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3DS in Europe this Q4?


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This is an excellent chance to use this window for the eShop. Shorter, unique experiences sold at lower prices. Without major 1st retail titles hitting Q4, the eShop can get some much needed love. Perhaps there are some hidden gems along the way? Maybe even Denpa Ningen!

That would certainly put a smile on my face.

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What a crying shame it is that they've limited the options available to customers with the region locking bullshit. I'll never drop this issue. Never.


And so you shouldn't. Its one of the stupidest things to come out of this new generation of handhelds.


The whole lack of Q4 first party goods is a little annoying, especially when you see Japan getting all the love. Nintendo still have this mindset that every region is different, with Japan being the main one.


After Iwata made those comments a while back about bring more games over from Japan I was quite hopefully, but now I see that I shouldn't have got my hopes up.


To be honest Paper Mario, Devil Summoner and Epic Mickey are the only ones i'm interested in, at least out of the ones that have been posted, so it will be slim pickings for me.


As Dem0 pointed out, now would be a great time to release some eShop games. That Samurai game RedShell wants, Denpa Ningen! and that new Harmony game by Game Freak will do nicely. :D

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Not necessarily. All things being equal many people would rather gravitate towards the ProjectXZones, Bravely Defaults and Dragon Quests. It's not about being 'happy' with the ration you're served by NoE, it's about choice for the consumer.


Thank goodness that DreamRift are doing their bit to fill the void of Western developers that 'get it'!

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So you guys are basically saying that you've played all the good games for the 3DS up 'till now?


Kid Icarus, Mario Kart, Ocarina and Lylat Wars?


Yes, all done.


(Actually, I'm still in the Shadow Temple on Ocarina, so that's a lie)

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I know it's about choice, but I usually have a hard time believing that people have finished all their games they've wanted to play up 'till now. Be it on the 3DS or some other machine.


Can people honestly say that the handful of titles that are confirmed to be coming out for the 3DS are too few in numbers for them? Surely there must be more to play? And that's not even mentioning the fact that the WiiU is coming out and that NoE might throw a few release dates our way.


However, I shall let those who see this as a weak Q4 complain about it without holding a grudge, because, of course, there are people who have way more time than me and buy + play every new release like RedShell. Oh, you lucky bastard RedShell :laughing:


My backlog is simply to vast to even notice games not coming out.

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I've had the 3DS since launch so I've played most of the good games and then some. Although I've just ordered Mario Tennis and Theatrhythm after being on the fence for ages, so I can't really complain from a personal perspective.


I think it's important for Nintendo to maximise their Western market if they want things to pick back up. On paper one of the obvious discrepancies between regions is the range of software available, with the Japanese market revelling in what Nintendo handhelds do best; quirky, original experiences.


They could start using the eshop for some of these if they think they're too 'high risk' for Western dullards. Or a limited retail run like Tales of the Abyss (+ eshop).

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I've had the 3DS since launch so I've played most of the good games and then some. Although I've just ordered Mario Tennis and Theatrhythm after being on the fence for ages, so I can't really complain from a personal perspective.


I think it's important for Nintendo to maximise their Western market if they want things to pick back up. On paper one of the obvious discrepancies between regions is the range of software available, with the Japanese market revelling in what Nintendo handhelds do best; quirky, original experiences.


They could start using the eshop for some of these if they think they're too 'high risk' for Western dullards. Or a limited retail run like Tales of the Abyss (+ eshop).

I believe they're testing the waters for large, digital only games. HarmoKnight...GameFreak's new game was originally going to be full retail but they changed their mind.

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I know it's about choice, but I usually have a hard time believing that people have finished all their games they've wanted to play up 'till now. Be it on the 3DS or some other machine.


Can people honestly say that the handful of titles that are confirmed to be coming out for the 3DS are too few in numbers for them?


Your taking to a guy that polished off NSMB2 before the game officially got released. Yes, I have finished all the 3DS games that I want to play and that are out. The only game I havent finished is Freaky Forms Deluxe, but that may be going the journey as I just don't get it.

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OK, to be honest I have not bought Mario Kart 7 or Kid Icarus yet. The former seems good when I play it in GAME, but I've disliked every single Mario Kart game ever and part of me knows it'd be the same if I actually bought this one. Once I started losing races in the last second because someone shrunk me or threw a shell at me or something.


Kid Icarus looks more appealing but I'm still sceptical about the controls, especially as I'd be playing it on a 3DS XL, so couldn't even use the stand if I had problems. I do have more mileage to get out of my old games though and I am going to buy more eShop games (DSi Ware and Virtual Console - many of the new eShop games are too puzzle- or rhythm-heavy for my liking).


