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WOAH! Ni-No-Kuni at No1!? No way! :o


Granted, the actual numbers are probably still very low, but just wow! It's amazing to look at! :D

Fully deserved as well. The game is simply amazing and one of the best RPGs I have played in a looooooooooooooong time.
Is the DS version ever coming to Europe?
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Is the DS version ever coming to Europe?


Unlikely, but looking at the success of the game on the PS3 - it is a stunning title - I wouldn't write-off a Wii U port somewhere down the line, quite honestly I would buy it again if they ported it across and added in extra content as it's one tidy RPG! :D

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It's a sorry state Nintendo have got themselves into if a collection of sport mini games is considered a juggernaut.


What an absolutely idiotic thing to say!


Wii Sports is the best selling title of all time and Wii Sports Resort is the fifth best selling game of all time. A series with only 2 releases on a single platform that has totalled over 110 million units is obviously a juggernaut, how is that a sorry state?


Should Nintendo not have released Wii Sports in case it became too popular and sold better than other titles that you might believe are more worthy of those sales?

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Unlikely, but looking at the success of the game on the PS3 - it is a stunning title - I wouldn't write-off a Wii U port somewhere down the line, quite honestly I would buy it again if they ported it across and added in extra content as it's one tidy RPG! :D


Mmm.. I don't think so as the game bombed in japan.. didn't the PS3 version struggle to even hit 150,000. I know the DS version eventually hit over 500,000.


Seriously doubt level 5 would even bother porting it.

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What an absolutely idiotic thing to say!


Wii Sports is the best selling title of all time and Wii Sports Resort is the fifth best selling game of all time. A series with only 2 releases on a single platform that has totalled over 110 million units is obviously a juggernaut, how is that a sorry state?


Should Nintendo not have released Wii Sports in case it became too popular and sold better than other titles that you might believe are more worthy of those sales?


While it's true that it's a commercial beast, I still think that it shouldn't be mentioned on a Nintendo page.

Just like Justin Bieber, they are pure s**t which is aimed at morons, and unfortunately, politicians do nothing to fix it, hence brain dead trash sells way more than superb masterpieces. Just look at the french auto industry: they build, small, dreary cars that consume more fuel than they should and are the most likely to break down. And still people buy them.


The fact that a game sells well should have no bearing among gamers. As we say in Sweden: A crap game is a crap game is a crap game. A crap game should be ignored. That it's even mentioned in a positive sence on a forum full of gamers really says something about how desperate Nintendo fans have become over the last seven years.

I mean, do you hear car lovers who own a Toyota Supra go "mmm, hope the new Prius turns out to be good, the old one sold well". No, they'll go: "The Prius was a slow and ugly piece of c**p and the current one isn't more environmentaly friendly than the one that was around 10 years ago. What a fail, hope they'll discontinue it and bring out something better. Like a new Supra. Or a new MR2. Or a new Celica. Or a new GT2000".

And guess what, Toyotas sales have fallen since they discontinued ALL their cool cars in 2005. Even the Toyota boss said that they need a sports car to make their company seem less bland, and they did. He even went as far as to say that Toyota are going to continue making the GT86 and successors to it, even if they'll have to make them at a loss, just to boost their image.

Citroen had the same mentality with the C6: they need a stand out product that makes their whole line up and their name seem cooler.


That's what Nintendo need to do. They need to develop a killer app, with no regard as to whether it'll make a profit or not. Something that will show that their console is without a shadow of a doubt more powerful and more innovative. As much as I was blown away from the latest Nintendo Direct, there still isn't anything that shows the power of the machine. Nor how good their online functionality is, nor how the touch screen improves on core experiences.

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While it's true that it's a commercial beast, I still think that it shouldn't be mentioned on a Nintendo page.


You think the best selling game of all time shouldn't be mentioned on gaming forums??? Why? Because you didn't enjoy it?


The fact that a game sells well should have no bearing among gamers. As we say in Sweden: A crap game is a crap game is a crap game. A crap game should be ignored. That it's even mentioned in a positive sence on a forum full of gamers really says something about how desperate Nintendo fans have become over the last seven years.


