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Donkey Kong Country Returns... Returns!


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Makes me laugh that people think this is a stupid thing for Nintendo to do.


Do people really think the development team are just working hard on this one game and nothing else and this is like a huge reveal of 'hey guys, here's what we've been spending all our time on!'.


I think not.


If this was announced as a big release at E3 then fair enough, not great. But this is just a great game for 3ds owners to have for their collection. If you've never played it like me - then brilliant. If you have, then play it again and love it as a handheld experience. Alternatively, shove the Wii disc in and play it. And a further alternative to that folks - just don't buy it at all. ::shrug:


At least we're getting solid games being added to the 3ds library. I'd rather that than have nothing to play on at all or mediocre games being made for it. Port or not.

And yes, I'm getting riled.

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Makes me laugh that people think this is a stupid thing for Nintendo to do.


Do people really think the development team are just working hard on this one game and nothing else and this is like a huge reveal of 'hey guys, here's what we've been spending all our time on!'.


I think not.


If this was announced as a big release at E3 then fair enough, not great. But this is just a great game for 3ds owners to have for their collection. If you've never played it like me - then brilliant. If you have, then play it again and love it as a handheld experience. Alternatively, shove the Wii disc in and play it. And a further alternative to that folks - just don't buy it at all. ::shrug:


At least we're getting solid games being added to the 3ds library. I'd rather that than have nothing to play on at all or mediocre games being made for it. Port or not.

And yes, I'm getting riled.


And thats the biggest point. Its about filling the 3DS library with a mixture of a varied genre of games. Like what we had with the DS. The 3DS is is now getting to the place which we all knew it would.

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And thats the biggest point. Its about filling the 3DS library with a mixture of a varied genre of games. Like what we had with the DS. The 3DS is is now getting to the place which we all knew it would.


Well, it has quite an abundance of RPGs and platformers, so it doesn't quite apply to this game.

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Surprise announcement. I own a Wii and a Wii U and never played DKCR. I will therefore be picking this up for my 3DS. I prefer playing platformers on handhelds anyway.


Im looking forward to it.


I owned a Wii and now a Wii U, never have played DKCR, and it shall be mine on 3DS, too.

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I might buy this game...

If Nintendo change DK's voice. Seriously, he sounded perfect in the N64 era, why the fork did they make him sound like... well, I can't put this any more plainly: a retarded Scooby Doo.


I can't remember what he sounded like in DK64 but in Mario Kart 64 he sounded like an elephant so I prefer his new voice. Plus he's voiced by the same person who does Ganondorf's voice which is pretty awesome :D

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Didn't finish the Wii game, but I'm still going to buy this no doubt. I thought that 3D trailer looked great, even though the quality of the final product would be much better than what was shown on the video.


Also that 3D video had to install some extra data, and it also has a notification bar along the bottom of the touch screen. They planning something later on?

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Also that 3D video had to install some extra data, and it also has a notification bar along the bottom of the touch screen. They planning something later on?


All the downloadable trailers do that.


It's so if you have notifications turned on if anything new related to the game appears on the eShop you'll get a notification to tell you about it. Or for when the game is actually released and in shops and in the eShop

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All the downloadable trailers do that.


It's so if you have notifications turned on if anything new related to the game appears on the eShop you'll get a notification to tell you about it. Or for when the game is actually released and in shops and in the eShop


Oh right, thanks. Don't remember seeing that on the other trailers.

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For everyone saying 'this is my chance to buy it now' etc... why not just go out and buy the better Wii version?





Diary of a Hardcore Fan who only made one damn Diary Video! ;) *BOOOOOOO*


(I joke, but I was looking forward to them)


Loved the NSMBWii joke! :D

Edited by Retro_Link
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For everyone saying 'this is my chance to buy it now' etc... why not just go out and buy the better Wii version?




DKC with no waggle controls!


Some people just prefer handheld gaming.


...people have their reasons. I, for one, would prefer to have a game in portable form whenever possible, too.

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No one knows if the Wii version will be the 'better' version yet?


And if it is then maybe I will.

But personally, I'd rather play it on the go - especially when it looks suited to 3d and a handheld so well. Minus those stupid tacked on waggle controls people are talking about and the 3ds version sounds the more appealing, imo.


Also, it's probably still an expensive game to buy on the Wii no doubt.

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I didn't get why people were so impressed by this, other than a couple of levels (that one water level with the octopus was pretty good) I thought it was bland with a terrible difficulty curve.


It also felt like fans of the old series were ignored with the exclusion of pretty much every character (but I'm sick of having this same argument so I'll accept the bullshit 'outdated 90s characters' thing)


This made sense when I assumed it was a straight port, but the fact they're building it from the ground up is ridiculous, they should have made a sequel or remade a game that isn't two years old.


I hope it tanks but it won't because people seem to prefer all these bloody 2D platformers. Just take the NSMB series, it makes me sick to think how much more copies they sold compared to the galaxy games.

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I didn't get why people were so impressed by this, other than a couple of levels (that one water level with the octopus was pretty good) I thought it was bland with a terrible difficulty curve.


It also felt like fans of the old series were ignored with the exclusion of pretty much every character (but I'm sick of having this same argument so I'll accept the bullshit 'outdated 90s characters' thing)


This made sense when I assumed it was a straight port, but the fact they're building it from the ground up is ridiculous, they should have made a sequel or remade a game that isn't two years old.


I hope it tanks but it won't because people seem to prefer all these bloody 2D platformers. Just take the NSMB series, it makes me sick to think how much more copies they sold compared to the galaxy games.


When I first stated playing it, I wasn''t impressed because it felt so different from the original games that it seemed wrong to use the name and I was annoyed at it for not being what I felt I was being sold - a continuation of the series of sorts. Once I got past that, I was able to see it for what it was and that was a very, very fun game with a couple of repeating level themse that weren't needed (too many rocket barrel and mine cart levels) and poor bosses.


But I don't know why they couldn't just do new levels, or even remixes, with the exact same themes. Donkey Kong Land 2 is easily my favourite GB game and it's basically a remixed version of DKC2. All the same themes and ideas as the original but differently laid out levels. That's what this should have been.


I seem to recall reading that the lead level designer left after the completion of the game but they must have other talented people there to pick up the slack and no doubt they've hired new blood as well.

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I didn't get why people were so impressed by this, other than a couple of levels (that one water level with the octopus was pretty good) I thought it was bland with a terrible difficulty curve.

That sounds like the Donkey Kong Country games to me. :p

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