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Restored faith in nintendo?


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This is a sort of personal declaration on where I stand with Nintendo at this moment in time but it would be interesting to hear others views.


I haven't turned on my wii in probably a year. If I wasn't such a hoarder, it would have been sold by now. There are many reasons for this but suffice it to say, I don't hold Nintendo in the same regard as I did in the cube and 64 days.


So after having gotten up to date with the recent information with the wii u, my interest has increased by a factor of 100% (from 1%) mainly due to two things which are quite interesting.

MH3 ultimate and Bayonetta 2.


MH3 has probably been my most enjoyable console experience and a large part of that is down to the general charm of the game and the n-europe contingent that also played. I enjoyed it so much that provided the same ppl are getting it, I almost willing to buy a console for it.


Bayonetta 2's significance is less to do with the game, even though I did enjoy the first, and more to do with showing nintendo's commitment to the gaming demographic I most likely fall into. If this is a sign of things to come, then I like this direction of nintys attitude to its customers.


Basically I now want a wii u for MH3 and possibly some future releases that would be of interest. The plan is to get one around the release mh3.


Anyone else feel a reinvigorated interest in Nintendo now because of these recent developments?

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I never lost faith, in fact I loved the Wii and still play it almost every day even now!


However, I was very skeptical of the Wii around its launch and didn't pick up my Wii until Christmas 2007. I never felt the hype for motion control initially and was disappointed with the specs. I was however won over when I first played it and have since become a massive fan and have around 60 boxed games!


For the Wii U it's been very different. I'm hyped now and will pick this up on launch day. I feel Nintendo have pitched the specs right, have a number of different control schemes to suit everyone and have a great launch line up (possibly the best I've ever seen).


What's more Nintendo seem to have sorted many of the issues I've had with the Wii. The improved specs mean we'll be getting more multiplatform games. The better online will mean improved COD experience and the Miiverse looks awesome - especially in games like NSMBU.


I also think the addition of TVii in America is such a ground breaking feature it's unreal. I mean as a selling point, a completely free service like this is unreal value and makes the price of the console almost feel irrelevant.


I also love the tablet and think the applications for this are so widespread and far reaching it's a tantalising prospect. I've just watched the TVii demo and seeing how you select content to watch on your tablet whilst watching the shows on your screen is amazing. If there's multiple sports on TV at the same time you can keep the scores running on the tablet so you can keep up to date on what's going on without switching channels.


I also think multiple SKUs work really well and having the ability to just add an SD card or external hard drive leaves everyone in a great position - the console is basically fully expandable without having to rely on overpriced proprietary memory systems.


Finally, when the Wii launched I got the feeling it got some ports of games that generally didn't live up to the originals as the Wii controls weren't well implemented and some of the games were rushed. I don't feel this with the Wii U. The ports the Wii U is getting seem superior and have something extra to offer. For example COD on the Wii U is clearly the best version. The fact one player can play on the tablet whilst the other uses the TV is pure brilliance.


I am very happy with everything - my only slight raised eyebrow is the price. I would have liked to see $50 knocked off both SKUs in the states and the prices to have been £200 and £250 in the UK. I think at the moment the prices fall just outside of the impulse buy price that the Wii used so effectively to get itself started.

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I'm pretty invigorated but I do have 1 worry. With the Wii U ready to kick arse all over the shop for the time being, what happens when the new consoles come out? Will we still be getting good and fully featured versions of the game? I know that the GPU chip is next gen enough to handle the shaders but 1Gig of RAM isn't going to be an awful by lot by comparison and there is a good chance that these kind of limitations could lead to a compromised Wii U edition.


As for Bayonetta 2, I think it's an excellent example of an adult game. MH3U is a great hardcore game (with massive appeal) in Japan. With these and the support from BLOPS2 and to some extent ZombiU, not to mention to top tier sports games, it's pretty hard to argue that around launch Wii U has something for everyone.