Things are judged on two things immediately (and a third later down the line). These are critical and commercial performance and later the legacy of the product in question. Wii Sports and Wii Sports resort were not only commercial beasts but also performed well critically having averages of 76% and 82% respectively. These games are hardly hated pieces of shovel ware. What's more the legacy of these titles is immense and the original changed the industry and completely realigned the strategy of MS and Sony.


That's what Nintendo need to do. They need to develop a killer app, with no regard as to whether it'll make a profit or not. Something that will show that their console is without a shadow of a doubt more powerful and more innovative. As much as I was blown away from the latest Nintendo Direct, there still isn't anything that shows the power of the machine. Nor how good their online functionality is, nor how the touch screen improves on core experiences.


So Nintendo need to develop something regardless of whether anyone wants it, but that will be a technical marvel for the sake of being so? Yeah, that's going to sell systems. Let's hope Nintendo follow that sage advice!


What Nintendo need to do is get their killer franchises out and market them. They need to show games that will sell - like Wii Sports - with better graphics, online and the accessibility that will appeal to the masses.

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Most of the sales of Wii Sports and Resort came from their inclusion with the Wii.


Wii Sports was very basic. Its selling point is the motion controls. But look at the game aesthetically and content wise. It looks like a turd. Then the games. 5 games. "5 games"? Real basic stuff. The golf game has 9 holes. That's it? Not 18 like a real game. No alternative courses. No different tennis courts. The greatest level of customisation was changing your bowling ball colour. Wow! Nintendo I'd say couldn't believe their luck, they basically polished a turd, sat back and watched it print money.


Now look at them struggling with HD PS3/XBOX360 level of graphics, nevermind next generation graphics. I hope it doesn't come to pass but they might perish upon the rock they perched themselves upon for so long.

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Most of the sales of Wii Sports and Resort came from their inclusion with the Wii.


Wii Sports was very basic. Its selling point is the motion controls. But look at the game aesthetically and content wise. It looks like a turd. Then the games. 5 games. "5 games"? Real basic stuff. The golf game has 9 holes. That's it? Not 18 like a real game. No alternative courses. No different tennis courts. The greatest level of customisation was changing your bowling ball colour. Wow! Nintendo I'd say couldn't believe their luck, they basically polished a turd, sat back and watched it print money.


Wii Sports sold the Wii, not the other way around. It was a the killer app, the system seller.


To claim Wii Sports is a 'polished turd' is almost as laughable as your other assertions. Wii Sports had a distinctive, clean and charming visual look that made it accessible and fun. The games all had various levels of depth and the different challenges, score attacks and mini-games based around each game added huge replay value.

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Wii Sports may have sold the Wii, but it wouldn't have sold very many of them if the cost $350/£300 now would it? At the $250/£180, it looked far more reasonable.


I also have great difficulty imagining how much extra the Wii U Gamepad is going to bring to the game. There aren't many sports that involve holding an object with two hands with the same grip necessary to hold the Gamepad. The only showed two examples if I recall - using it as a catchers mitt (hardly the height of excitement) and as an extra view of a golf ball. If you have to start lining up your gold swings with that level of accuracy then any person who doesn't already play is screwed as golf isn't easy.


And then it starts to get me thinking of what will the gamepad bring and it's ability to offer sports the Wii Remote already can't. And I start to draw blanks very quickly. What's more alarming is that the Wii Sports range is not one that relies on the sophisticated level of the machine's hardware - it's down to the controller of which the Wiis was far more suited to replicating the actions of real life sports.


So we are trying to sell a brand new high powered system with a game that doesn't require a lot of power to run (with its primary target more likely to be put off by flashy graphics) and will undoubtly require a controller from the previous to get anywhere close to the most fun out of it even in single player. Does that not strike anybody else as a totally ass backward way to sell a new console?

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What an absolutely idiotic thing to say!


Wii Sports is the best selling title of all time and Wii Sports Resort is the fifth best selling game of all time. A series with only 2 releases on a single platform that has totalled over 110 million units is obviously a juggernaut, how is that a sorry state?


Should Nintendo not have released Wii Sports in case it became too popular and sold better than other titles that you might believe are more worthy of those sales?


Wii Sports was bundled (except Japan of course) in with the best selling console of all time. It's sales figures count for nothing. You got the bloody thing for free!


The first one is barely a game and if that's the level Nintendo have sunk too, then it's a sorry state. Similarly Wii Play, an utter joke of a release and many like myself only purchased it to get an extra controller for a reasonable price.

