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Good god, this month's US sales are just depressing to look at :(






Overall retail industry down 25%. Software sales lowest since May 2000.




1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (360, PS3, NWU)**

2. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (360, PS3, PC, NWU)**

3. Donkey Kong Country Returns (3DS, WII)

4. Dead Island: Riptide (360, PS3, PC)**

5. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)

6. Metro: Last Light (360, PS3, PC)

7. NBA 2K13 (360, PS3, WII, NWU, PSP, PC)**

8. Bioshock Infinite (360, PS3, PC)**

9. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)**

10. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (360, WII, NDS, PS3, 3DS, NWU, PSV, PC)


**(includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)




Nintendo 3DS = Slightly above 114K

Xbox 360 = 114K

PS3 = 84K

Wii U = 36K

Wii = 36K

NDS = 34K

PSV = 15K

PSP = 4K


RE Revelations < 60K

360 ~ 45.9%

PS33 ~ 43.5%

Wii U ~ 10.6%


PSV game this year (LTD)

SC:TIT ~ 28.8K

NGS2P ~ 8.3K

DOA5P ~ 7.5K

MLB13 ~ 38.8K

SS ~ 45.3K


Unconfirmed, but likely true...


DKCR3D ~ 90k

Luigi's Mansion 2 ~ 97k


3DS is now number 1, but even that isn't doing great right now... I get that feeling that this market-wide depression isn't going to go away when the Xmas season & the PS4/Xbone come along either...

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So because I'm not sure where exactly this should go because of how specific this topic is, I'll play it safe and post here.


Scott Moffit insists Wii U is great value for money, will not be lowering the price despite the announcements by Microsoft and, most importantly, Sony.


What the fuck are the guys at Nintendo smoking these days? There's absolutely no big, console selling titles due on the horizon until 2014 for general audiences and the PS4 sounds like it's going to come out in November with guns blasting. Shit, as much as I want X and Smash Bro's, I could pay just a little bit more to get a console which I know will have some awesome Japanese developer support AND Sony's recently amassed assets.


I can see problems inbound.


Those comments mean nothing. Nintendo are not going to say they will be cutting the price until they are actually ready to do it. I would be shocked if there was no price cut come November.


Latest NPD numbers from May


NPD Sales Results for May 2013 [up2: 360, 3DS Est, Software lowest since May 2000] #1


NPD Group's U.S. Games Industry Sales (New Physical Sales Channel*) - May 2013

4-week month; Reporting Period 5/5/13 through 6/1/13




Overall retail industry down 25%. Software sales lowest since May 2000.





1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (360, PS3, NWU)**

2. Call of Duty: Black Ops II (360, PS3, PC, NWU)**

3. Donkey Kong Country Returns (3DS, WII)

4. Dead Island: Riptide (360, PS3, PC)**

5. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS)

6. Metro: Last Light (360, PS3, PC)

7. NBA 2K13 (360, PS3, WII, NWU, PSP, PC)**

8. Bioshock Infinite (360, PS3, PC)**

9. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)**

10. Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (360, WII, NDS, PS3, 3DS, NWU, PSV, PC)


**(includes CE, GOTY editions, bundles, etc. but not those bundled with hardware)





Nintendo 3DS: More Than the Xbox 360. Unfortunately Nintendo gave no number (either software or hardware) this month.

3DS Note: NPD added that the 3DS was basically flat to last year, which was a 113.5K result. Presumably it was up slightly as it was over the Xbox 360's 114K.


Xbox 360: 114K (-28.75%)


Sources on gaf with inside info put the Hardware sales at


3DS 114k

360 114k

PS3 84k

Wii 36k

Wii U 36k

Vita 16k


Vita is dead and I really see no way back for it. If Sony are just banking on remote play then just end it now as remote play with PS4 is not going to see sales increase that much.


3DS Sales ok but I still think it should be selling more than a 8 year old 360 considering its only in year two of its life. Smartphones/Tablets have really eaten into its marketshare.


Good to see LM and DK high in the charts. LM has been an unbelievable success worldwide, nobody predicted that!!


Wii U sales still really low!!

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Of course Wii U sales are low. Nothing has encouraged sales yet. When the games start coming out, then it will. We now have at least one first party game each month until the end of the year (except America which misses July)


That doesn't mean the baseline couldn't be higher. Even if sales were to double or triple a month with games being released we are looking at 100k a month which still isnt great. Its tracking below the GC and nobody would of expected that.


The Vita and Wii U were dead on arrival.


