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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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It could be environmental or splash damage. Basically, if you want that pacifist achievement, you’ll have to check every guy you take down if it has a ZZZ or a skull icon. That said, I vaguely recall that the pacifist achievement only takes into account your interactions, so people killed by other people / environment / whatever won’t count. But I’m not sure, plus glitches may screw up things anyway.



But there wasn't any enviromental or splash damage as nothing was happening other than my tranq darts :heh:


There was another similar situation during a side quest. I had to find a guy called "Double T" to get to him I had to take out a few other guys. The first of which after I tranq'd him noticed he had a skull icon so I reloaded (luckily had just saved) and tried to take him out by hand but triggered a small convo scene of teh guy telling me to "not get any closer" after which I tranq'd him again and this time got the ZZZZ's symbol. So it was like some sort of glitch.


The guys in the screens above I had previously tranq'd before going to Double T's and only noticed the Skull icons on return for another quest long after Double T and many saves later :heh:


Pretty sure I got XP for "Merciful Soul" for non-lethal take downs (I think I would have noticed if that didn't appear after firing a tranq) so fingers crossed these are not going down as kills.

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Took out the first boss last night... having never played teh original I can't say what was different/new in this DIrectors Cut.


I only used Tranqs and Stun gun to take him down.... the resulting cutscene still had him die which I guess is unavoidable.... do bosses not count towards the "no kill achievment"?

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No, they mentioned that in an interview. They could replace the actual bossfights, but it was too late to change anything to the story / script / cutscenes. So the result had to be the same, however, you were allowed to fight the boss actually using your own playstyle. Which is good enough, because I engaged every boss with nothing but tranqs :rolleyes:. Well, all the non-lethal stuff. Actually I was probably carrying a normal gun as well, but I never tried to use it on bosses.. Anyway, tranquing bosses to death works for the first 2, but the 3rd was a major pain in the ass. I’ve heard other people doing it to the 3rd as well, but when I tried that, he would eventually break free and then totally destroy me. So that’s when I picked an earlier save to pick up a big ass lasergun I left behind somewhere, because I usually don’t use such guns. So yeah, I am actually excited to play the bosses how I want to, and I’ll pick this game up.. Whenever I get a WiiU ;).

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Man slowly making my way through this, just beat the 2nd boss... good fight, though went much smoother than the first boss once I figured out how to use my surroundings :D



The whole China section, LOVED IT. Especially the side quests. Went exploring as much as I could as soon as I landed, found a side quest pretty quick inside the near by brothel hotel :D


Enjoyed the 2nd quest that hooker gives you after the first, of course I went the non-lethal route and just knocked the guy out and planted drugs on him :)


Did another where I had to collect money owed to the Triads, decided to pay the debt of the girl to get her off the hook. Same cost as a praxis kit and you get one for it too so was just like buying a kit anyway :)


The side quest for Malik later really enjoyed that, good long one too, and getting the guy to confess later....was just a bit pissed Jensen didn't collect his 2.5million credits :mad: haha But what Malik did with the Hive's TV walls was awesome :D


On the main quests then, I found the secret ways into the Hive, but had found a members card earlier so used that to get in. I just wanted to see how else I could get in.

Getting into the Hackers Apartment then later, awesome, then having to ask help from teh Triads to track him down. Wasn't expecting an ambush after finding him (and getting teh TYM ID Card) but luckily I had already scouted the hotel while lookin for items so had an idea how to get out of the first part. Really enjoyed that escape.


Loved the inflitrating of TYM later on and then after meet Zhao, teh escape was nice and tense. Then the Picus HQ which I just finished. Man the story picks up nice and good :D When you first meet Eliza I had a feeling she wasn't gonna be "human" but I was thinking maybe she was an andriod :heh:


One of my fav parts was when you get down to that big lift that you had to wait for calling it alerts the guards where you are. I didn't have to fight much ... or at all but it was a good section and I had a good game plan. Took out the two guards in the halls before the room and managed to tranq both the gaurds in the room (after turning off turrent and camera :wink:) Then found 2 Concussion Mines and a Mine Templete which I used to make a Gas Mine (had two more Gas Gernades left). Used the vending machine in the Hall and a crate to block the side entrance set one Concussion Mine there, set the 2nd by the door and but the Gas one in the middle of the room then just hid behind the box near the elevator door.