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I'm pretty invigorated but I do have 1 worry. With the Wii U ready to kick arse all over the shop for the time being, what happens when the new consoles come out? Will we still be getting good and fully featured versions of the game? I know that the GPU chip is next gen enough to handle the shaders but 1Gig of RAM isn't going to be an awful by lot by comparison and there is a good chance that these kind of limitations could lead to a compromised Wii U edition.


As for Bayonetta 2, I think it's an excellent example of an adult game. MH3U is a great hardcore game (with massive appeal) in Japan. With these and the support from BLOPS2 and to some extent ZombiU, not to mention to top tier sports games, it's pretty hard to argue that around launch Wii U has something for everyone.

I dunno. RAM wise I think the next Sony & MS console will be on a similar level of 1-2 GB of RAM.


Personally, I am psyched. I never lost my love for Nintendo, though the past gen was the first one where I personally got other consoles, for obvious reasons.


Bringing all these third party games and core games is a massive boon for Nintendo. It will please most of the core crowd (I saw most because of those idiots bitching about Bayonetta) and may mean that the Wii U could reach Wii style sales.


I'm not worried for the future as the generational jump won't be as big as people think it will. Games will finally render in 1080p as standard and there will be better textures and bumpmapping. Other than that, it's not that much a jump.

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I dunno. RAM wise I think the next Sony & MS console will be on a similar level of 1-2 GB of RAM.


Personally, I am psyched. I never lost my love for Nintendo, though the past gen was the first one where I personally got other consoles, for obvious reasons.


Bringing all these third party games and core games is a massive boon for Nintendo. It will please most of the core crowd (I saw most because of those idiots bitching about Bayonetta) and may mean that the Wii U could reach Wii style sales.


I'm not worried for the future as the generational jump won't be as big as people think it will. Games will finally render in 1080p as standard and there will be better textures and bumpmapping. Other than that, it's not that much a jump.


Yeah, it's not a major worry but I'm just aware that things might changes and lots not forget western developers ability to discount Nintendo systems for being.... Nintendo systems.

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Yeah, it's not a major worry but I'm just aware that things might changes and lots not forget western developers ability to discount Nintendo systems for being.... Nintendo systems.

Nintendo are trying to fix that though. They're getting core games on it to try and kill the "Nintendo is kiddy" image, but it seems they'll never remove that :/

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I'm still not sure about my purchasing decision but it is very very likely. I really didn't want another console, but in typical Nintendo fashion, the experiences had on the machine cannot be had anywhere else and will be an important factor as to what games I buy.*

Tangible use of the tablet like zombi u and it's a wii u purchase.*

Multiplatform that isn't on pc like fighters, that have no use for the tablet and it's probably a ps3 buy.*

Fps/graphics intensive/moddable game is a pc buy.*

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Nintendo are trying to fix that though. They're getting core games on it to try and kill the "Nintendo is kiddy" image, but it seems they'll never remove that :/


Well I just think of the guys who are porting Baldurs Gate and the hate they spill on Nintendo, for what is actually them being incapable at their own jobs. Sad really.

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My faith in Nintendo was never shaken. My faith in Activision has greatly improved however as they had a really solid showing (and for how little I care about the game, I'm glad to see that BLOPS2 Wii is being given first class treatment - really great to see them continue to support the Wiimote & Chuck!)


The real restoration of faith however comes for Capcom though. I had all but given up hope on them and the whole Monster Hunter series ever coming over here. I can now finally put that nagging anger to rest and actually look forward to MH4, AA5 and their upcoming titles :D (except RE6 - which still looks like complete dog turd)


I'm pretty invigorated but I do have 1 worry. With the Wii U ready to kick arse all over the shop for the time being, what happens when the new consoles come out? Will we still be getting good and fully featured versions of the game? I know that the GPU chip is next gen enough to handle the shaders but 1Gig of RAM isn't going to be an awful by lot by comparison and there is a good chance that these kind of limitations could lead to a compromised Wii U edition.


