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Are You Hyped?

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Well, are you?


I ask this question because it dawned on me that I am not. Months ago I didn't feel hyped (as a result of E3), but I was fine with that, assuming that I would feel that "rush" the closer it neared to the launch of the WiiU.


It's just over a month away 'til the launch, yet I feel nothing. I don't have that argue to see what the controller feels like, I don't have that buzz about seeing NintendoLand, or even that curiosity about the online specifications...which I don't know a thing about. Does anybody know? Do we have friendcodes or usernames, or something else?


The worrying thing is that I just don't care. :hmm:

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I feel that I could be getting hyped, but I'm not overly hyped because I'm not gonna be getting the console at launch.


I think if I knew I was going to be playing Nintendo Land, Zombi U, ACIII on launch day and over Christmas... and getting a Wii U game as a Christmas present then I might be kinda excited, but because I'm not I just have this minor background excitement for a new console.


You're right in that the continued lack of news surrounding the Wii U's features and functions doesn't help anything, but then there's a good chance I'll be buying the console at some point anyway for the First Party titles (and by that time hopefully all the Wii U's functionality will be up and running and I won't have to wait for a decent eShop and maybe even a European Nintendo TVii etc...)


I'm just gonna keep waiting I think until we hear about Nintendo's First Party plans, and from Retro Studios of course. That'll be the time to start getting excited (should the news deliver), until then, third party games I can probably just get on the PS3.


Nintendo had better bring the First Party range this time.

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I'm not the slightest bit hyped. It's the most disappointing Nintendo launch ever. First time I won't be buying on launch day. There are so many problems and decisions that Nintendo have made that really piss me off. I'll buy it eventually but I'm waiting for a catalogue of decent games to build up.

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After E3, I certainly lost any hype I had, but after the Nintendo Direct in Sept 13th, hype began to stir once more. Then at the Play Expo in Manchester on Oct 14th, I got my hands on with the WiiU and it all became clear... this IS a console to be hyped about! I had so much fun with my hands-on that it's a must-have for me. There are some great games at launch!

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No hype here, but even if I wanted it at launch it would be impossible due to my current situation.


I'm eagerly anticipating to see how the launch goes in regards to sales and such, I've got a feeling that the bug hasn't really caught on to the casual market but I imagine the stock will be completely depleted over the opening weekend thanks to what seems like massive pre-order numbers from the loyalists.

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I'm absolutely hyped, but I always am for a Nintendo console. I can't wait to play Nintendoland, play with the gamepad controller, zombi u etc. couldn't be more excited actually (well I probably could)... Also, there is so much we still don't know about the wii, its OS, online services etc that im excited (setting myself up For a crushing disappointment) to see what they offer.

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You remind me of myself around the 3DS launch..


I'm just a whore for new game/product launches. Everyone is united for one particular reason or interest and it feels pretty rad to be a part of something like that.


My wallet quivers.

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The title of this thread feels like a rhetorical question. Another thread in which the implicit purpose is for everyone who doesn't want a WiiU to pile in with glee, while those of us who do (and even more since actually trying it) try desperately to justify ourselves or hang our heads in shame.


There's no 'right' to be hyped. There's nothing so crazily 'wrong' about the WiiU that's it's night-and-day from any other Nintendo console. In fact, it's doing a lot right. It hasn't abandoned what was good about about the Wii, while moving beyond it in all the ways I hoped it would.


If this comes down to something as prosaic as no 3D Mario or Metroid for launch, well... yawn. It's been rehearsed time and time again since E3.


If I wasn't interested I'd be relieved, not worried. You'll save £300! ;)

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I'm so hyped I've even started dreaming about the WiiU :D


No tour dates here in Ireland and the other day I had a dream I was at one of the tours playing a WiiU, loving the feel of teh Upad, played a game that seemed like a mix of Mario and Rayman...even though I'm not getting either on day one.