The two concussions slowed down the gaurds bought me a fair bit of time. When the did come inside the Gas Mine took out 2. 4 more turned up later when gas had cleared so just tossed another and took out all 4 :D Nobody caught a glimpse of me, mahahahahaha



Boss fight went well as I said. Died twice due to running around trying to see what was in my surroundings I could use. When I noticed you could make her break some wires to electrify the floor I knew what to do. Played it safe though as didn't want to risk electricuting myself. So started by stunning her with PEPS (this does no damage to her), switched to Sun Gun (had LOADS of ammo saved) So picked off bits of her HP slowly while keeping her stunned with the stun gun. Toss a gas gernade which help speed things up then when she was around 200HP left went to one of teh circut breakers. Waited for her, as planned in she comes blows the wires floor goes electric and I jump and run to a safe spot....OVER :D[/spioiler]



Really liking teh twists the story seems to be taking too :D Looking forward to my next session :D



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Am I the only one left play this :heh:


Or the only one still talking bout it...either way I'll keep talking,mwhahahahahaha



Holy crap did not expect the Chopper to get shot out of the air.


Couldn't leave Malik behind either, it took a fair few more reloads than I would have liked but I managed to both save her fine ass and take out all enemies without killing a soul :D I R AWESOME :D


Had that glitch thing happen, no idea what is causing it, but I went to the LIMB clinic to get an upgrade....yet I get the feeling that might be a booby trapped "upgrade" that will bite me in the ass later in the game when I find out what is causing the glitches. But ah well, I've noticed at least once since teh glitch happened to NPC's but I was uneffected so, mahahahaha.


Did a few side quests, did one where I had to track down some rogue Belltower merchs, when I finally found them (nice making me search all the sewers not giving me a wayfinder :)) after a chat decided to let them go :D Seemed to work in my favour as the leader called in a favour to get some of teh street patrols off my back :)


2nd side quest was for some chick working for Darrow, finished that off fast and got n achivement "Ladies Man" for sweet talking info out of her :D


Then got on with the main quests, got into the Harvester building slowly made my way down taking out gaurds silently only to be greeted by Tong :mad: grrrr..... did him a favour then and saved his son and now at teh docks trying to get on a boat. Will do that tomorrow


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Perhaps this game isn’t doing that well on WiiU.. That would be a shame. I don’t have a WiiU, but when I get one, I’ll probably get this as well. Anyway, most of the people interested in this game have played it a long time ago ;). But keep posting, as it’s fun to read someone’s fresh experience with it.


As for the chopper, yeah.. Took me a few tries too. It’s particular tricky for someone with my playstyle. I had to use everything at my disposal. I had to load an earlier save just to get a gas grenade I left behind, but I succeeded eventually.

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I'm giving it a go, too. So good so far. But this is one tough game, it throws you in the deep end straight away. I'm near the beginning, but love all the side missions, and also love to just go for a wander to see what's happening. Not doing a stealth run, due to amount of arseholes pulling guns on me in sewers and what have you. It was all in self-defence your honour.


Up to the point where you infiltrate the Mercs base, got to the elevator and descended down to where I've met my first Mech. Awesome stuff.


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I went into Game today and it says that you can pre order it.


I thought it was out for the Wii U. Im not imagining this am I?


Yeah, it's been out for over 3 weeks now.


Just finished off Barrett, with a bit too much force whilst ducking and diving through the air ducts. Finished 2 of the side missions in Detroit also. One where you are trying to find the perpetrator of the Neuropozyene theft at Sariff, and shake down the gang bosses who are giving him a hard time. The other was giving Megan's mother a hand finding information on the events of her daughters death. Awesome. I'm going to China soon, but before that I want to clear up the mess of infiltrating one of the gangs, not planting evidence, and knocking out the leader so the police can arrest him, in effect to nail a crooked cop.



This really feels like Blade Runner meets 007. Having a whale of a time.

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As for the chopper, yeah.. Took me a few tries too. It’s particular tricky for someone with my playstyle. I had to use everything at my disposal. I had to load an earlier save just to get a gas grenade I left behind, but I succeeded eventually.