PS4 currently has 2GB of RAM... And that RAM that's currently being used by the Wii U's OS will come down over time; better to take more than what you need at the start and work your way down than to take too little and not have enough for the features you need (Hi PS3 and your lack of Cross Game Voice Chat!)


I wouldn't worry myself.

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My faith has been restored and I'm tempted to buy the damn console at launch. However, I have promised myself that I can buy it when I have received my master's degree in a year (September next year) so that I won't be distracted by another console during the writing process. (Also, my girlffriend has decided to travel to India for half a year at that time so I have to have something to distract myself. :P )


I'm tired of hearing / seeing people say that this console isn't next-gen. I agree with Serebii, the leap from now to next-gen will be a lot less noticable and the Wii U will not fall far behind so it won't be a Wii-situation all over again in a year.

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Well, Bayonetta 2 to me shows that Nintendo at least are willing to put out money to give us exclusive titles, something they have been completely unwilling to do during the Wii days. Let's hope they'll do this more often. Like WAY more often. I'm talking about Nintendo going out on a friggin' shopping spree and buy out every developer with a good track record but little money.


I'm all about software, and right now nothing seems very interresting. Yes, Pikmin and ZombiU seems quite good. But the whole rest seems either old or sub-par.


That you can play using four Pro Controllers (I first thought they were only tablets without a touchscreen), which is nice.


I think that the idea to waste half the RAM on pointless apps is among the dumbest decisions ever made throughout the entire history of the game industry. It means that gamers will have to pay for the full 2GB ram and then not get to use it. It's like Koenigsegg would use half the power of their 1000 hp+ engine on airconditioning and satnav. The unfathmable level of stupidity will only be more evident when the PS4 and Xbox 720 will be unveiled.



But no. I had much bigger faith in Nintendo after last years E3 than this year. Nintendo KNEW that people were unsatisified due to the lack of games at E3 2011. So, on paper they fixed that by unveiling 20+ Wii U games. They opened strongly with Pikmin 3, but then made a total hash of things by only unveiling ONE more game... a spiritual successor to the dreaded, vile and disgusting Wii Sports. People were outraged, so you'd think that now when they held the Nintendo Direct conferences, they'd learned their lesson. Well, just no. They unveiled ONE game. So the total ammount of exclusive games one might be even remotely interrested in buying is up to a grand total of... three!

So no, over the last three months, my faith in Nintendo has deteriorated quite rapidly.

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I don't understand why you have such a problem with it. It's clearly for multitasking like crazy - for voice chat and messaging, and the perpetual social platform off miiverse and it being pulled up in an instant. I see it as a good sign for this reason.


COuldn't developers redistribute it at their will if they wanted or is always set?

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No, I actually have less faith in Nintendo than ever.


First of all, let's look at the 3rd-party games. They've obviously done something right here as the Wii U will have far more multiformat games than the Wii was ever going to have. As demonstrated, a lot of people on here are happy about that so, as I say, they've done well there. However, don't forget that the Xbox 360 had already been out a year when the Wii launched. In other words, the next gen had started. This time, the current gen has got a couple more years, so it's natural that the Wii U will get multiformat games for a while.


Don't kid yourselves though: the next gen will be a massive leap over the 360/PS3/Wii U. Microsoft and Sony's machines will be capable of 4K resolutions compared to the Wii U's maximum 1080p (sure, we don't know how many games will run in 4K, but we do know anything remotely complex on Wii U will be 720p). In other words, it's going to be exactly the same situation again. Extraordinarily profitable series like Call of Duty will still get Wii U versions, but I don't expect many others to be scaled-down for Nintendo's machine.


But the saddest thing is how Nintendo seems to have accepted everyone else's definition of "hardcore", and thus the Wii U launch line-up equals Nintendo "bridge" (or casual) games + violent games. It's not surprising that Pikmin 3 won't make launch day, but think about it: without Pikmin, Nintendo does not have an actual "hardcore" game of their own for launch! Sure, New Super Mario Bros U will play like a dream, but it's hardly an exciting launch game. If someone had told me six years ago that Mario's first HD game would be an entry in the NSMB series, I'm not sure I'd have believed them.


