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Mario Kart U


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Aside form the Arcade games, the only MK I haven't played is 7.


Of all the rest, 64 is my favourite and I have to say that Wii was probably my second favourite (when played with a GC pad anyway) - my biggest gripe with Wii was that 12 players made races too chaotic thanks to weapon usage. The horrendous cheating that plagued the original bugged me from day one and whist others are guilty of it, this one always came across as worse for it.



As for what I would like in MK U, I've no idea really. After the fun that was 64, a return to mode 7 in SC did me no favours and DD was just not good at all - even my mate who is a massive MK fan, and bought a GC soley for it, found that one lacking.


I hope this version features some tracks inspired by Mario Galaxy as that could lead to some very interesting designs.

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I like the 1 long track idea seen in MK7. I think we'll see more of those in Mario Kart U as the casuals can then race around WuHu island firing blue shells aplenty.


Also - I really enjoyed using the Wii Wheel and found the nuance of it surprisingly arcadey. I think it's a given that the wheel/motion control will return to appease those who experienced their first Mario Kart on Wii.


Nintendo should just go all out and add a casual mode called rubber band mode! Here every racer is linked by un-snappable rubber bands and it all goes mental as the racers scramble for the finish line!

Edited by tapedeck
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I like the 1 long track idea seen in MK7. I think we'll see more of those in Mario Kart U as the casuals can then race around WuHu island firing blue shells aplenty!


I would quite like a Mario Kart where all the tracks are one long track - they were some of my favourites in 7. Would keep things fresh.

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The rubber-banding needs to be sorted. It was ridiculous in MK7 being pelted with lightning bolts and blue shells constantly, even on the 50cc difficulty. So I hope that given the extra grunt under the hood of the Wii U they can, you know, actually code some proper AI in there that isn't cheap (although they should have been doing this since the GC days so it seems like laziness on Nintendo's behalf with sorting this one out).


Simple solution: have an option to turn it on an off. Like Sonic Kart did.

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I'd love online chat while racing with others, that would be amazing. Would love an adventure mode a la' Diddy Kong racing too - not that it would ever happen but its nice to dream! Oh and some gorgeoues orchestral music....I'm getting sick of a crappy midi music on recent MK games!

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I would just like more of Mario Kart Wii but with added voice chat. I loved Mario Kart Wii, and although I hated the blue shell I understand why it's there. Mario Kart is a game for everyone and overall the better players will come out on top, but it gives a chance to the lesser players. The only Mario Kart where you could totally destroy the opposition was the SNES version, ever since then there has been the significant chance of an upset!

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I'd like to see some more dynamic tracks (Earthquakes, terraforming landscapes, track destruction etc) and tracks where you can take cheesy shortcuts like in Mario Kart 64 (none of this nonsense where Lakitu stops you from skipping part of the track, like when you try to drop down from part of the spiral in Wario Stadium in Double Dash - I want to be able to quasi-cheat and put nasty traps where players might fall down and have to repeat part of the track again, like in Wario Stadium N64 :D )


Also a mode where 4 players can race while a 5th player with the Gamepad acts as a "game master" of sorts and can screw over or help other players by placing bad/good items and traps around the track :) (otherwise, 5 player local play would be very sweet)


There could also be a 4 vs 1 battle mode where the TV players have to work together to fight against an overpowered Gamepad player (who has a visibility and health advantage over the TV players :) )


The core gameplay would stay pretty much the same though, outside of the usual physics tweaks that ever MK game has (speaking of which, I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of weighty feel that SMK and DD had return in some way) and some new items (amisdt the usual cry for the feather to return ;) )


Online wise, just expand on what you did with MK7, with greater customisation, official worldwide live tournaments, the ability to make your own online tournaments (with a Spotpass reminder notification being sent out to participants an hour before the starting time and results being saved on your community page for all to see :) ), voice chat (friends/communities only if you must) and the return of MKDS' Mission Mode (with new missions added over time via Spotpass - REAL DLC, none of this fakey nonsense you pulled with MKWii and it stays on your system forever!)

Edited by Dcubed
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A lot of the responses in this thread really worry me. :shakehead

All I can do is hope and pray that Nintendo don't catch on to some of these ludicrous requests and go and completely destroy Mario Kart.


Amen to that! Mario Kart needs to be spot-on and more of what people love, not some bizarre adventure down a new path that will alienate the masses.


Mario Kart is instantly accessible and fun but has hidden depths - and that's the way it needs to stay. It's a system seller and Nintendo needs it to be in order to boost Wii U sales.

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TBH I don't get why people wouldn't want it to change.


It is becoming really tedious.

There's nothing wrong with keeping the fundamental game play the same - but please can they just add some more content for the single player.


If it wasn't for the N-E league, I personally wouldn't play this with anyone else.

There's just not much fun to be had anymore in replaying the same levels against the computer when you have to play through each class to unlock everything (usually).


Also, who enjoys playing 50cc?! Surely, no one looks forward to 50cc haha.

I get why it's there what with it being a slower pace for youngsters etc, but why must we HAVE to play through it to unlock everything?


I'd just like a proper mission mode that builds on the DS version, I'd like to see the removal of the Wuhu Island tracks (although these are totally obviously gonna be the 3ds retro tracks :indeed: ) and I'd like faster carts. 150cc just does not feel all that fast to me.


Item customisation would be great, just to give you a different view of racing - it adds to the tedium when you're first all the way through a track and bang, blue shell. It happens every race and it's just a cheap way to help the AI.


I'd also like to see the Ice Flower next time. 3 shots to fire, when you hit someone they freeze in a block of ice momentarily (rather than spin out). That'd be cool.


It'd also be nice if we could see more of the air / water sections included - only this time maybe make the vehicles feel slightly different when in the air / underwater. And why can't we have items specific to the terrain? Or items that react differently when underwater or in air?!


Just a few thoughts really. Nothing that 'breaks' the formula, just adds to it. That's what it's crying out for imo. More content.

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