I wish I had a gas gernade, surely would have made things easier, :heh:


What I did was, I had one praxis point to use so I unlocked my 5th and final energy battery and used items to fill them up, then ran to the right side there is a crawl space though a wall, went through there, there's one enemy with bck to you, took him out with a take down.


Turned on Cloak, ran around corner took out one norml gaurd and two heavys with stun gun. Upstairs, take an energy bar, turn on cloak again stun 3 guards up there. Turn off cloak, up ladder stun sniper. Drop down run across to other side stun one guard on ground level, leg it up stairs take out last sniper.


Then get attention of robot try to get it away from any sleeping gaurds (I know splash damage deaths don't count but I'm being extra careful :heh:) toss an EMP, done :D


Took a number of times to get right (and a few trail runs to work out the plan and figure out where everyone was) as some times I'd miss a stun shot which was really annoying as waiting for reload is wasting cloak time :)




Finished 2 of the side missions in Detroit also. One where you are trying to find the perpetrator of the Neuropozyene theft at Sariff, and shake down the gang bosses who are giving him a hard time.


I actually told him to deal with the gang boss himself :heh:

the quest still completed though :D (though maybe there is a hidden achievement for going after the gang boss?)


Think I used the Social Enhancer Augmentation (CASIE) to "convince" him to deal with the gang boss himself :heh:




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I actually told him to deal with the gang boss himself :heh:

the quest still completed though :D (though maybe there is a hidden achievement for going after the gang boss?)


Think I used the Social Enhancer Augmentation (CASIE) to "convince" him to deal with the gang boss himself :heh:


Well, he gave me a choice and I happily went to take down the low-life drug dealing scum living in my backyard. Finished off a few of their other boys too, for good measure.:p Ahh, the power.

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It’s funny how we can have such different strategies even though we both play(ed) non-lethal stealth.. I maxed out a lot of things, but I didn’t bother with extra batteries or cloak at all. That last one is strange because I used it extensively in the first game..

Like I said, I loaded an earlier save just to get a gas grenade I didn’t think I would need at first.. One of the first things I did was throw an EMP at the robot (can’t believe you didn’t take that thing out immediately, it’s by far the most threatening thing out there), and throw a gas grenade near him, which would take out all the soldiers that were behind him. Then to the right I think, using stealth, and double takedowns on the first 2, then the stungun on the next while my takedown was recharging, then use that again for the next guy, then run to the sniper tower, take down the sniper guy, and then finally use my tranq gun to get someone I couldn’t get to easily.


I also rarely used weapons.. Even doing stealth and non-lethal, I would use silent takedowns pretty much exclusively, except in a situation like this.

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It’s funny how we can have such different strategies even though we both play(ed) non-lethal stealth.. I maxed out a lot of things, but I didn’t bother with extra batteries or cloak at all. That last one is strange because I used it extensively in the first game..

Like I said, I loaded an earlier save just to get a gas grenade I didn’t think I would need at first.. One of the first things I did was throw an EMP at the robot (can’t believe you didn’t take that thing out immediately, it’s by far the most threatening thing out there), and throw a gas grenade near him, which would take out all the soldiers that were behind him. Then to the right I think, using stealth, and double takedowns on the first 2, then the stungun on the next while my takedown was recharging, then use that again for the next guy, then run to the sniper tower, take down the sniper guy, and then finally use my tranq gun to get someone I couldn’t get to easily.


I also rarely used weapons.. Even doing stealth and non-lethal, I would use silent takedowns pretty much exclusively, except in a situation like this.



Oh yeah I've been mainly using takedowns too, only using Tranqs if I really must try take down someone from a distance and Stuns only if I'm ducked at a corner and someone is walking towards me I'll do a quick blind shot round corner if I feel a takedown might be risky.


Mainly trying to save ammo for the bosses seeing as I'm carrying little to no lethal weapons :heh: (I keep some lethals and ammo I find so I can sell them for credits later)


As for the chopper defence again...



