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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Pretty good then.




I can't recall if it was here or elsewhere but I recall @Shorty mentioning about the devaluing of giving 'top' scores too often. To see so many on there doesn't strike me as necessarily being a good thing - I don't think I'll find them worth as much as possibly a review without a perfect score tbh. Having said that I don't really need a review or anything with the game on its way to us tomorrow!


Did get me thinking though - when did the Skyward Sword review from Edge come out? I recall reading that and it doing well for some of my hype for the game; but it was certainly around earlier than a day or two before? Makes me wonder why you'd leave it so tight when Zelda's a main offering for Switch- unless ofc it is actually Switch related.

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Played this for an hour. Can't believe it got so many 10/10s.

Should've gotten 15/10s :D


To get this out of the way, some things I don't like:


  • Inventory management, both in the dedicated inventory menu and the quick menus. It's a bit clunky.
  • Stamina - I understand that it's used as a device to limit your traversal and it's a nice design choice. However, you should be able to have unlimited sprint distance. Getting around seems a bit slow for now, but that's just my personal thing.
  • Button configuration - I'd love to change things up a bit


Very minor things, though a little annoying.


Other than that it's been a blast so far and I can't wait to see what this game has to offer. :)

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Reviews are very promising, I'm so excited :D Although Amazon haven't yet shipped my Wii U copy, I imagine it'll be coming with Amazon Logistics at some point tomorrow then :)


Getting in on the 3D Zelda rankings (I can't split most of them!)


1) Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask

2) Twilight Princess

3) Wind Waker/Skyward Sword


I love them all in all honesty!


Are we going to have a spoiler/non-spoiler thread or are we going to keep everything in here?

Edited by Mr-Paul
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Played this for an hour. Can't believe it got so many 10/10s.

Should've gotten 15/10s :D


To get this out of the way, some things I don't like:


  • Inventory management, both in the dedicated inventory menu and the quick menus. It's a bit clunky.
  • Stamina - I understand that it's used as a device to limit your traversal and it's a nice design choice. However, you should be able to have unlimited sprint distance. Getting around seems a bit slow for now, but that's just my personal thing.
  • Button configuration - I'd love to change things up a bit


Very minor things, though a little annoying.


Other than that it's been a blast so far and I can't wait to see what this game has to offer. :)


Agreed with all of the above ( apart from the 15/10 comment), especially the stamina. It's a pain in the backside having to stop and start running all the time.


I'm finding the combat to be very stiff and clunky but that could just because I'm used to playing Nioh at the moment. I keep trying to roll and dodge but it just ain't happening. :D


Just randomly came across some MASSIVE enemy that came out of nowhere. Needless to say I pegged it!

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I thought you could swap X and B? Full control would be nice though.


You can and I did. But complete button reconfiguration would be better, at least for me.


And yeah Gamexplain hated the inventory navigation. Gets worse as you progress apparently.


Yeah, I can see how it will get worse. Which may become really annoying as I fear you have to rely on your inventory a lot.


But I guess it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.


Agreed with all of the above ( apart from the 15/10 comment)


I was only joking ;) Way too early to judge the game.


It's a pain in the backside having to stop and start running all the time.


Yeah it is. Got annoying very quickly...


I'm finding the combat to be very stiff and clunky but that could just because I'm used to playing Nioh at the moment.


Could be but I have to agree even though I haven't played Nioh in a while.

Edited by drahkon
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Even though i had a dispatch email (or two) yesterday, i had another 3 dispatch emails come today from Shopto. All with different dispatch codes and the same order number. Dropped Shopto a quick message to see why they keep spamming me with dispatch notices, they said it's just in case it was sent to my junk inbox. Did ask when my copy of Breath of the Wild was dispatched, they said it was 3pm this afternoon and not 12pm yesterday. Cheers for getting my hopes up for a day early play-through.


Still, can't complain. Been busy all day today anyway.

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>See Hero-of-Time has posted in thread

>am dissappoint to see it isn't to say he's just finished off the final boss ;)


Are we going to have a spoiler/non-spoiler thread or are we going to keep everything in here?


Was just thinking about this myself, was contemplating editing the title of this to say potential spoilers but ask people to post and use spoiler tags? Of course I've seen people say spoilers aren't so great on the Tap-a-talk app thingy so I dunno - what do people want? One thread or two??


Or if anyone's particularly keen on it they could create a 'non-spoiler' thread and we'll see how it goes?

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>See Hero-of-Time has posted in thread

>am dissappoint to see it isn't to say he's just finished off the final boss ;)




Was just thinking about this myself, was contemplating editing the title of this to say potential spoilers but ask people to post and use spoiler tags? Of course I've seen people say spoilers aren't so great on the Tap-a-talk app thingy so I dunno - what do people want? One thread or two??


Or if anyone's particularly keen on it they could create a 'non-spoiler' thread and we'll see how it goes?

I say let's keep this one spoiler free and create a new one for those who have the game already.

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Personally I'd rather keep all Zelda chat in one thread, less confusing, but whatever the majority want.


How would people know when to venture into a spoiler thread? If I want to talk about something 5 hours in, but someone else has posted about something 30 hours in. So yeah I'd just suggest this thread with spoiler tags giving vague hints on the kind of spoiler.

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Personally I'd rather keep all Zelda chat in one thread, less confusing, but whatever the majority want.


How would people know when to venture into a spoiler thread? If I want to talk about something 5 hours in, but someone else has posted about something 30 hours in. So yeah I'd just suggest this thread with spoiler tags giving vague hints on the kind of spoiler.

The point is that the spoilers aren't hidden on mobile apps, so many of us who browse the forum using Tapatalk, for example, sometimes can't avoid the spoilers. At least if there was a separate thread specifically for marked spoilers I'd know not to even open it.

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Have a separate thread, but put spoiler tags in it, and mention where in the game you are, so people know they can peek or not.




What's with your name?


I mean, it is catchier than bob, granted.


EDIT: Never mind, I went to the other Switch thread. I understand now.

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Personally I'd rather keep all Zelda chat in one thread, less confusing, but whatever the majority want.


How would people know when to venture into a spoiler thread? If I want to talk about something 5 hours in, but someone else has posted about something 30 hours in. So yeah I'd just suggest this thread with spoiler tags giving vague hints on the kind of spoiler.


That's a very good point.


I think maybe the way to go is to continue this thread with spoiler tags (and those using tapatalk will have to avoid/be careful) and then maybe have a thread where people can openly discuss spoilers once they've completed the game?


I think that would be a fair way to stop people on tapatalk being burnt on end-game spoilers if they come in this topic.

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I'm kinda sad that I won't get to play BotW right now, as I normally always get home console Zelda games on release... But I just can't see myself playing it on the WiiU (unless it turns out it plays alright on there, but even then...), and I can't justify buying a Switch right now.


I really hope the game is great and that more great games are released for the console, so that I'll have a reason to invest in it in the future. :)


Now I just have to stay spoiler free somehow!

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