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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Hello everybody! This game got announced in a Nintendo Direct this year and it's out this year. Wasn't this the same game that got released in stills as was Yoshi's Yarn? I don't remember seeing any footage of Yoshi's Yarn since or after. When's that coming out? Yet, miracles of miracles we're getting Wind Waker with all its upgrades. How is that even possible? There is a God.


So this time next year we'll be getting our new Zelda. Yes? I didn't think so.

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Hello everybody! This game got announced in a Nintendo Direct this year and it's out this year. Wasn't this the same game that got released in stills as was Yoshi's Yarn? I don't remember seeing any footage of Yoshi's Yarn since or after. When's that coming out? Yet, miracles of miracles we're getting Wind Waker with all its upgrades. How is that even possible? There is a God.


So this time next year we'll be getting our new Zelda. Yes? I didn't think so.


Sorry was there a point you were trying to make in there?


HD remake of a game that already exists in 'doesn't take too long to be released' shocker! Yarn Yoshi can wait till next year, they probably want to take their time and there's plenty being released in the next few months anyway.

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Sorry was there a point you were trying to make in there?


HD remake of a game that already exists in 'doesn't take too long to be released' shocker! Yarn Yoshi can wait till next year, they probably want to take their time and there's plenty being released in the next few months anyway.


It's in there somewhere. What did we see of Yoshi's Yarn at E3 and yet here's Wind Waker announced at the same time coming out in less than a year. Supposedly they were nearly going to show the new Zelda at E3 so going by Wind Wakers epic development we'll be getting the new Zelda by next Christmas.I'm drinking so excuse me please.

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I think the sailing speed was never the issue - its the fact that whenever you do get somewhere 80% of the time its a crappy island with unnecessary, time wasting holes to crawl through and what not, for the sake of a measly rupee chest or something.


I wouldn't mind sailing for a few minutes if its worth while. Thinking back all there really were was Windfall, Outset and Forsaken Fortress... Just thinking about it just reminds me of how broken and barren this game was.


The adventure element is just sub-standard compared to Hyrule and Termina.

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Fans want an expansive world and for the game to feel like a big adventure, yet they want to be able to travel to the four corners of the world map within seconds, I don't get it. Sail somewhere in super-fast-forward mode and the game feels cheap and small-time, IMO. And don't get me started (again) on not needing to change the wind direction with it.


I actually think OOT was a good size to explore. As King V said, it's really the emptiness more than the size that is an issue. I spent half an hour planting three pearls. There was no reason for the islands to be so far apart, or for the islands to just have the statue on. If they contained a mini dungeon/quest it would have felt more fun, but it felt like a chore.


If the ocean had islands and ships to board, with quests and mini games and puzzles, you could explore as your being asked to go from the top of the map to the bottom simply because Nintendo decided to place the islands there.

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It'd be a lot easier to take your complaints seriously if you didn't go OTT on time estimates. "Half an hour" to plant three pearls actually takes about 5 minutes. You're really complaining that the islands are so far apart? Plus it gave us that awesome triforce/Tower of the Gods cutscene.

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Half an hour because I kept getting cycloned away :p plus I was including the cut scenes and travelling from the original island.


And yes I'm complaining that the islands are unnecessarily so far apart. Even Nintendo has admitted that the original game was literally too big for the console to handle (hence sailing was so slow).

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I actually think OOT was a good size to explore. As King V said, it's really the emptiness more than the size that is an issue. I spent half an hour planting three pearls. There was no reason for the islands to be so far apart, or for the islands to just have the statue on. If they contained a mini dungeon/quest it would have felt more fun, but it felt like a chore.


If the ocean had islands and ships to board, with quests and mini games and puzzles, you could explore as your being asked to go from the top of the map to the bottom simply because Nintendo decided to place the islands there.


I think Majora's Mask nailed it for me. Obviously a lot smaller than Wind Waker's sea, but it actually had stuff to do everywhere.


In fact, scratch that, Wind Waker's overworld was not big. It was just deceptive. Small islands separated by long stretches of blue with no landmarks in between. It was just some kind of trick; once they created the sea, all they needed to do was input the length of time sailing in one direction to reach somewhere. That's not really engaging for the player. I'd have been much happier if the world was smaller, but rather than a scripted sea with random enemy spawns they could have actually put more landmarks in and stuff to do.

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Majora's Mask had a ton of stuff to do in Clock Town but the actual world was quite barren. In fact it was very similar to Skyward Sword in the sense that at least three of the four lands felt like obstacle courses to get to the dungeon. Especially the swamp and canyon.


Say what you will about Wind Waker's overworld, it allowed for the purest case of exploration since the original LOZ, with the whole world open up from the very beginning. You felt like you were on an adventure, and I'd take that any day over SS's attempt to dumb things down by sandboxing three areas.

