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New 3DS Deal - Register 3 games, get one new game!


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Register by 30/06. Sweet, my last game in Animal Crossing will be out by then. 3 purchased (and registered) titles in Luigi's Mansion 2, Donkey Kong Country and Animal Crossing. Just need to choose a 4th for free. Decisions, decisions.

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AFter just picking up Fire Emblem, I have to totally agree with @Ike. But, I'm in a bit of a pickle again. Two games down, Luigi's and FE, and definitely going to get DKCR. So, MH3U or Animal Crossing? If I didn't have MH3 on WiiU I would get that at a drop of the hat. Previous AC's didn't capture me, but am willing to give it go. Arghh, MH portable, or AC?

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It's good to see people having some difficulty picking a game. It shows that they're good at the very least.


If I didn't have MH3 on WiiU I would get that at a drop of the hat.


I say go for Animal Crossing. Even though the previous games didn't do enough for you, it seems that this is set to be the best of the lot. Also since you already have MH on the Wii U you might as well put it on another game and a different experience.

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Since I always usually sell my games these days (used to save every one) after completion, the most logical choice for the free game for me, will be Animal Crossing. It's one of those games never completed, that has something new to offer everyday due to its real-world clock. I already have MH3U, and have DKCR3D pre-ordered. I've also pre-ordered the new Pokemon Dungeon, but may cancel. Don't exactly have the money right now, which is why the counting on the pre-orders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've received my code for the free game. It's almost instant. They say they'll send an email containing the code but it's quicker to just log back into your Club Nintendo account in a couple of hours. The code will be displayed in the banner at the top of the account page.

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I've now got the 3 codes but I have no intention of keeping the free game as i prefer the actual item over digital. This being the case I'm selling the code for the free game to anyone who wants it. I will be putting on ebay but thought I would give you guys first dibs. :D

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I've now got the 3 codes but I have no intention of keeping the free game as i prefer the actual item over digital. This being the case I'm selling the code for the free game to anyone who wants it. I will be putting on ebay but thought I would give you guys first dibs. :D


Is the free game code just a generic code like the ones you can now buy in GAME? Wondering if registering it would count as my 3rd game and give me my own free code.

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So did no one choose Pokemon as their free game, it came out Friday so was wondering if anyone got their code?


My sister chose it and has already recieved her code.


You should actually see it on the site itself. Go log in and check the site where the promotional banner was. It should list the download code on the banner itself (it appears much more quickly than that email!)


The game is brilliant BTW! It shakes up the series gameplay quite a bit in some surprising ways, but all the charm of the previous PKMD is still there, even if it is easy going at the start so far :)

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My sister chose it and has already recieved her code.


You should actually see it on the site itself. Go log in and check the site where the promotional banner was. It should list the download code on the banner itself (it appears much more quickly)


I picked Animal Crossing for mine, just wondered how close to launch day we would get the code and this was the first unreleased game to come out.

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So I'm finally getting around to registering my codes today, got Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to register, so I take it that's all I need to do, then just sit back, wait and I should have my Donkey Kong Country Returns download code within a few hours?...



... then I'll be able to play it within a few hours after that once it downloads. ;)

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Just registered DKCR on my club Nintendo.


Got a message saying 'One More To Go!'

This excited me. :heh:


Only problem is... I STILL don't know what to choose! :confused:


I am definitely getting Animal Crossing, but the rest of the games that are left I'm just not that bothered about. ::shrug:


Lego City Undercover: Got this on Wii U - still not played it yet so seems silly having the 3ds version too when it is the inferior. However, I do like the look of it and think it would suit a handheld quite well, so although at first I decided this was a no go, it's now becoming an option.


Castlevania: Downloaded the demo. Wasn't massively blown away but didn't really give it much of a chance. I intend to play the demo again before I make a decision. This one is definitely an option though.


Fire Emblem: Really don't like this style of game. This is a definite no.


Monster Hunter: Not a big fan of games like this either, that require about 3 billion hours of play time. Also, if I was going to get this I'd prob opt for the Wii U version. Played the demo and didn't know what on earth I was supposed to do. Looked nice though! This one is also a probable no.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Strange one. Never played a MD game before. But downloaded the demo and found this a bit tedious / pointless? Like what am I meant to be doing here lol. It was easy enough to pick up and play, but it certainly didn't grab me in the slightest. This one is a game I could opt for just for the sake of none of the others appealing to me. I know I could play this and spend a little time with it (maybe even grow to enjoy it) whereas some of the others I know I couldn't.


So what on earth to do?!

I was going to just opt for the cheapest one and use my ShopTo points (a tenner) to bring the price even lower, register it, sell it and then get AC for free.

But I feel like I should get some enjoyment out of one of them!


Anyone got any suggestions?! Anyone else in a similar position?!

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Considering I already have Luigi's Mansion 2, I'm starting to contemplate buying Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D and something else just so I can have Animal Crossing: New Leaf to download onto my console next month. I've never played an Animal Crossing game before and I'm not entirely sure I'd actually buy this one but the prospect of having it on the console at all times, for free, is encouraging me to give this one a go :heh:


The only real problem is that I can't even decide if I genuinely want it.. or what other game to purchase so that I get it for free :indeed:

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