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Pfft. I'd bet you'll love seeing all the female gamers.
depends on the girl, I guess... :rolleyes:


anyways, you guys should stop teasing her, she mustn't be that confortable with you guys suddently talking about her (the tongue and pants coments).


there's no reason to make that kind of coments :)


but yeah, she's pretty :red:

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Its about time Offers laid down the law. I want to see girls - scantily clad or Roady gets my warm member.


Oh god no save me whatever shall I do [clearly fake]


Such a terrible thing to receive from such a terrible man... ;)


sorry roadkill :P


offers....watch it or my foot will be kicking sumthin of yours that may hurt :wink:


Haha... I bet that would turn him on..


I have a friend who likes porn where the women kick guys in the balls hard. [however it isn't Offers]

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It does hurt... I think it's part of a whole strong women dominating you type thing that turns people on...


Personally, I don't really ever want to be kicked in teh balls hard thanks, although when I was at primary school, when I was ickle, there was a girl in class, well, I thought about her doing that to me.


I don't know why particularly.. It's certainly never interested me enough to search up porn of it like one of my friends.

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Guest Offerman

Well after dragging my sleeping bag down to the front door this morning and waiting for the postman to arrive, hoping in vain that he would deliver my Ray Ban prescription sunglasses, I can say that I feel so sullied. Its been two weeks now! :(


However...for the benefit of the new guys and girls that have never seen T3h Offer, bringer of knowledge, sex, and contract rapings - here I am!




Guys hold onto ure hardons, and girls try and catch those flowing juices.


When my specs do arrive - I'l post another. Until then...keep beating them orf.

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I wonder what that man was thinking about...


More on topic, I'm thinking of hosting a sort of user image gallery... but like a 'real' one. I've been copying most pics that are clearly viewable, and am going to whip up something simple in html to contain all of the pics on my ftp :)


People who haven't posted yet, send your pics to [email protected] (post the pictures here too, don't want this thread to die ;)), it'll make it a bit easier on poor ol' me.. (yes, I know I'm doing this voluntarily :D)

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Twozzok you should grow your hair out even more. It would look cool.


'course i'm growing it.


I only get it cut about once every 6 months, and even then it's only about a couple of centimetres off to keep my hair healthy.


(well, thats what i've been told to do by females, who i guess have more experience with longer hair)

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