I think the Sony could of done more. For starters they should of went with standard micro SD cards. Secondly I think they needed to make some brave decisions and develop one of their 1st party blockbusters exclusive to the Vita and not PS3. I can see what Sony thought was going to happen which was the device would get plenty 3rd party support but this is all dependent on HW sales. As soon as they dried up 3rd parties cancel projects.

Edited by liger05
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Xbox 360 is this generation's best-selling home games console in the UK, says GfK Chart-Track.


Microsoft's platform will overtake Wii in a matter of days, the stat tracker says. Xbox 360 is regularly outselling all rivals in hardware terms, and has now shifted 8.4m consoles across the country.


“This is an historic milestone and our sincere thanks goes to each and every person that has bought and enjoyed Xbox 360 over the past eight years," Director of Xbox and entertainment Harvey Eagle told MCV


Good going, Microsoft. Even if it has sucked the past 2 years the 360 is easily my most played console this generation.

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Good going, Microsoft. Even if it has sucked the past 2 years the 360 is easily my most played console this generation.
You (and that quote) surely mean last generation. Or have console generations been officially altered now because of EA? :heh:
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yeah nice going MS. I think its awesome that a console that came out in 2005 still gets supported and still has games being released for it. Its also not surprising it overtook the Wii, as Nintendo pretty much abandoned it two years ago.

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The 360 might be getting too much praise though for being UK best seller. People may have had to buy 2nd or 3rd Xboxs because of 3 red rings, lack of HDMI, no Wifi originally or even just flat out buying the redesign because it was quieter.

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The 360 might be getting too much praise though for being UK best seller. People may have had to buy 2nd or 3rd Xboxs because of 3 red rings, lack of HDMI, no Wifi originally or even just flat out buying the redesign because it was quieter.


Ay, never bought an XBox 360, but my brother is on his 4th.

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The 360 might be getting too much praise though for being UK best seller. People may have had to buy 2nd or 3rd Xboxs because of 3 red rings, lack of HDMI, no Wifi originally or even just flat out buying the redesign because it was quieter.


Some people would call that hating!


MS did a great job in the UK period.


They convinced people to but 1st machines or new machines.


Props to them!

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Yeah that's true. I suppose it is better to add features down the line as opposed to gimping it like the Wii Mini and the Ps3 slim to a lesser degree. Just hope both Ps4 & X1 are both robust and reliable from launch.

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MS owns the UK and US right now. Whether that will change going forward who knows but what can't be denied in these two regions they have really tapped up the 'dudebro' market.


Things such as paying for Live haven't affected them negatively as it's all about convincing people that Live is a service which adds great value. Next gen they now need to convince consumers that the Kinect has added value.

Edited by liger05
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Some people would call that hating!


MS did a great job in the UK period.


They convinced people to but 1st machines or new machines.


Props to them!


Convinced? They manufactured sub-standard products that would encounter an RROD and would force people to buy a new one or pay a repair - most people doing the former for the relative price difference. It's disgusting. As shit as they're doing, I can at least say in Nintendo's favour I've rarely/never had to repair a console; and when I have I haven't paid a penny in the whole affair.

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The Last of Us is still holding on to the top spot.


You haven't seen The Last of Us




Sony and Naughty Dog’s PS3 exclusive ‘The Last Of Us’ (-35%) remains at No1 for a third consecutive week.


Microsoft’s Xbox 360 edition of ‘Minecraft’ debuts at No2 and Nintendo’s 3DS ‘Animal Crossing: New Leaf’ drops down 1 place to No3 after 2 weeks at No2 (-25%). EA’s ‘FIFA 13’ also drops down 1 place to No4 although sales rocket +43% over last week thanks to the keenly priced 360/PS3 versions. There are a further 3 new entries within the Top 10 this week: debuting at No5 is EA’s ‘The Sims 3: Island Paradise’, the 10th PC Expansion Pack in the series and the second this year, after ‘The Sims 3: University Life’ back in week 10. Right behind and new at No6 is Activision/Blizzard’s Marvel Comics ‘Deadpool’ for 360/PS3. Completing the new releases is Sega’s ‘Company of Heroes 2’ on PC, new at No10 and which becomes the 7th game to be released on a Tuesday this year (the last being ‘Defiance’ back in early April).


The original ‘Company of Heroes’ debuted back in September 2006 and was developed in Canada by Relic, at that time a THQ studio (also known for ‘Homeworld’/‘Warhammer 40K’ games). The follow-up is still a Relic-developed title, but they are of course now a Sega studio.

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