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When are we going to get some Wii U games released?


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Am I the only one that is completely underwhemed by the games currently available? Overall a pretty poor release line up.


Aside from Zombi U (which I think is superb - although flawed and needing a patch), the only games that are available are either broken / poor quality ports from other systems or rehashes of Wii games.


The eshop is a complete waste of time. Yes, it will improve but why not, at the very least, have it packed full of Wii U V.C. from launch?


My Wii U is quickly gathering dust from lack of use and that is not good with something I paid around 400 pounds for (including games and accessories). I was looking forward to Aliens but........the Wii U version isn't being released at the same time as other formats.


When are the games coming????

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Got to agree. It's not just the Rayman thing but the amount of developers who say that they won't be porting their games to Wii U is really worrying. You'll have to go elsewhere to play the likes of Bioshock, Crysis, GTA etc and these are the games that Nintendo really should have secured if they want their console to be taken seriously.


Looking at the release line up, with the delay of Scribblenauts and Rayman, I can honestly say I'll be buying nothing until Pikmin 3 comes out and who knows when that is coming, or if it'll be delayed.


Really poor showing.

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I agree with the lack of content. Spending all that money on a new console only for it not being used isnt that good. The eshop does need sorting out and i dont understand why they are staggering virtual console releases. Why not just release it fully now and then just have different games on at the cheap price?


Me personally im ok. Ive still hot Zombi U to play through along with xenoblade to finish. I dont have that much money to spend on games anyway so i tend to prioritise buying 1st party stuff.

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Just twiddling my thumbs until this puppy comes out in just over a month's time...




Loved this on Wii but really it's a glorified port. Capcom ain't what they used to be. While I know it'll be good, I feel they're ripping us off and they could do alot more with the game.


As regards game releases, it's a sorry state of affairs.

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Loved this on Wii but really it's a glorified port. Capcom ain't what they used to be. While I know it'll be good, I feel they're ripping us off and they could do alot more with the game.


I agree with Wii on this one. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is a port of a 3DS remake/expansion of a Wii game. I'm looking forward to it but it's hardly a brand new game for the Wii U.

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I agree with Wii on this one. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is a port of a 3DS remake/expansion of a Wii game. I'm looking forward to it but it's hardly a brand new game for the Wii U.


If the 3DS had online I probably wouldnt of bothered with the Wii U version. The 3DS version will get the majority of my playtime.

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Guessing I am in the minority here, but am more than happy with my Wii U launch so far. Clocked up 10 hours play on the first day, 80+ in December, just under 80 in January too, and still have the COD single player campaign to play. I think maybe they made a mistake on launch with so many games being released, though having not touched my xbox since Arkham City still thinking ME3 is a good shout to pick up something, and the whole Rayman debacle just means I can pick up MH3 on Wii U and 3DS without sacrificng a wedding gift for my brother! :D

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When you buy a console this early into it's life cycle, the joke's on you if you expect regularly using it. All consoles are shitty for the first couple of years, that's just how it goes... and it's also why I'll never buy a console at launch ever again... Paying more to play less makes little sense to me.

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When you buy a console this early into it's life cycle, the joke's on you if you expect regularly using it. All consoles are shitty for the first couple of years, that's just how it goes... and it's also why I'll never buy a console at launch ever again... Paying more to play less makes little sense to me.


The dreamcast says hi :grin:

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The dreamcast says hi :grin:

Isn't the Dreamcast's launch a bit silly though. Due to the delay between Japanese and our launch, we got the second wave of games as our launch titles with the first wave


If your WiiU is gathering dust this fast, you should probably put the hoover round a bit more...

Yeah, my room does collect dust easily :p

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I bought a Dreamcast for Soul Calibur, Sonic and Metropolis Street Race. I regret nothing.


Wacky Races is probably the best kart/crazy racing game ever made (I class Mario Kart DS as more technical than 'crazy').

Edited by Daft
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You mean the console that was selling for ~75£ 3 years after it launched? The same one everyone else paid 200£ for? Yeah. that's the best possible example of you why you shouldn't ever buy a console at launch.


That's not the argument is it. The dreamcast launch in the west was unrivalled. If you bought a dreamcast on release day you were set and had no problem until the console died as the amount of high quality games released on the dreamcast in such a short space of time was incredible.

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