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Dammit! *looks around*


How did they know? I was so careful and made it seems like I hated myself as well! And those guys all got paid for it. It's just like Lord of the Rings all over again!


EDIT: Wow... I make no sense at all do I?

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...somebody's been working too hard O__o


here, everyone ... have a photo of me in the bath~ :wink:


from the weeks leading up to me finishing my illustration course at uni... i worked so hard that i had to soak my hands in warm water each evening >__< thats what you get when you work primarily in crayons though..




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Dammit! *looks around*


How did they know? I was so careful and made it seems like I hated myself as well! And those guys all got paid for it. It's just like Lord of the Rings all over again!


EDIT: Wow... I make no sense at all do I?


I laughed at your edit - quite simply because I had no idea what in God's name you were on about!!!

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Off-topic: I'll be 23 in less than two weeks. Barely got any friends and I'm single. And I think I'll be single all the way through school, which is at least another 2 and a half years. Hooray!

That's quite the coincidence, because I'll be 22 in around two months. Barely any friends and I'm single too.


Fancy getting jiggy with it? [na na na na nana na.]

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Is it just me or does it really panic you knowing that your single?


I get some odd thoughts in my head and i start to panic about my future etc..and not being able to fend for myself.


I'm 21 on monday and i feel as though i haven't done anything with my life and i'm lonely as hell, i have family of course, but it's not the same and they won't be round for ever....


God i'm depressed. :blank:


Sorry for this negativity in a 'image gallery' :D, it's nice to know your not alone in the way you think, thats all.


Oh and Dante, never let anyone put your down mate, be yourself and do what you want to do! Easier said then done, i know....


I'm the same. Oh well, sucks to be us!


And just to keep on topic...




Me in a fort at work!




And a photo of me taken a few months ago, my hair is much shorter now, but looking back I much preferred it that length!

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Off-topic: I'll be 23 in less than two weeks. Barely got any friends and I'm single. And I think I'll be single all the way through school, which is at least another 2 and a half years. Hooray!

I'll probably end up being one of those crazy ladies with a ton of cats in her house. XD



Anyway, on topic: pic of me being angry cause my new tablet doesn't work on my laptop. So now it's useless. =(




aww, I'd give you a big hug with that face :yay: I hope it starts working!

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Hey, Dante. Sorry if I offended you yesterday, it was only meant in jest. :)


Eddage: Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!






Hehe, that first one of you in the fort made me chuckle. In fact, it's just given me a reaaally cool idea...

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Bah, you singles! :p


Its good but yet very bad to be single. Hell, i'm so dependant... like a puppy or something.


I'm thinking somebody should just make a singles thread. *cough* nightwolf *cough* *splutters* *chokes*


It has its up-days and then its down-days. Sometimes its cool to just have your own space, and the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, or however you want.


But then, you experience all this cool stuff, but have nobody to share it with. That's probably what I miss.

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Hey, Dante. Sorry if I offended you yesterday, it was only meant in jest. :)


Eddage: Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!






Hehe, that first one of you in the fort made me chuckle. In fact, it's just given me a reaaally cool idea...


You startin' summit beatch? :heh:

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...somebody's been working too hard O__o


here, everyone ... have a photo of me in the bath~ :wink:


from the weeks leading up to me finishing my illustration course at uni... i worked so hard that i had to soak my hands in warm water each evening >__< thats what you get when you work primarily in crayons though..





haha, thats great! :yay:

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Off-topic: I'll be 23 in less than two weeks. Barely got any friends and I'm single. And I think I'll be single all the way through school, which is at least another 2 and a half years. Hooray!

I'll probably end up being one of those crazy ladies with a ton of cats in her house.


You don't happen to study something technical?

Because that pretty much describes my situation except for the lady part :)

And cats are awesome.

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I need to get a new haircut but I don't know what to do with it. Tempted to post a picture on here but then people will know what I look like and won't be friends with me anymore :(


Right now I have a "Beatles" haircut. Kinda like these:




Advice, give it.

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