The Robot I left till last cause I usually could get to the 3 guys that would be behind him before the robot was dropped in. So it never saw me allowing me to take down the men first and leave it till last. It never seemed to really threaten the chopper on its own. The two Heavygunners seemed to do more damage and I'd already have them sleeping when the robot entered


On a few "failed" runs I did use an EMP right away but found his exploding would kill a near by guard. Again I know the splash damage won't count but like I said.... I want to be sure everyone is just asleep :)


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Got on the boat....



WTF is up with taking away all my upgrades and then when you find your equipment I'm think, phew I can get all my augs back...but NO they only give you like 8 praxis kits when I've used like frakking 20 or more in game so far :mad:


That's a bit frakking harsh of the devs, don't mind having my gear stripped and having to find it BUT I expect when I do find it it'll all be there! :mad:

I had a load of augs maxed out too...my cloak, my batteries and recharge, my hacking rating and capture upgrades!, my inventory space!, my lungs, and prolly a few others I can't quite remember. Now I've barely got half of that!



Ammo too, I had a butload of Tranqs and Stun ammo saved up, when I got to the room with my weapons there was only 6 stun ammo and ZERO tranq darts, just the empty gun :mad:


Thought I would get to a point where I'd find the rest of my gear but just got off the boat and into the port and still only have a bare bones of augs reunlocked.



ah well got off the boat and just into the port and called it quits there last night.


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Woot, finally finished that section on the RBS Station after the boat....


Was told on Miiverse that this whole section was DLC for teh orginal release, damn they integrated that into the story well I wouldn't have guessed.


Big ass section too it was really enjoyed it...until I got to the point where I had to make a choice with the gas....for the greater good I decided to save Kavanagh and kill the prisoners :( Was a tough choice, can't believe there isn;t a way to save both :mad:


When I do a 2nd (lethal) playthrough I'll save the prisoners....though finding out now that it was DLC and not in the original game wondering if the choice even effects anything afterwards?


Anyway got to Singapore (and got all my Augs back AT LAST :D) and got all the way to the boss fight. I knew going to LIMB for that chip upgrade was gonna give me problems later...though didn't think it would give me such a HUGE problem at a boss fight *facepalm*


So had to fight Namir without my Augs and my HUD going NUTS :heh:


Took me AGES to figure out a good plan at first I just ran around trying to see if there was anything in the enviroment I could use. Found the Security Room and thought I could use the robots to attack him only to find out I couldn't cause the AUGs for that were down, damnit.


Didn't have any lethal ammo on me, tried to use the stun gun to hold him still which worked so well on the previous boss but he recovers faster than I can reload...damnot again.


Tried running round whole map using all the rooms (oddly the punch through walls aug still worked, :heh:) to try loss him then take pots shots when I got the chance. Used EMPs and Gas Gernades to try pick off his health (which thanks to my AUGs being offline I could not see his HP :heh:).


Finally I worked out he had a pattern ...........


.....OK stop looking at me like that, FINE, yeah I died so many times I almost gave up when I thought to check Youtube *the shame* and found a vid which showed if you stay on the ground floor Namor always travels anti-clockwise around the inner walls, so used that, waited at a corner and used my EMP/Gas Grenade combos (I had LOADS in stock :D) did pick up a Revolver and Machine Gun to help out a bit too which came in handy. In the end my final Gas Grenade finished him off....few that was tough.



Called it a night after the boss fight but looks like business is picking up and I'm prolly nearing the end now I guess so will pick up where I left off tomorrow :)

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Just finished this BEAUTY of a game for first time, all the way on normal mode (Give me a Challenge)


I type up full final impressions bout ending (and which one I went for..... any guesses?) tomorrow when i on my laptop and not my phone.


I am also saddened to report that I did not get the Pacifist award :mad:

those glitches i talked bout previously obviously screwed me, so pissed off at that. I know i tranqd them i swear i did. why they later appeared as dead i do not know but it screwed me big time :mad: was hopin to do a 2nd run at some point to do a lethal run but i just know i'll i'll now be OCD'd into going non-lethal again gggrrrrr.

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Played my second longest ever Wii U gaming session yesterday, until the GamePad's batteries turned red on me, and it's all down to this beauty of a game (over 3 hours if you ask).


