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How was 2012 for you?


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Well, last day of 2012, I did search for a thread like this but couldn't find one...


How was your 2012 guys/girls... what did you get up too? what were the highlights? what were the down sides? any particularly life changing events?


I won't go into details but a list of my years events and emotions -


* Went to Disneyland Paris for the first time


* Watched Nathan Cleverley boxing / defending his title in Cardiff


* Lost a friend due to cancer


* Watching Manchester United appear to be champions due to unlikely events between City & QPR, only to have the championship taken away with 2 injury time goals


* Saw Blink 182


* went to Download festival


* GOT A HOUSE :) :) :) :)


* Went on an incredible holiday to Lanzarote


* 2 of my closest friends got married this year.. which of course meant..


* 2 incredible stag doo's in 2012 ;)


* My fiances brother & his girlfriend had a little boy


* Another close friend of mine announced they are expecting a baby at the start of 2013.



Some rather good times (and some lows) in 2012 for me... how about all of you...?

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Did you get engaged this year? Or was that the year before?



Anyway, some highlights from my year:


  • Dan moved in.
  • We moved again, but into a house.
  • I was offered a permanent contract at work.
  • Went on holiday to Berlin and Barcelona in the Summer.
  • Stayed overnight in York and London, including seeing Les Mis.
  • Went to one of my best friend's weddings.
  • Went to Hong Kong for the first time for a wedding.
  • Started driving lessons.

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The only "big" things I did this year are the N-Europe meet and the London Film and Comic Con (where I met Adam Baldwin).


Other than that, I've just carried on with work.


Also, my sister is expecting twins.



Edit: Getting rid of two people at work, thus making work much better, is also a good thing.

Edited by Cube
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- Got a new job (that I don't particularly like, so planning to leave soon) that pays better

- Starting to feel like I'm on some sort of career path. Won't start properly until next year, but I've been laying down foundations

- Saw my favourite band four times, chatted to them after one of the gigs and now one of them is following me on Twitter

- The two other gigs I went to were good (Watch the Throne and Childish Gambino)

- Had a weekend away in Germany

- Went to some good events for this place

- New friends


- Never ending family drama

- Barely slept in my new flat (damn noisy people)


I'm sure other non-cool stuff happened, but why dwell on it? (in other words, I can't remember it)

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Some of you guys have had an incredible year - good luck for 2013!


- I moved house with a wonderful housemate.

- The day after I spent 11 weeks in Manhattan with Spotify

- I then moved jobs to get a QA tester job with Jagex


There's been some bad stuff, don't get me wrong, I spent the first 6 months in a job I didn't care for, living with a guy I hated. But it got better!


Happy New Year guys and gals :).

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Happy new year! Turned 2013 just under 4 hours ago here..


2012.. was average I guess. I had some really shit moments and some really amazing moments. Started off the year (and through the majority of it actually) looking for work that just wasn't there, realising my dog who I've had since childhood is slowly dying, having said dog die on the anniversary of one of my best friends deaths, friends going through rough times and mother slowly turning into a dick head to the entire family..


Then the latter half was mostly good stuff. Got my placement details and made my way to Japan (with a heck of a lot of obstacles in the way of course), language skills improving with a slight up on the self confidence, loads of new friends and opportunities I'd never had even dreamed about.. Loads of new friends, catching up some one old ones, Mother regaining her senses and the first Christmas away from my family wasn't bad at all thanks to all the friends I have here.


2013 should hopefully be better, but come on, 2013. We're fucked.

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For me 2012...


- @flameboy left me for Canada and his fiance

- Buggered my back up for several months keeping me out of the gym I hadn't long got into


-/+ Still in a long term relationship


+ Got my Dream Job

+ Raised money for sick kids again

+ With above meeting back up with @ReZourceman, @Goafer and @Happenstance

+ Went to loads of music concerts this year (Rock/Metal)

+ Experienced my first 3 day music festival in the form of Download

+ At the above got to meet @Murr !


I think that's everything!

Edited by Mike1988uk
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My 2012 was pretty awesome, lot's of things have happened and pretty much none of it bad.



Started the year off in Stourbridge, as I do every year with old friends in the local pub.






Bumped into old friends at GDC - got very drunk.

Best school friend came to visit, had a road trip from San Francisco down to LA, then across to Vegas and then home. An amazing time.



Went to Iceland for a friends wedding, more old friends and many new ones. A fantastic time.



A big group from my London office visited, we tricked a baseball stadium into showing me propose to a friend on the big screen and got the biggest cheer of the night. Went rafting for the first time in years. The first bad thing happened - I got a WP7. I went back to LA for the launch event of the latest Virtua Fighter game.



Went to E3 for the first time, played great games, worked very hard, had a lot of drinking fun. Went to another friends wedding in Wine country.



Olympics started and I couldn't go. Probably the hardest point in my time over in America so far. My boss also got promoted for work that I'd been doing and I was one internet timeout away from quitting my job and coming back home.



Not a lot happened, watched Olympics and prepared for the final part of the year.



Went to Seattle for PAX.

Went to Tokyo for the first time on a 4 week trip. Tokyo Games Show, kick off meeting for SEGA's new company, special projects to get things rolling afterwards. Amazing food, lots of drinking, making many new friends.