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Wii Sports was bundled (except Japan of course) in with the best selling console of all time. It's sales figures count for nothing. You got the bloody thing for free!


The first one is barely a game and if that's the level Nintendo have sunk too, then it's a sorry state. Similarly Wii Play, an utter joke of a release and many like myself only purchased it to get an extra controller for a reasonable price.


It's absolutely laughable when I read crap like this. Wii Sports sold the Wii. People were queuing up to buy the Wii because of Wii Sports. The game sold the whole concept of the new simple and the new controls - which were the central focus of the console, the thing that made the Wii different and exciting. Those controls were explained and demonstrated with Wii Sports, without Wii Sports it would never have sold anything like the numbers it did.


And if you think Wii Sports was 'barely a game' then you clearly barely played it. It had tonnes of content. I'll tell you what's barely a game - Metal Gear Solid - because I spent over half the time watching cutscenes and listening to codec conversations. Wii Sports was 100% a game, because all of the 200 hours me and my girlfriend put into it were spent playing actual gameplay!


If reinventing the way people play games and producing a title that sells a entire system and broadly appeals to people of all ages and sexes is a 'sorry state' then maybe Nintendo should pack up shop and do something else, because Sony and MS have been trying their best ever since to replicate that 'sorry state'.


Wii Sports may have sold the Wii, but it wouldn't have sold very many of them if the cost $350/£300 now would it? At the $250/£180, it looked far more reasonable.


I also have great difficulty imagining how much extra the Wii U Gamepad is going to bring to the game. There aren't many sports that involve holding an object with two hands with the same grip necessary to hold the Gamepad. The only showed two examples if I recall - using it as a catchers mitt (hardly the height of excitement) and as an extra view of a golf ball. If you have to start lining up your gold swings with that level of accuracy then any person who doesn't already play is screwed as golf isn't easy.


And then it starts to get me thinking of what will the gamepad bring and it's ability to offer sports the Wii Remote already can't. And I start to draw blanks very quickly. What's more alarming is that the Wii Sports range is not one that relies on the sophisticated level of the machine's hardware - it's down to the controller of which the Wiis was far more suited to replicating the actions of real life sports.


So we are trying to sell a brand new high powered system with a game that doesn't require a lot of power to run (with its primary target more likely to be put off by flashy graphics) and will undoubtly require a controller from the previous to get anywhere close to the most fun out of it even in single player. Does that not strike anybody else as a totally ass backward way to sell a new console?


Yes, the price of the Wii U in this economic climate is a real problem. People just don't want to drop that kind of money on a games console. I also have to agree that I don't see the game pad adding much new to Wii Sports - or to many games if I'm honest.


I am enjoying my Wii U more and more, but the best thing about the pad is off screen play and the Miiverse rather than anything it has really brought to my gaming. However, that is quite different for people who are playing mulitplayer titles. One of my key worries about the system is the pad and its cost to the overall package.


The pad has obviously pushed up costs - and with it prices. Yet for the people who were charmed by Wii Sports and the return of simple 2D platform games played with the Wii Remote on it's side, I fear the game pad might actually put them off as it looks too complex.

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It's absolutely laughable when I read crap like this. Wii Sports sold the Wii. People were queuing up to buy the Wii because of Wii Sports. The game sold the whole concept of the new simple and the new controls - which were the central focus of the console, the thing that made the Wii different and exciting. Those controls were explained and demonstrated with Wii Sports, without Wii Sports it would never have sold anything like the numbers it did.


And if you think Wii Sports was 'barely a game' then you clearly barely played it. It had tonnes of content. I'll tell you what's barely a game - Metal Gear Solid - because I spent over half the time watching cutscenes and listening to codec conversations. Wii Sports was 100% a game, because all of the 200 hours me and my girlfriend put into it were spent playing actual gameplay!


If reinventing the way people play games and producing a title that sells a entire system and broadly appeals to people of all ages and sexes is a 'sorry state' then maybe Nintendo should pack up shop and do something else, because Sony and MS have been trying their best ever since to replicate that 'sorry state'.