Then I woke up :mad:



I've got an exam on Nov 22nd too so trying to surpress my hype as much as I can to let me focus on studying..... closer to Nov 30th the more hype they;ll be though. And hopefully after the 22nd and having past the exam I'll just explode the excess hype that's been pushed down



i need to watch that south park episode about the wii and get some tips from there , it all will end well ? ;)


Man that ep rocked.... are they doing a WiiU one this time?

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I think Flink is just pretending not to be interested in the Wii U so he can surprise Ine with one on Christmas Day. "Who has two thumbs and loves Nintendo more than he loves you? This guy!"


She'll surprise him with one too, of course, and it'll be one of those sitcom moments that make up their life together.


"I sold my Wii - and its sensor bar - so I could afford to buy you a Wii U!"

"And I sold my Wii - and its sensor bar - so I could afford to buy you a Wii U!"


And then Flink will say his catchphrase (probably "Kooloo-Limpah" or something), Ine will say "oh, Jim" in that "oh, what a loveable buffoon" sort of way and they'll make crazy monkey love all night.


Just like in a sitcom.

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I'm like Kav, after E3 i wasn't so hyped, but PlayEXPO changed it for me, getting hands on with the console and experiencing it were enough for me, the 30th Nov can't come soon enough (man i hope shopto ship it early)


The thing with the Wiiu is that written information and reviews don't do it justice, getting hands on is where it is at!

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For the first time for a Nintendo console, not the slightest. I don't care about it at all, the console or any of the games. And this from someone who stood in line for the Wii on launch. For one, I don't have time or money, but really, I don't care that much about it. I just don't do. Maybe it's my beloved PS3(which I bought years later after Wii) or something else I don't know, but I really didn't care even before it was announced in the first place. The console and the games never impressed me so even with time and money, I still don't think I would buy it any time soon. I don't mean to act superior or anything, I hope everyone who buys it has a great time!


I will buy the console mind you, but some other time. Next year I guess. Or later.

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Yup I'm hyped. I cant wait to play ZombiU and Mario. Not to mention AC3 and Blacks Ops 2 which I'm waiting until the WiiU for. I'm always hyped for new home console launches, well except the PS3 launch.


I'm more hyped for this than I was the Wii. The only reason I was hyped for the Wii was because of Zelda and the Virtual Console.


Man I hope they have the VC day one.

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No, not hyped. I might be if I'd ordered one, but it needs to be a little bit cheaper, personally. Actually, a Premium Pack with New Super Mario Bros U instead of Nintendo Land would be good, as I just won't be able to play the latter properly.


That doesn't mean it'll be a bad console! When I first tried the GameCube in Currys (with Luigi's Mansion, no less) I thought "Why do I need this? I feel I should want it, but I'm not convinced". The GameCube went on to become my favourite home console of all time.


I was really, really excited about the 3DS because of the stereoscopic 3D and the fact it had a remake of Ocarina of Time on the way... but the Wii U? Sorry, there's nothing to give me that feeling yet.


To me, the Wii U is all potential. Whether it lives up to it or not I'm genuinely open-minded about, but the good news is there's no reason why it shouldn't.

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As for the Virtual Console, they really need to include a quick save function just like they did with the 3DS VC. I have no interest in buying old games if they are nigh impossible to beat...


Et vaan osaa! :smile:


To be honest, I enjoy some challenge, and rarely use the save states anymore. But with the Game & Watch Gallery -games I had to to get 5 start from some games. Though it was only after everything else had been unlocked already.

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This is an awful thread, it's essentially an excuse for everyone who has some dislike for the Wii U to pile in and lay on the hate.


I'm not the slightest bit hyped. It's the most disappointing Nintendo launch ever. First time I won't be buying on launch day. There are so many problems and decisions that Nintendo have made that really piss me off. I'll buy it eventually but I'm waiting for a catalogue of decent games to build up.


Wow, I bet you've been around for a LOT of Nintendo launches! You do realise Nintendo have made more consoles than the Wii. Just because your mum got you that on day one doesn't mean you've been at every Nintendo launch on day one.

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