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Lucky boys. I started having acne when I was about 11-12 and still in elementary school. Had it for years and I even had to go to a skin doctor (after the stuff the normal doctor gave me didn't help, nor the stuff you find in the supermarket) to help me to get rid of it. Or at least help me to not look like thousands of mosquitoes had been feasting on my blood or something. And after having to swallow tons of pills and rub a huge amount of ointment on my skin, I sort of got freed of the evilness called acne. Yay!

Now I just have to deal with a couple of evil pimples from time to time, but that's what foundation and stuff are for. XD


Seriously, I hope none of you have to go through the evilness called acne. It gets bad when people call you a dalmatian and stuff like that. ='3

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Ance, meh! What does it matter? I had a couple of small spots on my nose but i got some cream that got rid of them in about.. hmm 2 days? maybe 1..

And sarka, can i ask HOW exactly you knew i was 14? Or did you just see my profile. I know i look a little younger than i actually am.

And one more thing:

No offence sarka but it sounds like you're interested in retro-lover
Haven't we had enough of the gay bashing posts around here already?
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Fret not, I was 11 when I came here.

Just so long as it wasn't over The Bible.


I'm so cheap.


Anyway, I've got an on-again-off-again relationship with acne. Sometimes it's bad, sometimes my skin's clear. I don't bother with creams and such, but as my brother started taking pills for his in his early twenties the worst may be yet to come.


And Eenuh, I bet those people would be laughing on the other side of their (acne-ridden) faces if they saw you now. How's that for karmic balance?


Kurt R looks suspiciously like me. If I lived in Colchester I'd be keeping a close eye on the milkman...

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Also had some problems with acne, had to take pills from time to time but normally some ointment or cream did the job. Got acne at around 12 to 13 got worse until 14 and then gradually became better. Except for a pimple from time to time there's only a small scar on my already too big and ugly nose left that reminds me of my acne and a faint antibiotic that I have to use twice a day :D

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Guest Offerman

Jeeeez, Coo. You've changed a heck of alot. If you lived down my area you'd be in a wheelchair because your cock would be so sore because of all the pretty girls you'd have dogged. Mainly because your the kind of guy chix0rs down this way like to be penetrated by.


This is a compliment by the way.

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