People say the same about NintendoLand, saying it's just a collection of minigames. They ignore the massive amount of depth to it. I've got dozens of hours logged in it and haven't done everything

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It's absolutely laughable when I read crap like this. Wii Sports sold the Wii. People were queuing up to buy the Wii because of Wii Sports. The game sold the whole concept of the new simple and the new controls - which were the central focus of the console, the thing that made the Wii different and exciting. Those controls were explained and demonstrated with Wii Sports, without Wii Sports it would never have sold anything like the numbers it did.


Steady on Captain N, no need to dismiss others opinion as crap just because it differs from yours. I was sold on concepts in the original trailer Nintendo showed when they announced the Revolution, not a gimmicky sports game. Funnily enough I don't recall many people at the midnight launch eagerly awaiting to play Wii Sports, I recall all hype was for Zelda.


And if you think Wii Sports was 'barely a game' then you clearly barely played it. It had tonnes of content. I'll tell you what's barely a game - Metal Gear Solid - because I spent over half the time watching cutscenes and listening to codec conversations. Wii Sports was 100% a game, because all of the 200 hours me and my girlfriend put into it were spent playing actual gameplay!


More effort goes into one MGS game than both Wii Sports titles released to date.


But please do tell me what 'tonnes of content' the 5 limited sport games included. If I remember correctly 4 of the games never even allowed for a full contest, Tennis not enough sets, Baseball not enough innings, Boxing not enough rounds, Golf not enough holes.


If reinventing the way people play games and producing a title that sells a entire system and broadly appeals to people of all ages and sexes is a 'sorry state' then maybe Nintendo should pack up shop and do something else, because Sony and MS have been trying their best ever since to replicate that 'sorry state'.


Nintendo up to and including the Gamecube era took risks but made sure to create a quality product. The Wii Sports 'franchise' is not on that level, it's a cheap and accessible game to make a few quick yen. It worked. But it's not a model they should recreate.

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Even more reason for that Pokémon RPG now Nintendo!


I enjoyed Wii Sports, especially and mainly Bowling, it was novel at the time but looking back now, the amount of effort Nintendo put into the game was equivalent to:



I can't see how developing an entirely new/revolutionary method to play and control games and putting into a sports franchise alongside a new avatar system amounts to dog shit.


I loved Wii Sports (well bowling and golf). I'd have loved Nintendo to boost it with DLC golf courses/tennis courts etc... but we don't even get that from Nintendo now, so! :p

Edited by Retro_Link
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Steady on Captain N, no need to dismiss others opinion as crap just because it differs from yours. I was sold on concepts in the original trailer Nintendo showed when they announced the Revolution, not a gimmicky sports game. Funnily enough I don't recall many people at the midnight launch eagerly awaiting to play Wii Sports, I recall all hype was for Zelda.


What I'm saying is factual. Wii Sports was the game EVERYONE was talking about. It sold the Wii and was what kept it sold out for years. People couldn't get enough. I had friends come over who never ever played games before and want to try it. I've never had that before. There were queues in Game and Tesco just to try out Wii Sports Tennis.


More effort goes into one MGS game than both Wii Sports titles released to date.


But please do tell me what 'tonnes of content' the 5 limited sport games included. If I remember correctly 4 of the games never even allowed for a full contest, Tennis not enough sets, Baseball not enough innings, Boxing not enough rounds, Golf not enough holes.


If you think more effort goes into an MGS title then you're mistaken. Wii Sports launched one of the most successful consoles of all time and redefined gaming. It also sold and flawlessly integrated the Miis, which became another thing MS would rip off. Nintendo put huge amounts of time and effort into Wii Sports, the whole control scheme of the console was developed around it.


The reason the games were shortened is because the majority of people don't want to play 5 sets or 18 holes. People want an accessible, fun game that doesn't take up 2 hours of their time. You clearly have no idea.


The whole ethos behind Wii Sports was accessibility. From the controls, to the graphics to the length of the games. All of these things made it appealing to people who don't usually play games. That's why the console was a success.


Nintendo up to and including the Gamecube era took risks but made sure to create a quality product. The Wii Sports 'franchise' is not on that level, it's a cheap and accessible game to make a few quick yen. It worked. But it's not a model they should recreate.


Wii Sports and the Wii was the biggest risk they ever took. They broke from tradition and decided not to produce a console that simply raised the graphical bar. They changed the way people controlled games and broke from the established mold of simply increasing the 'power' and churning out prettier and bigger versions of last generation's games. This isn't 'my opinion' it's a fact. The Wii was Nintendo's wild card and they turned the industry on it's head with it.


