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Then check their financials. An analyst wouldn't say something like that with no information actually pointing to it.


Funny that when Michael Pachter talks nintendo you dismiss it yet he is an analyst as well.


I dont think you can get a breakdown of the Xbox numbers specifically as MS numbers are reported as Entertainment & Devices Division (EDD), which handles products like the Xbox, Windows Phone and Surface.


The press releases over the last year all say the EDD division operates at a profit. Does that mean Xbox loses money? I dont know but I dont think you can just assume it does simply because one analyst says so.

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Funny that when Michael Pachter talks nintendo you dismiss it yet he is an analyst as well.


I dont think you can get a breakdown of the Xbox numbers specifically as MS numbers are reported as Entertainment & Devices Division (EDD), which handles products like the Xbox, Windows Phone and Surface.


The press releases over the last year all say the EDD division operates at a profit. Does that mean Xbox loses money? I dont know but I dont think you can just assume it does simply because one analyst says so.

Pachter is a troll with an axe to grind. He purposefully makes statements to rile up the online community.

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The problem is, we see it from more of a consumer standpoint, obviously.


When we look at it from a business standpoint, Nintendo are actually doing the best. Microsoft incurred massive losses to which they haven't recovered. The Xbox division is still billions in the red despite the success of Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. Sony also had a serious amount of loss too. Both companies consider that division a hole. There are many Microsoft insiders and analysts that want them to drop the Xbox division once and for all and it wouldn't surprise me if people in Sony didn't want the same thing.


Sure, Nintendo had two years of loss in their entire history, but they're now turning it around despite the Wii U selling horribly.


There's continually "Nintendo is doomed" threads and statements around the Internet, and I don't get it. The Wii U? Sure, that will never actually sell really well now and it may well be doomed, but the company itself? No, far far far off. Sony and Microsoft are actually in a far worse position with their gaming divisions.


Pretty sure the Gaming division of Sony seriously propped up the company. As for Nintendo being doomed, that doesn't matter. The Wii U being doomed though? That does. Consumers like us own it, we need it to be a success for us to benefit and to keep investing as consumers in Nintendo - sure they might not be doomed yet but if their products are constantly doomed/crap; the company will follow. That's business.


Do you have a source for that as the only thing I have seen which shows they are in the red is speculation.


Unless they earned $30bn in the last two years from Xbox, they're still well into the red. It's simple mathematics.


This behaviour of yours is so pathetic and leaves you with no credence. If someone asks for a source on your baseless claim, give them a fucking source or acknowledge that the point is weak. It's simple logic. I'm still waiting for my numbers on the 'numerous instances of people who have gone in for the Wii U version, found out it's not being stocked (sometimes with the staff not knowing it even exists) and then switching' regarding Ghosts.


Additionally right now - it's me and liger05's 2 claims vs your 1 claim that Sony's gaming division has been one of the biggest successes of the company. As of your simple mathematics, that currently makes you wrong. 2>1.


Pachter is a troll with an axe to grind. He purposefully makes statements to rile up the online community.


'An analyst wouldn't say something like that with no information actually pointing to it.' So you're either saying Pachter isn't an analyst, or that you're making wrong statements. Which is it? Again, that's one of simple logic. SOURCE IT. JEEZ.


There is nothing wrong with being a "me too" company when it comes to certain things. Using online gaming as an example, if Nintendo don't start adopting certain online functions then they are going to become less and less relevant in the home console market. Which would you rather have, Nintendo taking certain ideas from the other 2 companies online setup or fade into irrelevance?


You know what I find ironic about Nintendo's absolute shitfail of online? They made so much of the offline multiplayer gaming market. Native support for 4 controllers on a console? Madness...but bloody fun when you get your mates round. Party games, Goldeneye, all sorts. I'm a bit rushed to flesh out this point, but I'm sure I could think of many examples. They were kings of multiplayer, and now they're not. Multiplayer is online, that's where it's at, and they're just so behind it all. I'm shit at Halo, and barely play my 360 now, but I got Halo 4 simply because I'd had such a blast playing Reach with my friends at such a pick up and play sort of pace. I don't know how many hours I got out of the game, but I'm sure it was in excess of 100 - much more than most of my other games, and I didn't even bother with much of the single player!


