special dock, but I'd wager that there's also a standard bluetooth connection. Do you know anyone with an Android to test it with?


Don't forget you do have 14 days with a contract to back out (I know that's definitely for online/phone deals, but pretty sure it's in shop too) so you could always get another HTC One, test it for a week (and cancel the contract, obviously) and then decide whether to open the upgrade one or not.


Oh and I forgot a great feature Android has over Apple; the ability to browse the Play Store online and push downloads to your device(s). Means I can browse and install stuff from my computer, and next time I pick up my phone/tablet it's there. I know you can browse the app store from within iTunes, but I believe it can't wirelessly sync, right? Plus Play Store is browser based so better :heh:

Edited by Ashley
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There is no reason to say Google Music isn't for you because you don't always have a connection. There's a pin you can click on a specific folder/playlist/artist/song to have it downloaded to your device to be played offline. If you want you can just pin all your music. There, problem solved.


Also. I used to have earphones with in-build volume and song controls for iPhones. Worked great with Google Music. Have a new one which answers calls too and even allows you to voice search. If your connection is bluetooth you should be fine.


As an aside. Why can you not think of a possible reason why someone would buy a Windows PC?

Edited by Diageo
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There is no reason to say Google Music isn't for you because you don't always have a connection. There's a pin you can click on a specific folder/playlist/artist/song to have it downloaded to your device to be played offline. If you want you can just pin all your music. There, problem solved.


Also. I used to have earphones with in-build volume and song controls for iPhones. Worked great with Google Music. Have a new one which answers calls too and even allows you to voice search. If your connection is bluetooth you should be fine.


As an aside. Why can you not think of a possible reason why someone would buy a Windows PC?


I know, I was absolutely flabbergasted by his comment regarding PCs. People build PCs using the best non-generic components for a fraction of the cost of Mac machines. Even pre-built machines you can buy will be a lot cheaper.


My PC quite frankly shits on the specs of a 27" iMac currently priced at £1700 on the Apple Store. My PC cost around £700 to build. Not difficult to guess why people choose PC over Mac, really.



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Well let's put it this way regarding the PC thing.


I have gone through many many Windows laptops in my time. All of them either dying a slow death, not being able to cope with the amount of stuff on there (which was very little), and taking up to 10 minutes to just literally load the log in screen.


Now I quite frankly could not care less what spec your pc is and how it shits over a Mac-whatever.

As a general computer user my comment stands. I would never buy a pc. They are slower, they have a clunky interface, pop ups seem to be your best friend despite clicking to disable pop ups! Things like random tool bars like to install themselves in your browser for no apparent reason! Frankly, I'd rather spend extra money and buy a Macbook that suits me and will last. My MacBook air is now probably classed as 'shit spec' or 'old' but it runs faster than any PC that I've used that doesn't have to be 'specced up' to at least be half decent.

What's more it's easy to carry around, take anywhere with me, use on the go and oh yeah - it looks the fuckin nuts. Now please, feel free to tear this paragraph to shreds but I honestly do not care. It works for me, I use Windows ever day with work and I used it through school and college. For me I will not use Windows for my personal computer as I don't like it.


Back to the phone. @Ashley that is very very helpful thanks for all the responses. Seems there are still some options to visit then before I make a decision. I'll have a quick look at what's what and see.


I guess what I could do is end my current eBay auction, open it, spend a week with it and see (it's still gonna be virtually brand new providing I don't drop it! :heh:). And then if I don't get along list is as New but opened instead of brand new!

Alternatively I could just open it and add a not to eBay to say I had to open it to remove the sim?

Might be worth me doing that to know once and for all ha.

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Well let's put it this way regarding the PC thing.


I have gone through many many Windows laptops in my time. All of them either dying a slow death, not being able to cope with the amount of stuff on there (which was very little), and taking up to 10 minutes to just literally load the log in screen.


Now I quite frankly could not care less what spec your pc is and how it shits over a Mac-whatever.

As a general computer user my comment stands. I would never buy a pc. They are slower, they have a clunky interface, pop ups seem to be your best friend despite clicking to disable pop ups! Things like random tool bars like to install themselves in your browser for no apparent reason! Frankly, I'd rather spend extra money and buy a Macbook that suits me and will last. My MacBook air is now probably classed as 'shit spec' or 'old' but it runs faster than any PC that I've used that doesn't have to be 'specced up' to at least be half decent.

What's more it's easy to carry around, take anywhere with me, use on the go and oh yeah - it looks the fuckin nuts. Now please, feel free to tear this paragraph to shreds but I honestly do not care. It works for me, I use Windows ever day with work and I used it through school and college. For me I will not use Windows for my personal computer as I don't like it.


This sounds like a casual tech user's response on Mac vs PC based on what they have heard somewhere.


There is no way in hell that any purchased Mac product will be faster than a custom built PC with a good SSD. My PC loads up in approximately 7 seconds dude. It really is a case of your limited experience with probably low spec PCs that is causing you to think these things. 'Having to deal with toolbars that install themselves' is the kind of thing that no one who really pays attention to installs/knows about tech would ever have to worry about.


One thing I will give Apple is that their Macbook range is built well, ie. the actual machines are quite sturdy and have a good display. But laptops have cottoned on to this now and there's a variety of brands offering a similar experience. Let's not forget also that if you're after a desktop unit, you could build a PC yourself and install a Mac OS for a fraction of the cost.

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I'll say again that I'm not turning this into an Apple VS whatever thing but you have your opinion and I have mine. I do not like Windows, you hate Apple we get it now.


But 7 seconds for your PC to load? Wow - you need to buy a Mac. :laughing:

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You need to shut down your Mac.


Um, no. No I don't. :)




Back to the phone. Someone I work with has just bought the HTC One and is more than happy for me to have a play with it tomorrow. So I will take that opportunity to have a proper hands on with it. He's used Android a while so will be able to give me a clearer picture of how he uses the phone to suit him so I should be able to gauge if it'd work for me or not a bit better.

Thanks again for the replies.

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I'll say again that I'm not turning this into an Apple VS whatever thing but you have your opinion and I have mine. I do not like Windows, you hate Apple we get it now.


But 7 seconds for your PC to load? Wow - you need to buy a Mac. :laughing:




Like already said, your Mac is clearly not shut down. I know how long an iMac takes to load up from shutdown, our lab is full of the latest iMac series.


It's fine if you don't like PCs, or whatever, but your reasoning is just wrong. From startup issues, to toolbar installations, to unwanted slowdown, etc. It reeks of someone just not knowing what they're doing.

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