I enjoyed Wii Sports, especially and mainly Bowling, it was novel at the time but looking back now, the amount of effort Nintendo put into the game was equivalent to:




It's actually laughable arguing with someone like you. A 15 year old who loved Wii Sports when he got it and played it with his family, but now he hates it because the bigger boys at school who he wants to impress don't think it's cool.


Only a child or someone with severe mental impediments would post such a childish picture and find it amusing.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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The reason the games were shortened is because the majority of people don't want to play 5 sets or 18 holes. People want an accessible, fun game that doesn't take up 2 hours of their time. You clearly have no idea.
I'm not really sold on this thought though; it wouldn't have hurt them to have bulked it out a little more, I think timing/launch clearly played its part.


i.e. A back 9 on Golf wouldn't have gone a miss, A hard tennis court, a clothing/customising shop for your Mii's etc... wouldn't have taken much to implement and wouldn't have made the game any less accessible, but could have added greater choice and ultimately even more fun.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Yeah that was the bit I didn't agree with, Zechs, you're almost acting like Serebii and NIntendo with that one :) Fact is, they could have had the 3 holes less innings, but they could have also give us the option to have more if we wanted, still quick and accessible, but longer if people wanted it. Same with the online =nintendoland argument - yeah, they want people to play in one room, and it is better, but why not also give is the option to play with our friends away from each other.


Other than that I agree with everything you say. How anyone can deny Wii Sports sold the wii is truly truly baffling. You don't have to like the game, but don't rewrite history because of it.

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If you think more effort goes into an MGS title then you're mistaken.


Nintendo put huge amounts of time and effort into Wii Sports


The reason the games were shortened is because the majority of people don't want to play 5 sets or 18 holes.


You clearly have no idea.


This isn't 'my opinion' it's a fact.


Only a child or someone with severe mental impediments would post such a childish picture and find it amusing.








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I'm not really sold on this thought though; it wouldn't have hurt them to have bulked it out a little more, I think timing/launch clearly played its part.


i.e. A back 9 on Golf wouldn't have gone a miss, A hard tennis court, a clothing/customising shop for your Mii's etc... wouldn't have taken much to implement and wouldn't have made the game any less accessible, but could have added greater choice and ultimately even more fun.


Yeah that was the bit I didn't agree with, Zechs, you're almost acting like Serebii and NIntendo with that one :) Fact is, they could have had the 3 holes less innings, but they could have also give us the option to have more if we wanted, still quick and accessible, but longer if people wanted it. Same with the online =nintendoland argument - yeah, they want people to play in one room, and it is better, but why not also give is the option to play with our friends away from each other.


Other than that I agree with everything you say. How anyone can deny Wii Sports sold the wii is truly truly baffling. You don't have to like the game, but don't rewrite history because of it.


Yeah, sorry.


That is my mistake. What I was tryng to say is that the defaults were fine and I always saw the shortened games as ways to make them accessible. I can imagine my sister wanting to play Wii Tennis (she did actually) but can't imagine her wanting to do 5 sets!


However, there is no reason the option couldn't have been in there. I suppose it's like the online in Nintendo Land, if people want to play 5 sets in Wii Sports or 12 rounds in the boxing or go online and play with others in Nintendo Land the option should be there.


It's the same with what @Retro_Link said about the courts, they could have added clay and an indoor court as options, it certainly wouldn't have harmed things.


But I don't feel any of those omissions harmed the package. I loved Wii Sports and played it to death.


I find it rather pathetic that basically everyone loved Wii Sports when it came out, but now it's almost 'cool' to hate it. Very childish.

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Yeah Wii sports and Wii Sports resort were both great, I played both games pretty much all the way through the Wii's lifetime and still play them today. I was very surprised the Wii U didn't launch with a Wii Sports game of some kind. Although at the same time, as some already said, I'm not sure what the gamepad could bring to that series.

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@Retro_Link if you want to play Wii Sports tennis on a hard court then just hold the '2' button on the wii remote when you select tennis and then your Mii and the screen goes black. Once it loads up, you're playin on the practice court in the park :D


You prob already know this though and are talking about actual court selection in the game to make a deeper experience ha - which I agree with!


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