EDIT: 4.20:15:39. 116 hours. That's probably nothing compared to most people too.

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It's hilarious when people say Pachter doesn't know what he's talking about and is full of sh*t. Gametrailers recently did a 'back to the future' Bonus Round edition where they put up an old Bonus Round from 2006 which has Pachter, amongst others, talking about the industry and surprise surprise, he predicted nearly everything correctly.


In hindsight, he was right about the Wii HD too; a proper sequel to the Wii in 2010-2011 would have been great, especially with a new Wii Sports and Zelda: SS. Letting the Wii die out so slowly and then confusing the world with the Wii U is one of the worst periods of Nintendo's history I can recall.


In terms of dealing with Serebii, remember he's just a fanboy with an axe to grind. He purposely makes statements to rile up the online community.

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It's hilarious when people say Pachter doesn't know what he's talking about and is full of sh*t. Gametrailers recently did a 'back to the future' Bonus Round edition where they put up an old Bonus Round from 2006 which has Pachter, amongst others, talking about the industry and surprise surprise, he predicted nearly everything correctly.


In hindsight, he was right about the Wii HD too; a proper sequel to the Wii in 2010-2011 would have been great, especially with a new Wii Sports and Zelda: SS. Letting the Wii die out so slowly and then confusing the world with the Wii U is one of the worst periods of Nintendo's history I can recall.


In terms of dealing with Serebii, remember he's just a fanboy with an axe to grind. He purposely makes statements to rile up the online community.


I watched that episode and followed the topic. As you said, it was crazy how many things he got right.

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I watched that episode and followed the topic. As you said, it was crazy how many things he got right.


I remember back in 2006 when that episode came out and the majority of GAF just didn't understand what he was talking about lol. 'What an idiot', 'who does he think he is' etc etc.


He's pretty spot on regarding some of the Wii U comments tbh. He called it a home console version of a DS which is pretty spot on. 20 million seems to overestimate it to me and I wonder how soon Nintendo will be thinking of a successor. If they are going down the shared home console/handheld ecosystem route (or hybrid..or whatever you want to call it) they'd ideally stretch the Wii U to say 2016 because the 3DS is doing alright for now, and it's still pretty expensive! I just hope they learn lessons from the Wii U because the mistakes they've made here are bigger than the GC's issues.

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It's hilarious when people say Pachter doesn't know what he's talking about and is full of sh*t. Gametrailers recently did a 'back to the future' Bonus Round edition where they put up an old Bonus Round from 2006 which has Pachter, amongst others, talking about the industry and surprise surprise, he predicted nearly everything correctly.


In hindsight, he was right about the Wii HD too; a proper sequel to the Wii in 2010-2011 would have been great, especially with a new Wii Sports and Zelda: SS. Letting the Wii die out so slowly and then confusing the world with the Wii U is one of the worst periods of Nintendo's history I can recall.


In terms of dealing with Serebii, remember he's just a fanboy with an axe to grind. He purposely makes statements to rile up the online community.


Didnt he keep saying the Wii HD was going to be released though. From what I remember he kept bringing it up saying Nintendo were going to announce it and it never happened.


Still yes he was right abiut Nintendo needing to release a HD console 2010 or 2011 at the latest.


I know this week he has called the Wii U 'toast' and said 30 mil is the limit and I think his right but actually believe Lifetime sales will be closer to 20 mil. I know many dont like the way he critcises Iwata but most companies which under perform see the CEO come under attack. Its not like his making a special case for the CEO of Nintendo.

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Here you go mate: http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/3hzr7l/bonus-round-the-playstation-3-preview


The stuff they say on digital games and XBLA in particular is particularly awesome.


Watching this now and immediately considering modifying my Michael Pachter roleplay thread. I guess, like every one else, I look too much to the short term when he really is looking at the long term.