I won't lie, I didn't like the Wii. When the full picture about that machine began to form, I thought to myself "Nintendo's development teams will have to put up with poor hardware over the next six years, and so will we, but at least the games still might be good." The presence of Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 at least showed Nintendo were on the same page as the fans in terms of software. This time, however, there is nothing like that. Pikmin 3 might be the only 1st-party game of its calibre until next Christmas (that's if it's not delayed until next Christmas!)


The funny thing is that the Wii U could turn out to have much better games than the Wii. Who knows? The hardware is much better (it's the leap many of us wanted last time) and they could be working on Metroids, Marios and Zeldas to trump them all... but we don't know that. This topic is about faith, and as far as Nintendo goes, my faith has run out.

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@Grazza what I find really interesting is that the software that has reinvigorated my interest is third party, namely MH3. And that their is clear intent from the likes of Activision (despite my disdain for CoD) to support the machine with titles that exploit the features the tablet brings to the consumer. And about that tablet. The said features seem to be...more supplementary rather than attempting to be revolutionary, meaning that they should add to the experience in what appears to be a meaningful and useful fashion (quick clear inventory management, status and map monitor etc.) rather than shake-up the steady gaming foundations we currently have. I mean, that's already happened and look at the result.


I think Dev's will find it alot easier to make use of the Wii U's capabilities, and the architecture is such that they can probably build games for the machine without the drastic costs that buried companies when the ps3 and 360 came out. Really looking forward to the future.

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Hell NO! Nintendo are dead to me.


First of all, where is my 3D mario game!? I don't want some stupid shitty side scrolling Mario game, and NintendoLand? what the FUCK!? It's like they decided to fuck me over again after Wii Sports, I don't care if Wii Sports saved Nintendo financially, this is about ME! and only ME! I don't care if it's fleshed out more than Wii Sports the game can just fucking burn!

And I can't believe they are porting a FUCKING WII game over to WiiU Pikmin 3, yeah fuck off miyamoto, put that shit on the Gamecube because obviuosly it was built for that machine. Next thing. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY NINTENDO FANCHISES I LOVE!? Where is my Donkey Kong? Where is my Metroid? Where is my F-Zero? Where is my Zelda? It's like Nintendo really don't give a fuck about us. If they really cared they would have hired more people to help with the load but they are FUCKING STUPID!

Now let's talk about 3rd party games. Where the fuck are the games I want? Where is Bioshock Infinite? Where is GTAV? Where is Resident Evil 5? Or Metal Gear Solid? Final Fantasy? Yep Nintendo really don't give a fuck about us, instead we get fucked over by D list games like Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest and Bayonetta no one gives a fuck about those!


And where the fuck is Pokemon, when are we going to get a fully HD free roaming free mmo game on a home console? Jesus christ!


And the specs, please what era am I living? 1950!? Nintendo should be giving us specs that a state of the art PC should be AND should be $200 for the system with at least 3 free games. And if you start laughing that Nintendo will make a loss for each sold, who cares? After the shit we have put up with the Wii we deserve better and hey Sony sell at a loss and they are still going strong! So yes fuck you Nintendo and I am glad people on this forum are starting to see my point of view which I am very pleased with.


This post is bought to by NeoGaf poster. NeoGaf = First World Problems

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@Grazza what I find really interesting is that the software that has reinvigorated my interest is third party, namely MH3.


Yep, I agree that was the best news.


My post makes me sound more negative than I feel. I fully expect to enjoy the Wii U more than the Wii, it's just that I've never felt on such a different page to Nintendo themselves. The good news (for me) is that one good E3 could completely overturn that feeling.

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Microsoft and Sony's machines will be capable of 4K resolutions compared to the Wii U's maximum 1080p (sure, we don't know how many games will run in 4K, but we do know anything remotely complex on Wii U will be 720p).


