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Anyone see this on Channel 4? The pilot was at 8:30 and the 2nd episode starts at 10pm.


It was pretty good, very weird


I think that police dude is the "ring-leader" of the alien group, all the people who have been found in the water were talking to him and things. He said to his wife at the end that the first few days were the hardest too, but didn't say what he was talking about....

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Yeah I just watched this too. Looks interesting to me. Didn't really get to see that much of the skeleton thing though, that woulda been too enlightening I suppose.

I'm looking forward to the coming episodes. Need something to proxy Lost until it returns.

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I've watched up to ep 11 of this show, with the US broadcasts, it is incredibly slow and just doesn't want to reveal anything. If you thought Lost was bad for that, this is so much worse for it. Right now, the only reason I'm still watching is to find out exactly what it is that's invaded, alien or otherwise. Yes, even after 11 episodes...

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I watched the one at 8.30 but taped the other one as was nodding off a bit.


I hope its decent, I will miss Lost when its gone. At least Desperate Housewives is coming back (might be just me being girly looking forward to that)

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I also look forward to DH Dawn, so fear not, you're not girly at all. Not in the slightest.


Her big breasts say otherwise, and yes, I have seen them (though unfortunately not uncovered).


As for Invasion, watched all 3 episodes last night and it seems like a pretty typical 'pod person' type of show. I'll give it a chance, though after what I've heard about it's slowness I don't know if I have the patience for it.

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Damn i knew there was something i wanted to watch!! instead i have been watching Con Air. gah!


I was just about to watch con airl, but my friend phoned me to remind me to watch it. It was really good, and will fill the gap untill lost season 2 hits the uk.

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Ive seen the first 2 episodes, i enjoyed it though even with just 2 episodes i was getting frustrated at how slow it seemed to present itself in revealing anything. I thought it might be one of those 2 part drama things because of it but, obviously not. Ah well, guess thats the pull of it. And the cops daughter is pretty cute so hey, bonus!

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