It's not really about being bored. After all, we don't need to be playing a game all the time. It's more about not having something exceptional to look forward to, combined with the nagging doubt that Nintendo might not be behind this handheld as much as we'd like at this point.


As others have said, lack of localisations is the real issue. Etrian Odyssey IV appeals to me more than any of the other games - I can't believe something of that quality would not get localised - and Animal Crossing will be finished this year, it's just that we won't have it in Europe. Localised games would make all the difference.

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The only game I havent finished is Freaky Forms Deluxe, but that may be going the journey as I just don't get it.
:laughing: I don't think anyone gets it... even its developers. :heh:


It's not really about being bored. After all, we don't need to be playing a game all the time. It's more about not having something exceptional to look forward to, combined with the nagging doubt that Nintendo might not be behind this handheld as much as we'd like at this point.


As others have said, lack of localisations is the real issue. Etrian Odyssey IV appeals to me more than any of the other games - I can't believe something of that quality would not get localised - and Animal Crossing will be finished this year, it's just that we won't have it in Europe. Localised games would make all the difference.

Yep, those are my main concerns.

Localisation simply cannot be a problem for Nintendo any more. They could blatantly get Animal Crossing released worldwide this year if they wanted to, but for some completely bizarre reason, they won't. :blank:

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I find it depressing they say animal crossing will be released first half of 2013. Not even saying Q1 anymore. There were trailers for this game on the e3 before the 3ds came out! With this coming out in Japan this year, it should be coming out here also.

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So you guys are basically saying that you've played all the good games for the 3DS up 'till now?


If so, could we arrange a time transplant?


Please, 3DS ha! I still have to catch up with all the DS games I have to still complete, by the time I have finished all of the DS games Nintendo will most likely have brought out the next generation of handheld :heh:

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:laughing: I don't think anyone gets it... even its developers. :heh:


Yep, those are my main concerns.

Localisation simply cannot be a problem for Nintendo any more. They could blatantly get Animal Crossing released worldwide this year if they wanted to, but for some completely bizarre reason, they won't. :blank:


I wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed back because they fast tracked Pokemon B&W2's localisation (4 months is seriously bloody fast, and is by far the fastest localisation in the series' history)

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I wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed back because they fast tracked Pokemon B&W2's localisation (4 months is seriously bloody fast, and is by far the fastest localisation in the series' history)
Well if that's the case, then it's even more infuriating! :mad:

And would also mean that Nintendo have got their priorities seriously messed up. :confused:

Fair play if it was Pokémon for 3DS, but prioritising a DS game over a 3DS one (even if it is Pokémon) just seems incredibly wrong at this stage. :hmm:

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Given the huge 'first half of 2012' window I'd probably guess it is the case that localisation for it has been put on the backburner in favour of other projects and the Wii U, which is a mighty shame as I think this could have done absolutely fantasticly in the christmas window.

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Well if that's the case, then it's even more infuriating! :mad:

And would also mean that Nintendo have got their priorities seriously messed up. :confused:

Fair play if it was Pokémon for 3DS, but prioritising a DS game over a 3DS one (even if it is Pokémon) just seems incredibly wrong at this stage. :hmm:


Isn't money money?

Whether it comes from a DS game or a 3DS game shouldn't really make a difference to NINTENDO.


But I suppose if they wanted to give the 3DS that little extra umpf over here in the West.....

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Fair play if it was Pokémon for 3DS, but prioritising a DS game over a 3DS one (even if it is Pokémon) just seems incredibly wrong at this stage. :hmm:


Actually if anything, that would give Nintendo even more reason to get B&W2 out of the door ASAP. The DS is a rotting corpse at this point and the longer they wait to release B&W2, the more damage it's gonna do to the game's overall sales.


Animal Crossing 3DS OTOH wont really suffer from a wait till early next year and Nintendo's main focus this Xmas will be on the Wii U anyway. The 3DS should do OK with Layton and Paper Mario (if a bit weak to finish the year off with)

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Isn't money money?

Whether it comes from a DS game or a 3DS game shouldn't really make a difference to NINTENDO.

True. But it's still a bad business strategy in the long run I reckon.

If they don't continue to support the 3DS properly then existing owners will just lose interest and sell their systems (we're already seeing that with a few members on here) and potential new customers will have less incentive to purchase. :hmm:


Animal Crossing 3DS OTOH wont really suffer from a wait till early next year
No, but I (and everyone else that can't wait to get their grubby little paws on it) will suffer. :heh:
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