Started the Chinese section and cracked on with a few side quests. Finished finding 'Ning', the Barman, from the Hive, wanted me to extort some lady for money, but I made her give up her augment and threw it back at the Barman. Then, I helped Malik, the pilot, find out the truth behind her friend's demise. This was all during pushing the main story plot onward a bit, until I got back to Alice Pod Gardens and the whole area is attacked by heavy duty gun toting Mercs intent on taking down a potential hacker rat. Didn't give him a gun to protect himself, he should carry his own piece, and those things don't come cheap, and he'd given me all the information I needed anyway. Was in the middle of escaping when life called me to see to things proper. Back on this in a couple of days time.


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I've had that glitch a few times, i wonder if its specific NPC's or locations which cause it? i reset loads in the detroit goign into gang territory, in this tunnel that had two guards i tranqued one then the other, the one nearest a barrel nearly always died from a tranq to the head.

when i finally got both to tranq correctly i went to an open area and tranq'd a guy near a flaming barrel and some broken cars and every time i shot him in the head with the tranq he died, in the end i gave up and walked past him stealthily

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Played my second longest ever Wii U gaming session yesterday, until the GamePad's batteries turned red on me, and it's all down to this beauty of a game (over 3 hours if you ask).


Started the Chinese section and cracked on with a few side quests. Finished finding 'Ning', the Barman, from the Hive, wanted me to extort some lady for money, but I made her give up her augment and threw it back at the Barman.


I got back to Alice Pod Gardens and the whole area is attacked by heavy duty gun toting Mercs intent on taking down a potential hacker rat. Didn't give him a gun to protect himself, he should carry his own piece, and those things don't come cheap, and he'd given me all the information I needed anyway. Was in the middle of escaping when life called me to see to things proper. Back on this in a couple of days time.






Didn't realise that was an option. I payed off the Barman to leave her alone (5000 credits) still got the Praxis Kit reward and got an extra acheivement (Gaurdian Angel) :)




Are you using the social enhancer augment for convos?


Oh interesting choice... I gave him the gun as a thanks for helping me out. Later in the game he contacted me and paid me back..... let me know if you hear from him again later, so I can see what is different



Actually on that one I decided not to pay the guy from LIMB who gave me info..... he said I'd pay for screwing him over but I don't think I ever heard from him again




I've had that glitch a few times, i wonder if its specific NPC's or locations which cause it? i reset loads in the detroit goign into gang territory, in this tunnel that had two guards i tranqued one then the other, the one nearest a barrel nearly always died from a tranq to the head.

when i finally got both to tranq correctly i went to an open area and tranq'd a guy near a flaming barrel and some broken cars and every time i shot him in the head with the tranq he died, in the end i gave up and walked past him stealthily


Oh well it's good to know I'm not the only one that happened to.


FYI it never happened to me again after I left Detroit for China for the first time so it might just be isolated to the post-Assembly Plant and pre-1st-china-visit part of the game.


I routinly checked every gaurd I downed that they had ZZzzzz's throughout tthe rest of the game and it never happened again.


I know the first time I saw it happen I was able to make it stop.


It was during the side quest for teh undercover cop, I had find some gang boss, outside his apartment was a gaurd I tranqd him and spotted he was "dead" after (But I did get XP points for "Merciful"), tried reloading and it kept happening, in teh end tried to take him down by hand but getting too close triggered a small convo with him telling me not to go any further. After that I tranqd him again and got the ZZzzzz's icon.


But the guys in the screen shots earlier in thread I had tranqd long before that section and only spotted Skull icon on my return to their area ages (and many saves later) so I just had to move on and hope it wouldn't have an effect.... it happened once more after that on the way to shutdown the broadcast signal in the gang area.



I was wondering actually this morning does "ending someones suffering" count against the Pacifist award? The Private Eye in one of teh side quests that asks you to end his suffering I actually talked out of wanting to die (later found out there is an acheivement for helping him die so was planning to do that on a 2nd play) BUT in the RBS station in the lab with Kavanagh there was a suffering patient who I did "help"... would that maybe have worked against me?