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Majora's Mask had a ton of stuff to do in Clock Town but the actual world was quite barren. In fact it was very similar to Skyward Sword in the sense that at least three of the four lands felt like obstacle courses to get to the dungeon. Especially the swamp and canyon.


Say what you will about Wind Waker's overworld, it allowed for the purest case of exploration since the original LOZ, with the whole world open up from the very beginning. You felt like you were on an adventure, and I'd take that any day over SS's attempt to dumb things down by sandboxing three areas.


I agree. Wind Waker should be the standard for how things are spaced out, even if it's on land.

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Majora's Mask overworld wasn't bland; while technically much smaller it had a lot of stuff to do across the vast majority of it (unlike OoT). Also remember that in the place of overworld were lots of cool connecting zones that had content in it, which wasn't seen in Wind Waker. Most of the islands in Wind Waker, bar a few and those with dungeons, weren't really that large either.


Navigation in Wind Waker was sailing across identical blue sea with a random generator in place for monsters. It was cheap, and after a little while got boring. It was made worse by having to stop to change the wind direction - a lot more jarring and less fun than turning Epona with the control stick.


It comes down to whether you really felt like you were navigating an ocean, or whether you saw it as a cheap method of making a game seem a lot larger than it actually was. Unfortunately I fell into the latter group.

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The faster sail in HD also removes the need to change wind direction BTW, it works in any direction (physics yay!)


I love how the thing that was meant to be the big "thing" in the game (Wind Waker *cough cough*) has now been almost entirely ret-conned. Still can't believe that they didn't spot it as a bad idea originally.

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I love how the thing that was meant to be the big "thing" in the game (Wind Waker *cough cough*) has now been almost entirely ret-conned. Still can't believe that they didn't spot it as a bad idea originally.


Well they're saying its because the Cube couldn't handle the ocean of that size, so it had to be slowed down. But in order to make sure players "appreciate" the faster sail, you don't get it until you've done the Temple of the Gods (or whatever it was called).


Bit of a silly move IMO.

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Well they're saying its because the Cube couldn't handle the ocean of that size, so it had to be slowed down. But in order to make sure players "appreciate" the faster sail, you don't get it until you've done the Temple of the Gods (or whatever it was called).


Bit of a silly move IMO.


I just think about how much better the sea was handled in Phantom Hourglass and I shudder at the idea of going out into a sea that is more blank that TP's world map.



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Majora's Mask had a ton of stuff to do in Clock Town but the actual world was quite barren. In fact it was very similar to Skyward Sword in the sense that at least three of the four lands felt like obstacle courses to get to the dungeon. Especially the swamp and canyon.


Say what you will about Wind Waker's overworld, it allowed for the purest case of exploration since the original LOZ, with the whole world open up from the very beginning. You felt like you were on an adventure, and I'd take that any day over SS's attempt to dumb things down by sandboxing three areas.


Barren? There's loads of stuff everywhere in MM! The swamp has the boat trip place, the woods, the scrub shooting minigame, one of don gero's frogs, a skulltula place iirc, the song of soaring, the butler's chase thingy, heart piece or chest or something in/near the temple area and probably more I've forgotten. It's got loads more than TP or SS imo.

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The sailing and exploration were one of my favorite things about Wind Waker, but I also understand why people hated that because like the other guy said, a lot of the ocean was pretty barren.


Sure, at least every square had a map fish to catch. There were the occasional attacks by other vessels, but usually you either couldn't do what you needed to on the island you'd discovered, then by the time you did and went back it was nothing of value.


There are plenty of things to make the game harder, and I think one of the things would be for you need to collect more heart pieces to make a new container. That's instantly more worthwhile prizes. I think it'd be nice to have costume sets too (hat, shirt, trousers) as prizes for sidequests. You've got the hometown and tunic, why not a pirate set? A sailor set? Why not have special antiques in chests in the ocean (as well as other stuff) that can be traded? Like stuff from the old sunken Hyrule?


^Everyone loves all the secret areas/sidequests etc. and Nintendo knows this, which is why they keep putting more and more in, the problem is part of that is the prize you get, and if it's essentially worthless...you get me? It's like Nintendo doesn't understand this. You could pick up enemy weapons right? Why not a weapons collector who pays you prizes for them or something?

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Barren? There's loads of stuff everywhere in MM! The swamp has the boat trip place, the woods, the scrub shooting minigame, one of don gero's frogs, a skulltula place iirc, the song of soaring, the butler's chase thingy, heart piece or chest or something in/near the temple area and probably more I've forgotten. It's got loads more than TP or SS imo.


The density of things to explore in Majora's Mask is what make it my favourite Zelda. The way almost every area is reused constantly make it brilliant.

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