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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut


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I didn't get any more time on it yesterday, hopefully tomorrow!


I'll check my objectives yeah, pretty sure I would have at least been into the Captain's Office, just whether I checked his computer or not I don't know. Probably not because at first I thought hacking police computers might set off an alarm, but I did the ones on the top floor in the end and probably no others.


There's a laser grid in one of the airducts, maybe the Captain's is there somewhere.


Oh btw, how bloody noisy is the Police call room when you're walking around upper level looking down on it! My ears!


Yeah the next side quest is the one where you have to do some undercover work for your female cop friend.

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Yeah the next side quest is the one where you have to do some undercover work for your female cop friend.


Yeah, that is a nice big one and one of my favs. What I really loved is when I first went to the police station I was in her office and hacked her computer and found some emails that mentioned her "undercover work" not knowing it tied in with a side quest. When I got the call from Pritchard I remembered the name and knew exactly what to look for on where to find her :D

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Yeah, that is a nice big one and one of my favs. What I really loved is when I first went to the police station I was in her office and hacked her computer and found some emails that mentioned her "undercover work" not knowing it tied in with a side quest. When I got the call from Pritchard I remembered the name and knew exactly what to look for on where to find her :D
That's awesome! :D


I'm having trouble remembering some of the names in this game. I'm sure I'll pick them up.


So you hacked every computer in the station? I need to go back and do that then maybe, just for fun ;p Were you not worried it would set an alarm off first time? (I guess there's always the option to restart the save of course! damn, haha)


When I got the call and Pritchard said the street name, I was like what the hell, how on earth am I supposed to find where that street is!!??... I looked up at the nearest road sign outside the station, and there it was :P


Speaking of which... when do you come across Seurat the weapons dealer as a result of saving the hostages?

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That's awesome! :D


I'm having trouble remembering some of the names in this game. I'm sure I'll pick them up.


So you hacked every computer in the station? I need to go back and do that then maybe, just for fun ;p Were you not worried it would set an alarm off first time? (I guess there's always the option to restart the save of course! damn, haha)


Think her office was next to the Captains?


I hacked most of them, I think there were some offices on the top floor (same floor as Wagners I think) that I didn't bother with as I couldn't find a way in other than the door which needed a hack and couldn't take out the patrolling guards cause he always stayed near an office with glass wall full of other cop I think it was.


Though actually just remembered, that vent with laser grid you mentioned, the control panel for it I think was in one of the offices on the Captains floor


If you go through it you can follow it up and listen in on an interogation.... you have the option to enter the room it is happening in but if you're playing for stealth I wouldn't reccomend it :heh:


When I listened to the Directors Commentary on my 2nd play they said that it was meant to be the start of another side quest that they had to cut out. But they left that scene in as it gave the station more "life".



As for hacking office computers, I just made sure any patrolling guards weren't nearby when I hacked the comps. An alarm won't go off unless your hack gets traced or use up all your attempts (you do know you can cancel a hack if the trace is getting too close and the trace will also stop but you of course lose an "attempt". I did take some hacks right to the wire capturing the final node with less that half a second on the clock a few times on my first play... good rush that was, haha)



When I got the call and Pritchard said the street name, I was like what the hell, how on earth am I supposed to find where that street is!!??... I looked up at the nearest road sign outside the station, and there it was :P


Haha, yeah I was the same, even though I had an idea of who I was looking for would look like I had no idea where the street was. My first thought was to check the map but street names aren't marked :mad:.... then saw a sign post and though *facepalm*


Speaking of which... when do you come across Seurat the weapons dealer as a result of saving the hostages?


You actually don't come across him during the course of the game, you have to look for him. I actually never found him on my first play at all :heh: Did on my 2nd.


He's in an apartment building near the one that couple lives in. I think when you are doing part of the side quest for the undercover cop (Is it Jenny her name I think?) one of teh objectives is to find and knockout a gang guy called Double-T I think Seurat is in the same building on a lower floor.... I think.




Oh yeah I finished my 3rd play last night :D


Got the award for beating Namir without using an weapons....was trickier than I thought, once I figured out how it was easy....an funny :D


At the start I thought it would be as simple as getting to the security terminal and setting the robots to attack him for me, they did some damage but he bloody destroyed them very quickly.


Was hiding and thinking for ages what else could I use????? Remembered there was an exploding barrel and gas canister in the upper room on the other side so used those but he still had about 500-600HP left....bloody hell I'm out of options now am I? How is it possible to beat him with weapons if he can destroy teh robots????