Spotted on the menu there is a New Game+ option now too....so does that mean I can start a new game and bring over all my Augs from previous game? Will my "kill" stats reset? Since I have most all augs unlocked might try blitz through it non-lethal (maybe ignore side quests to speed things up) and make full use of my maxed out Cloak and silent walking augs :D Might also help get that "Foxiest of Hounds" (set off no alarms) award...and teh award for completing hard mode :D



Anyway as for the end game




Really enjoyed Panchea. Man that section was full of tension, it was like the game became a Zombie Survival horror, it was brilliant :D Especially after the convo with Hugh Darrow and you have crazy people roaming the halls like zombies, LOVED IT :D


Was able to "talk" Darrow into giving me his codes too, don't think I failed to "convince" anyone all game, mwhahahahaha :awesome:


Found Taggart and Sarif too and listened to them both try to convince me of what to do so I knew the end game would involve a hell of a choice option.


Made my way downward, avoiding or tranqing the crazy folk (listening to some of their dialogue was funny :D) and reached the final boss.


Was prolly the easiest boss of the game. Didn't take me long to figure out how to beat it/her/them and did it on one go without dying or reloading.


Only parts that caught me off gaurd was I thought I had to remove the 3 girls in the machine and was waiting for some sort of context sensitive prompt, then I realised I hand to kill them :( Used my stun gun though :p


Did use a plasma rifle on Zhou though (the Pacifist decription said bosses don't count :heh:)


Then after that the choice.


Damnit it, on paper seems like a simple choice but damn what a moral dilema haha. I actually took a few mins to weight up the possible outcomes of each choice.I know it was only a game BUT....


Do I side with Darrow? All game I've been learning about and uncovering a conspiricy, something which should have been brought to light...but if I did so would I only end up playing Darrows pawn? If I exposed everything I learned would "mankind" turn racist/genocidal against "augmented-mankind", sure Augments could be used for evil means but the same could be said of any tech...would I deny normal people who had lost limbs or similar the chance to walk/write/see/etc again or for some born with physical defects maybe the first time?


Do I side with Taggart? Regulations and laws is something I would agree with, but doing it Taggarts way and allowing the Illumiati to continue shaping things in the background, centralising their power! Augmentation tech would still exsist and be allowed to progress but at what cost and to whose benifit?


Do I side with Sarif? Expose Taggart and his Humanity Front, blame the "virus" on them and allow companies like Sarif's free reign to fulfill their ideas of how to improve mankind...unregulated? Even if Sarifs intentions are noble he isn't the only Augment Tech company.



Or do I do nothing, do I blow the base up, sacrific everyone on board, Darrow, Taggart, Sarif, the "crazy" people I tried not to hurt earlier, the nurse in the LIMB clinic who survived the "hordes" and myself? Would it be better to not play pawn to Taggart or Sarif? Is the world better off not knowing about the Illuminatis plans to control the world with there new biochip and obey-signal? On the one hand I did save Kavanagh earlier at RBS she was going to expose Belltower's secret human kidnappings and experiments, that is something right, it might not be the whole conspiricy but at least it should both ruin and stop the Belltower side of things.



After all this debating with myself I decided to opt for option 4, I had no right to make mankind as a whole believe in any of the other 3 choices, controlling peoples minds and opinions through the media was another part of the conspiricy, for Jensen to become part of that side seemed wrong so in the end as Jensen said in his closing monologue I decided it best for mankind to make their own choice. (wonder does this option maybe count as everyone on the base then dying at my hand and that is what cost me the Pacifist award?)




Don't think I've ever had to internally debate so much how I wanted a game to end when given a choice haha :D


Was a bit upset it just ends after pressing the button though. Thought there might be a "countdown-escape" sequence so Jensen would have a chance of surviving, sad that he may never appear in any future games I liked him :(



Is one of the endings considered teh official "cannon" ending?





So yeah I waited through the whole credits and saw a hidden little convo/scene. Involving a Bob Page (I remember seeing his name on some emails at some point) and Megan Reed....so is she not the "victim" I thought she was? The little witch :mad:


I guess this was an easter egg pointing at events in the first game which takes place after this one?





Adams backstory, I really enjoyed those side quests that revealed his past which seemed to suggest he was experiemented on as a baby or maybe even grown in a lab? But we never learned the full truth, the whole thing just ends with that Alzimers old lady and nothing more is said about it :(


Was hoping to find out more about his past and thought it might be somehow linked to current events happening the games story.


Edited by Mokong
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