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October NPD numbers are in.


September 2013:

3DS: 219k

PS3: 216k

360: 179k

Wii U: 95k

Vita: 41k


October 2013:

3DS: 452k

360: 166k

PS3: 110k

Wii U: 55k

Vita: 28k


Dat Pokemon effect of the 3DS. Shame that whatever good that has done for the 3DS will no doubt be cancelled out by the seriously struggling Wii U. The next 2 months are crucial for the console.



1. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3) - 1.1 million

2. Pokémon X (3DS) - 1.7 million combined with Pokemon Y

3. Pokémon Y (3DS) - See Pokemon X

4. Battlefield 4 (360, PS3, PC)

5. Batman: Arkham Origins (360, PS3, Wii U, PC)

6. Assassin’s Creed IV, Black Flag (360, PS3, Wii U)

7. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PC)

8. Skylanders: Swap Force (Wii, 360, PS3, Wii U, 3DS)

9. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, PC)

10. WWE 2K14 (360, PS3)

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Wii U & Vita are done in the US.


The Vita sales are so bad its pretty unbelievable and an accessory to the PS4 isnt going to save it.


If the Wii U doesnt do 200k+ in November and Dec as a minimum then might as well call it day.


Sonic did 30k combined. Bomba!!!


Batman < 650k

PS3 + 360 = 98.2%

WiiU = 1.8%


AC4 U = 1% total of total sales.


Is it really worth third parties putting games on the wii u. Wii U owners dont buy the games.


Wii Party U and Just Dance Wii U bombed.


Yet Nintendo keep going on about family.


Would not be surprised if watchdogs was cancelled. What’s the point in Ubisoft putting it out, its going to bomb.

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Two thoughts:


1. Hugely surprised by the % of Wii U owners buying games like Batman and AC4. Whilst it was always going to be smaller than the amounts sold on the 360 & PS3 (huge install bases), the fact that Wii U owners aren't buying games is worrying.


2. Is anyone else surprised by the number of 3DS units sold, despite Pokemon? I was hoping it would be much bigger, or am I being ridiculous? Christmas sales will be crazy no doubt but I thought October would see bigger sales.

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Two thoughts:


1. Hugely surprised by the % of Wii U owners buying games like Batman and AC4. Whilst it was always going to be smaller than the amounts sold on the 360 & PS3 (huge install bases), the fact that Wii U owners aren't buying games is worrying.


2. Is anyone else surprised by the number of 3DS units sold, despite Pokemon? I was hoping it would be much bigger, or am I being ridiculous? Christmas sales will be crazy no doubt but I thought October would see bigger sales.


Na the 3DS number is really good. Once the 99 dollar 2DS comes into play should see a very good November for the 3DS.

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Two thoughts:


1. Hugely surprised by the % of Wii U owners buying games like Batman and AC4. Whilst it was always going to be smaller than the amounts sold on the 360 & PS3 (huge install bases), the fact that Wii U owners aren't buying games is worrying.


2. Is anyone else surprised by the number of 3DS units sold, despite Pokemon? I was hoping it would be much bigger, or am I being ridiculous? Christmas sales will be crazy no doubt but I thought October would see bigger sales.

Problem is that both of those games are hugely gimped compared to other consoles


Assassin's Creed will never receive any DLC on the Wii U

Batman Arkham Origins' online component is completely removed.


Can you blame the consumer for shunning them? It's a pity (and I'll be getting both games on it myself), but it's the third party's own doing.

Edited by Serebii
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Assassin's Creed will never receive any DLC on the Wii U

Batman Arkham Origins' online component is completely removed.


Can you blame the consumer for shunning them? It's a pity (and I'll be getting both games on it myself), but it's the third party's own doing.


I'm sorry but you'd have to be delusional to think that the arrival at this situation is anything but Nintendo's doing.

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Problem is that both of those games are hugely gimped compared to other consoles


Assassin's Creed will never receive any DLC on the Wii U

Batman Arkham Origins' online component is completely removed.