Then I found some heavy creates in the room near the security room and thought.... can I use these? Turns out yes you can :D


Pick one up, toss it at him, it does damage AND knocks him to teh ground and he takes his time to get back up.... pick up the crate again and toss it at him again, rinse and repeat and you are basically smashing the guy over and over like a dead horse on the ground till you finally beat him :D




Still didn't get the award for reading the 29 "important" eBooks.... (the ones that give you the "Scholar" XP points when you read them) ... think I'll have to resort to GameFAQs for that one :( And there's still 4 "Hidden Acheivements" I don't have too...gggrrrr

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- Went back to the police station and I had already been into the Captains Office for the emails.

However, this time I also disabled the laser grid which I hadn't done before and I did this via hacking into the office on the first floor next to Haas.


- I also snuck into the room that gains you access to the armory! :)

I had to stungun the guard as I couldn't access the computer otherwise without him seeing even though I had a code.


- Question: What is the electric gun you get from the armory, can it be used on a stealth run, or can it potentially kill?


- I gave Megan's bracelet to her mum :)


- Did the O'Malley side quest!

So that was the apartment I accidentally broke into last time :p

This time I knew what was waiting for me and snuck in into the mine room very quietly ;) I like how you can do this with the mines, not setting them off.


- Successfully snuck into the other apartment where the guy I had to get for the police was. Was funny I opened the door to the bedroom crouched by the wall and they both got drawn out walking past me ducked for me to then go into the bedroom and wait for them to return one by one stunning them. The guys guys in the living room boring them were a bit troublesome, but I took them out from hiding under the table with the tranq rifle.


-Got into the gang territory and to the weapons cache without being seen. In via ladders and vents and back out through the sewers


- There's a place in the sewers with poison gas I couldn't get through.


- I then enjoyed going back and confronting O'Malley.


- Then did the next side quest where I met up with Zeke for some info ;)


- Then it was back into gang territory for the antenna.

Looks like there's a fun way you could get to it with the punch through wallls ability? but I don't have that yet. I actually made the jump over to the fire escape though!!! despite not having upgraded my jump. But yeah in the end I had to go in the more normal way past more mines.


- Off on the helicopter to my next mission :)


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- Question: What is the electric gun you get from the armory, can it be used on a stealth run, or can it potentially kill?


Is it called the PEPS? If yes then, no it is not a lethal weapon, it can knock back and knock out multiple guards.... though best at close range if trying to take out two or more as if one guard in in teh way of teh 2nd the 2nd will still get knocked down but won't get knocked out.


It does make a bit of noise so best to use when there no other guards nearby....it is a fun weapon try to use it at least once.....mega slow on the reload though.


- There's a place in the sewers with poison gas I couldn't get through.


The gas can be turned off if you find the valve for it.... think you need the wall punch?...Or there is an aug upgrade for Lungs that will negate gas effects



- Then it was back into gang territory for the antenna.

Looks like there's a fun way you could get to it with the punch through wallls ability? but I don't have that yet. I actually made the jump over to the fire escape though!!! despite not having upgraded my jump. But yeah in the end I had to go in the more normal way past more mines.


If you ever do a second play you can actually turn off the signal before you get the objective for it...like if you were doing the Jenny side quests and didn't yet get the quest for the signal.


It worth doing if you ever play through the game again, you get a nice little bit of dialogue for it. I remember listening to the Dev Commentary on 2nd play and one of them was saying one of their testers thought of this while replaying that section and thought the devs didn't think of it and thought he could break teh game if he turned off teh signal early and then got the dialogue and realised the devs had thought of the possibility :D


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Yeah that's the gun! It did sound like it might be a weapon I could use, but just making sure ;p sounds cool!


Ah right ok, I'll have to go back to that sewer place then.


haha yeah I did actually find the antenna whilst sneaking around (although I did already have the objective), but I found the rooftop jump and punchable wall before getting the objective... so I'll go that way next time through! :D

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Had about an hour on this earlier, am sneaking my way through the Highland Park facility (taking everyone/most of them out) and enjoying it very much! :D Got up to the two FEMA workers who question who I am.


So many ways to approach a room/area, it's so much fun!


