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Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien


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Launch Trailer


The game will be released on the Wii U eShop & Steam first, followed by XBOX Live and PSN later on. This means that NA should have this game today.


"Here're the dates: Wii U - 2/26 Steam - 2/26 XBLA - 2/27 PSN - 3/5 Vita - Summer iOS - Summer"


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  • 1 month later...

Bought this yesterday, played most of the first world and so far it's good. Not too hard yet and I was taking the hard paths when I could. I'm sure that will change. Not a game I should be playing after midnight when I'm tired. :laughing:

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Amazing game. Are there any tips to highscores? I seem to do a level perfectly and dance through it, but still seem to be miles off @welsh_gamer don't quite understand why!


Sure you're dancing enough? :wink:

Try each stage on Easy and Hard mode to see which gives you the most points. You can dance longer on easy levels, but more obstacles to jump over on hard.

Avoid going over the checkpoint to get some extra points, and always take the harder route when you come to a junction.



I've spent a good 10 - 15 hours with the game since Thursday, and that's mostly been spent perfecting the first 2 worlds. Defintley one of my favourite Eshop titles, along with Zen Pinball 2 and Nano Assault Neo!

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  • 1 month later...

Bought this yesterday.

Never played a game in the series before and didn't know if I'd like it as I wasn't really sure what it was all about.


I am now hooked.


It's brilliant fun. Gets difficult pretty quickly but I do like a challenge!


I'm just moving through it slowly at the min but intend to go back and try and get some high scores once I've done a run through of all the levels.


Great fun though!

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  • 1 month later...

can i get some advice on this game.


How do you know the hard/easy route is it to do with the red/blue arrows.


How do you unlock keys, i keep seeing keys that are greyed out and also what's with the padlocks?


Any tips would be good.


Love this game though and I'm only on World 2

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The hard route is the red route


Unlock keys by unlocking the special level, need to take the alternative route leading up to it (would be clear from the map where this is), this then allows you to get those for the rest of the world.


cheers @dazzybee did laugh when I saw your comment about points de ja vu with NFS, you seem to be cursed with low points mate.

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