After the work part of the trip I had a holiday in Tokyo. Saw many great things, more great food, lots of drinking and meeting new people. Went to my first ever Formula 1 race which involved bullet trains capsule hotels and generally trying to explore with limited Japanese skills. It was amazing.



Ran my first half marathon - broke two hours which considering the course I was amazingly happy with.

Went back to Japan for 6 weeks to just work in that office and try to improve our working processes. Made many great friends, gave speeches (simple ones) in Japanese to a company of by then 300. Met an amazing girl, had parties. Pretty much decided that I have to move to Tokyo within 12 months.



Finishing off work bits. Christmas away from home for the first time ever. New Year in San Francisco - first time ever away from my hometown and the usual pub.


It's been an utterly amazing year. Here's hoping 2013 can be just as good. Happy New Year everyone!

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Mildly irritating, like the taste of tap water from an inner-city flat. Little was achieved. Somehow got promoted at the job I hate, I now live with people who I'd dislike if they were around more often, still can't drive and my favourite arcade is falling into the sea. Things have to got to change in the next 12 months. Step by step, things are going to have to change.

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january to july was a wash with ocd and depression


started dieting in july after my holiday. Finally got the nerve to see my doc about my depression about 6 weeks after I started dieting. dropped over 2 stone. Joined the gym near the end of the year. Found my life passion (weightlifting) and have basically turned my life around. 2012 is a great stepping stone for me actually living my life. Still not there but without 2012, 2013 would never be as successful. The groundwork has started, now i just gotta keep ploughing on.

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2012 was pretty awesome.


- Around the start of January, Ine and I decided to move in together, so a fair bit of flat-hunting before deciding on this place.

- My friends at work surprised me with a birthday party, with lots of people showing up. A very special moment.

- I was given a full-time contract and received a fair bit of recognition during the Spring Term. Definitely a highlight for me.

- Went to two weddings this year for two friends, one of them a long-time best friend. Her wedding was awesome, lovely food, good to see friends again, a great party.

- Took Ine to go and see BlueWater shopping centre after the wedding as it was close by. One of the fun days of the Summer. That was part of a hectic week in which we had a wedding to go to, some sightseeing before going off to Belgium to see her family.

- Went to Alton Towers for the very first time. Rides were awesome, downsides were the queuing times and weather. It means next time will be perfect!

- Managed to get tickets for Glastonbury next year, meaning that a lifelong achievement of mine is finally being realised. Due to my school term-dates being moved around, it gave us a window of opportunity, which we took with both hands.

- Exercise has been varied. Due to struggling to get to the gym, I decided to buy some equipment for home and start exercising there. So far, it's been working a treat, which should mean that I will hopefully get stronger and fitter by the end of this year. I hope.

- I loved learning Spanish in school but sadly had to drop it at A-Level as our school couldn't supply it to us. I've now got the opportunity in work to re-learn it and teach it, a very big positive for me.


So, an awesome year. There have been some downpoints, such as paying hefty amounts for car bills. But, hopefully this will ease up by next year. Roll on 2013.

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On balance my year was friggin' awesome. Up until about Valentines day things were pretty dam miserable and then after that, everything's been great. I made loads of new friends, improved my grades at university and finally learnt how to function as a singleton. Technically I also quit smoking right at the end there too.


2013 should be the year I graduate and as such is fucking terrifying :heh: It'll be interesting to see where I am a year from now.

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Grew in how awesome I was, opportunities came and I took them, I have moved into an awesome house that's close to town so easy to walk back after a going out and getting smashed.


Became a Personal Trainer but rather than get paid I get benefits (Free meals, cheaper groceries, cheaper games etc etc...) since I get paid really well where I work as it is.


Goal is always to make sure each year is better than the last and for 4 years straight it has, this year will get better I'm sure of it.


Main goal for this year is to make twice as much money than last year

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Not a whole lot in 2012, a few bad which balanced out with the good. The good highlights are below.




N-Europe Meet, epic as usual




Attended a rock concert in Birmingham




Epic parties for Christmas + New Years


Thats about it really.

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I got engaged and finally launched the new N-Europe. I started playing Badminton and running a few times a week. Moved house for the fourth time in the last couple of years.


On the negative side low pay and losing hours of my life to commuting is starting to take its toll on life.

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My year started pretty crappy, then got quite depressing before gradually getting better.


Started off in a job i didn't like, back from china, bored, skint, hating england etc etc


Worst few months of my life followed between march and may - got made redundant, didn't get paid (still havent!), didn't get a job i really wanted, and relationship of over 7 years came to an end. Bad times. Though i did get my driving license (woop woop).


Things started picking up in june. Got a new job, good pay and company car. Over the summer i enjoyed the travel aspect of it (i work away most weeks) and being in hotels and new cities with new workmates etc was great for me to get on my own feet again.


Started looking on dating sites around august/september for some female attention after encouragement from new workmates. Had a few dates, met one or two nice girls but generally didnt lead to anything substantial.


October was the best, went to China and saw my old friends and students over there again. Most importantly though i got to chatting with a girl i really like who has now become my girlfriend here at home. November and december were great following that, went to Alton Towers, went to gigs, she stayed with me for a week in my hotel when i was working down south, went to brighton together and just ended the year on a real high with the best holiday period i can remember for a long time with lots of family and friend time.


I'm in a much better place now than 6/7 months ago. Hoping this year can only get better. A new job maybe where i dont have to travel so much, but i'm pretty happy for now :)

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