(although I do get a bit confused with all these organisations)


Realising there'll be my first proper boss at the end of the level, and having only bought my stealth weapons to the level, I've been trying to gather machine gun ammo where I can from the guards :p

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Realising there'll be my first proper boss at the end of the level, and having only bought my stealth weapons to the level, I've been trying to gather machine gun ammo where I can from the guards :p


It is actually possible to beat the bosses with stealth weapons..... it is also possible to beat the bosses without using any weapons! (except the last) if you can manage to keep calm and explore the boss area without dying

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I love how this game is basically, IMO, Metal Gear Solid done right! :D

And it also reminds me of a First Person Shenmue aswell as Headhunter on the Dreamcast.


It is actually possible to beat the bosses with stealth weapons..... it is also possible to beat the bosses without using any weapons! (except the last) if you can manage to keep calm and explore the boss area without dying
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@Christmas Dinner

there is a side mission from the bartender where I have to go to 3 antenna... however this seems like a dodgy club, do I want to do this task? just seems odd, almost like working for a bad guy?


Also this club... there are level 5 doors to hack... do I come back here at any point, or just have to ignore them, because I'm not levelled up to 5 yet and I doubt many would be, also there is a bouncer looking at every door.

I did find a way into the backrooms of the club via the sewers and turned off 2 camera's with one computer and hacked the safe, but I couldn't get on the other computer without being seen (there's like 3 bouncers outside the window, I don't even know how I got in the office the first time), dunno if there's anything in those emails?


Gotta meet a contact for Malik, and then I think I'm all set to get on this shuttle! :)


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@Christmas Dinner
there is a side mission from the bartender where I have to go to 3 antenna... however this seems like a dodgy club, do I want to do this task? just seems odd, almost like working for a bad guy?


Also this club... there are level 5 doors to hack... do I come back here at any point, or just have to ignore them, because I'm not levelled up to 5 yet and I doubt many would be, also there is a bouncer looking at every door.

I did find a way into the backrooms of the club via the sewers and turned off 2 camera's with one computer and hacked the safe, but I couldn't get on the other computer without being seen (there's like 3 bouncers outside the window, I don't even know how I got in the office the first time), dunno if there's anything in those emails?


Gotta meet a contact for Malik, and then I think I'm all set to get on this shuttle! :)


1: The Bartender side quest, yeah you can do that, when you get to the person he wants you to find you then (after a chat) get to choose what you want to do... you can either force her to pay what she owes, you can hear her side of the story and take one of two or 3 other options on what to do...for example you get her to return the aug the triads gave her...there's another option but I'll let you figure that out


2: The Hack 5 doors in the club.... did you meet with Tong? I assume you did else you wouldn't have met with Van Bruggen (I assume you di as you mentioned Maliks side quest...another favourite of mine BTW), when Tong tells you to meet him in his office you should have been able to walk into most of those Hack 5/4 doors...I think the one by the entrance is the exception.


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Tong is the manager is he? If so I think I played the mission differently then.


I could have spoken to the manager on the top floor of the club and used my aug. abilities to influence the convo, however instead I chose to enter the basement via a guards pocket secretary I found in the toilet.


I then snuck into a vent and watched the conversation going on in the office.


Am I right, or have I got confused? :p

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OK I think you did something I never did in all my 3 plays......
haha, really!? 4th playthrough it is ;)

It was a cinematic cutscene that played when I was watching from the air vent so I thought it was what was meant to happen ;p


I'll speak to him on my second playthrough, makes sense it would give you a bit more access to the club.


Just got this and settling down with a few beers with it now; here goes!


Have a few drinks in game too and you're both good to go! :p Edited by Retro_Link
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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving this game! :D


Have just done the Convention Center stuff, and have just landed back at Sarif Industries.


I try to snipe guards with the tranq gun from vents but the reticle keeps disappearing, is there any way around this?
In what respect? The little T crosshair is always there right?


Unlike the stun gun for example where the reticle will turn red when in range, the tranq rifle just doesn't have one. Basically if you can see the person you can snipe them... however, sometimes a dart doesn't hit even when you think you have a direct line, presumably because it just clips something in very close range like a grill or the object you're sniping from.

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OK I'm at Panchaea... shit just got crazy!!


I'm SO curious now as to how differently the last few scenes might have played out if I hadn't made a certain decision I did in China...


After reading all the emails I did during my climb up Tai Young Medical (INCREDIBLE part of the game btw) about how all their aug. parts were failing and all the secrecy behind the projects, NO WAY was I gonna go to the L.I.M.B. clinic upon my return to China to get one of their new chips (secondary objective) as I thought something dodgy might be going on!... and damn did that turn out to be a good decision!!