I don't see how this is relevant at all. 4K screens currently cost around £50,000. They are not going to be mainstream in these consoles' lifetime. I don't see any/many games being made in this resolution. It'd be a waste of time and money.

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@Grazza Hmm, interesting and surprising post as you seem to be on an up with NIntendo lately. Anyways, no one knows what the hell MS and Sony are going to do with their next consoles, so to say they're going to display in 4k etc is complete guess work. And even if they did it won't affect the consumer. People WERE HD ready last gen, we are MILES away from 4k it's ridiculous; this combined with increasing budgets YET AGAIN will only put off developers even more. I really can't see there being a big leap this time, tech wise it's barely possible, business wise it'd be stupid.


Also, are you utterly insane? We don't know what's getting released after March, not one game. So why do you state Pikmin will be the only hardcore game nintendo release from now til then?! And if the 3rd parties are supplying all the "hardcore" content does it matter exactly WHEN Nintendo release their big games? Doesn't matter anyway, as obviously we will have big games next year from them. I\m gutted Pikmin isn't there at launch too, but what a game to bring in the new year.


You say your faith has run out, it hasn't, your negative predictions are as much about faith as our positive ones. None of us know, it's all guess work; but we're more likely to be right then you. Do you seriously think NIntendo won't release a big game after Pikmin 3 in 2013?!

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I don't see how this is relevant at all. 4K screens currently cost around £50,000. They are not going to be mainstream in these consoles' lifetime. I don't see any/many games being made in this resolution. It'd be a waste of time and money.


Exactly! This is what I was trying to say. I make films, I shoot in 4k, the first thing we do is downgrade. 99% of all digital cinemas receive their films downgraded to 2k on the biggest screens imaginable. Yet you think the next home consoles will display their games in this resoltuion?!

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MH3 has probably been my most enjoyable console experience and a large part of that is down to the general charm of the game and the n-europe contingent that also played. I enjoyed it so much that provided the same ppl are getting it, I almost willing to buy a console for it.


I'd add "online" to that. But yeah, prob gonna buy a WiiU when MH3U comes out.

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I don't see how this is relevant at all. 4K screens currently cost around £50,000. They are not going to be mainstream in these consoles' lifetime. I don't see any/many games being made in this resolution. It'd be a waste of time and money.


Was gonna post this. 4K is totally unrealistic for at least the next 10 years.


PS4 will come with Move packaged in, have internal multi-disc stacking and an in-built projector. ::shrug::

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@Grazza Hmm, interesting and surprising post as you seem to be on an up with NIntendo lately. Anyways, no one knows what the hell MS and Sony are going to do with their next consoles, so to say they're going to display in 4k etc is complete guess work. And even if they did it won't affect the consumer. People WERE HD ready last gen, we are MILES away from 4k it's ridiculous; this combined with increasing budgets YET AGAIN will only put off developers even more. I really can't see there being a big leap this time, tech wise it's barely possible, business wise it'd be stupid.


OK, people have made some good points about 4K. I accept it is more distant now than HD was last time. Rather than thinking a lot of games will display in 4K, I was more making the point that, if these machines can do it (likely), that says a lot about their CPUs and GPUs. They'll be monstrous.


Not that I expect Nintendo to match the next-gen machines, by the way. It wouldn't be reasonable to expect a profitable £250 machine in 2012 to match potentially loss-making £300 consoles in 2013/2014. I'm simply trying to say the Wii U is enjoying the last few muliformat games of the 360/PS3 - no more, no less.


Do you seriously think NIntendo won't release a big game after Pikmin 3 in 2013?!


Maybe not until Christmas, no. You know what Nintendo is like nowadays - everything gets delayed until an advantageous commercial period (understandable). OK, there's Easter, but I'm assuming the known "launch window" titles will take us up to then. I can't see any more big games shown before E3 2013 (and then released that Christmas).

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