Can you blame the consumer for shunning them? It's a pity (and I'll be getting both games on it myself), but it's the third party's own doing.


You really think its because of those reasons? Let's be honest here, if the games came with all the features and DLC they would still do as badly.


I think it comes back to the point I made the other day. Many people have friends and communities who play online with the other consoles and as such favour them when an online component is in a game.

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Problem is that both of those games are hugely gimped compared to other consoles


Assassin's Creed will never receive any DLC on the Wii U

Batman Arkham Origins' online component is completely removed.


Can you blame the consumer for shunning them? It's a pity (and I'll be getting both games on it myself), but it's the third party's own doing.


Thats not the reason why and you know it. While that may effect very small % of people to think that is the reason why both games bombed is laughable.


NFS, COD, Splinter Cell, AC, Batman series etc etc. How many 3rd party games need to bomb until you just accept Wii U owners do not buy 3rd party software regardless.


Even Sonic bombed but hey I guess you'll find some another excuse from somewhere.

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I think Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is the only 3rd party game that has sold a respectable amount, >500,000. That's a lot better than some of if not most of Nintendo's efforts.


There'll be 1 more added to that number as I intend on buying MH3U for Christmas.

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In the hypothetical situation where the Wii U persists to be a problem, what do people think Nintendo will do any way? I honestly can't work out what's the better option, to sink with the ship and float on 3DS sales for the rest of the generation or to admit they made a huge mistake and get a backup console out at the expense of a few investors completely bailing on the company?

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In the hypothetical situation where the Wii U persists to be a problem, what do people think Nintendo will do any way? I honestly can't work out what's the better option, to sink with the ship and float on 3DS sales for the rest of the generation or to admit they made a huge mistake and get a backup console out at the expense of a few investors completely bailing on the company?


Have to ride it out. The real concern is if retailers decide to stop stocking it. Nintendo then have no choice but to kill it. New consoles takes years to produce and the earliest I can see new console from Nintendo is 2016. Take into account Nintendo will also be working on a new handheld as well.

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In the hypothetical situation where the Wii U persists to be a problem, what do people think Nintendo will do any way? I honestly can't work out what's the better option, to sink with the ship and float on 3DS sales for the rest of the generation or to admit they made a huge mistake and get a backup console out at the expense of a few investors completely bailing on the company?

Nintendo making a new console all of a sudden would do even more damage than killing it


What I dont like is Nintendo wasted time putting out crap like Wii Party U while games like DK are delayed. Hoping that Wii Party, Wii Sports, Wii fit are going to save the day is just crazy and they could of been developing something new!!

That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen you write. Bravo.


1. Different studios

2. If a game isn't going to be ready and needs to be delayed, it needs to be delayed. Would you rather DKC be released, incomplete, with errors?


They didn't just sit and say "Let's delay Donkey Kong Country so we can focus on Wii Party U". Come on...

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Nintendo making a new console all of a sudden would do even more damage than killing it



That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen you write. Bravo.


1. Different studios

2. If a game isn't going to be ready and needs to be delayed, it needs to be delayed. Would you rather DKC be released, incomplete, with errors?


They didn't just sit and say "Let's delay Donkey Kong Country so we can focus on Wii Party U". Come on...


Which still doesn't change the fact that the studios who make such crap could of been used to something new for a change. This isn't 2006, time to move on from the wii already.


Damn Yoshida has tweeted PS4 has sold through 1m units in 1 day in North America.


Guess those who looked at the wii u and Vita sales proclaiming the industry was set for a crash and people don't want consoles anymore need to eat crow.


PS4 will surpass wii u in 1 year easily.

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In regards to DK, I'm still with those who said its delay was tactical. What else do Nintendo have early doors next year?


Nice PS4 numbers and it's yet to launch in other countries. It would crazy if it does a million in Europe as well. It could be snapping at Wii Us heels before the year is out. Of course the big test is whether it will continue to sell throughout early next year. Infamous will help keep the momentum, as will 3rd party releases.

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