Firstly Zhao wasn't able to use her switch on me before the boss fight, and now everyone's been brain washed!


I wonder how different the game gets otherwise?... or maybe there's just a very simple solution where Jenson isn't effected by the new chip anyway?




Cant believe I just had to watch a cutscene of her being shot and couldn't try and help!

Found her body in Tong's hideout... Maybe there's a chance she'll be back.


Also, that wasn't the reunion with Megan I was hoping for :/


I don't have much clue what's going on really, too many players/organisations involved that get muddled.


Game's great though!!


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Did a Terminator through the police station...everyone's dead...EVERYONE! :D


Lol, awesome, I must try that on a future play through... I guess you're not going Stealth then haha, how you finding the game so far?


OK I'm at Panchaea... shit just got crazy!!


I'm SO curious now as to how differently the last few scenes might have played out if I hadn't made a certain decision I did in China...


After reading all the emails I did during my climb up Tai Young Medical (INCREDIBLE part of the game btw) about how all their aug. parts were failing and all the secrecy behind the projects, NO WAY was I gonna go to the L.I.M.B. clinic upon my return to China to get one of their new chips (secondary objective) as I thought something dodgy might be going on!... and damn did that turn out to be a good decision!!


Firstly Zhao wasn't able to use her switch on me before the boss fight, and now everyone's been brain washed!


I wonder how different the game gets otherwise?... or maybe there's just a very simple solution where Jenson isn't effected by the new chip anyway?





If you really want to know the difference cause I was silly enough to get the upgrade on my very first play even though I knew (well had a good feeling that turned right) it would have a negative outcome sooner or later... I just didn't expect it would be such a facepalm of a frak up :heh:


Well teh initial "affect" is it does what it's advertised to do, it stops the "glitches", funny though you can still see others being affected by the glitches.


The main effect, as you prolly guessed is during the boss fight with Namir. Zhao pushes the button and all your augs shut down. You're HUD stops working, any upgrades you made to hacking levels will be gone (so you can't hack anything above level 1 anymore), even if you had AUD's to get into the security room and unlock the computer you won't be able to control the robot drones (or turn off camera). Your cloak.... yeah that's gone too and yu can't pick up heavy objects :heh:


Pretty much everything is gone, except the punch through walls aug, for some reason that doesn't shut down.


It certainly makes the fight with Namir a hell of a challenge, especially if it was your first time and have no idea what to do :heh: Took me AGES to beat him. Didn't think the developers would seriously buttfrak the player over so much, haha.


As for later, when you meet Megan after Adam gives out to her and says how Zhao nearly shut him down, Megan resets his chips, restores his augs and gives him something to block any future signals.... luckily just before Darrow uses his.








Cant believe I just had to watch a cutscene of her being shot and couldn't try and help!

Found her body in Tong's hideout... Maybe there's a chance she'll be back.


Also, that wasn't the reunion with Megan I was hoping for :/


I don't have much clue what's going on really, too many players/organisations involved that get muddled.


Game's great though!!


She won't come back, she's dead as dead can be, she was in Tongs hideout cause his gang were harvesting her aug (if you look close you can see there's a hole in her head where her one aug would have been).... YOU LET HER DOWN :mad:


As hard as it may seem it is actually very possible to save her during the ambush... it is even fully possible to do it in a stealth and non-lethal way. Took me a few reloads on my first play and trying to figure out best path and tactics to use


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are you playing on Wii U yeah?


When you look down sights on tranq rifle look at the gamepad screen :wink:


Ahhhhh....so simple! Thanks for that. It's really helped a lot. :grin:


Had a real blast (well, stealthy blast) on this the last few nights. Not too far into it yet, been focussing on the side missions mostly and exploring the city. I'm trying to do a kill-free run but I think I ballsed that up in the sewers when a guy I tranq'd fell in the electrified water. I've also come across the glitchy Cloak and Dagger mission. Ran around for an hour trying to find the last MCB guy to neutralise only to discover he's spawned to a spot on the map I can't get to.


Last night I spent nearly four hours exploring the Police HQ, silently taking out the cops and hiding them in the vents. I love the open nature of this game. Reminds me of Hitman 2 on the Cube.


Anyway, just creeping into the Derelict City section, on one of the main missions. Really enjoying the game so far. Glad I gave it a proper chance after returning my 360 rental copy after an hour.

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