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Harmo Knight (eShop)


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Is it 2pm yet? :D

They better update the eShop on time this week, I'll be going mental if this isn't up dead-on 2. :laughing:


Remember now, Mario Kart 7 isn't a rhythm game.

Don't let it influence you like Sonic Racing di......actually let it :D


I'm buying this too by the way, I loooooove me some rhythm!

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Remember now, Mario Kart 7 isn't a rhythm game.

Don't let it influence you like Sonic Racing di......actually let it :D

Hehehe, it so will. :heh:


I'm buying this too by the way, I loooooove me some rhythm!
Good man! icon14.gif


I'm downloading as I type... it's so slow though. :blank:

Hurry up eShop/internet! I need to play NOW!! :bouncy:

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This game is magnificent! :heart:


I'm already up to world 4 (all gold flower buds so far :awesome:), think I need to slow down... But I can't! :heh:


Loving everything about this game (in case you couldn't tell :hehe:), but one thing I really love is the art style on the cutscenes. Man, that artwork is just adorable. :love:



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So I love rhythm games, like love them - so imagine my despair when I absolutely suck at the demo of this. :weep:


I'd been patiently waiting for this for aaages and thought it'd be a day one buy. Anyway, I have continually sucked at the demo... until tonight!! :grin:


Yes my friends I finally cracked it (kinda) and now I need this game in my life.

I will be downloading it first thing tomorrow ready for some bank holiday lovin. :love:


My 3ds has already been taking a battering tonight what with Weegee - then the MK league, so I'll have to ensure the charger is permanently attached :laughing:


But yes I'll be sure to post with my thoughts (and no doubt frustrations!) as I move through the game! Can't wait!! :bouncy:

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I got to World 7 yesterday (so much for slowing down :heh:) and beat the game this morning. The 4 hour estimate to beat the game and reach the credits is pretty much spot-on, took me even less than that if you take into consideration the bonus Pokémon stages, replaying certain stages on Fast mode, etc...


There does appear to be some post-game content though...


World 8 becomes available after finding 5 birds.


It features remixed stages from previous worlds.

...and the difficulty increases big style as a result! :wink:


Looking forward to going back and replaying all the stages, some of the later ones are gonna be brutal on fast mode I reckon. :smile:

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I've played through the first two worlds and got golds for everything so far (though the bee boss took quite a few attempts). I'm kind of enjoying it, but I've not been a fan of the music so far, which is pretty vital in a rhythm game. Especially in world 2, it was pretty dreadful. The Pokémon stages have been great, though - knowing the music makes such a difference!

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Well I outright sucked at the demo and can't decide if this is worth the money or not.
If you found the demo difficult then you probably won't enjoy the later stages of the full game, they are very tough.

Also, if you have no interest in replaying stages and trying to improve your scores then this game isn't going to be worth the money to you, no. :hmm:


I've played through the first two worlds and got golds for everything so far (though the bee boss took quite a few attempts). I'm kind of enjoying it, but I've not been a fan of the music so far, which is pretty vital in a rhythm game. Especially in world 2, it was pretty dreadful. The Pokémon stages have been great, though - knowing the music makes such a difference!
Yeah, the music can be a bit hit and miss.

However, World 3 and 4 (4 in particular) have the best music in the game IMO.

Latin and Jazz though, so I would say that. :wink: Just wish World 4 was longer.




Approaching 7 hours played now and I just beat the final stage, after many retries and still only managed silver.

Very tricky indeed. :o

Looking forward to going back and replaying all the stages, some of the later ones are gonna be brutal on fast mode I reckon. :smile:
Obviously haven't attempted the final stage on Fast mode yet, but I'm pretty sure we can replace the word brutal with impossible. :laughing:

The difficulty spike comes in quite late on HarmoKnight, but when it hits... man does it hit! :awesome:

Edited by RedShell
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Man, I can't believe you didn't beat the game until today. And you call yourself a fan. :p


I had a much easier time with the final level once I found out that you can carry up to three bonus hearts with you. That would have come in handy when I kept running out of health on the final stretch! :blank:

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Man, I can't believe you didn't beat the game until today. And you call yourself a fan. :p
Pacing myself, yeah? Badly. :heh:


I had a much easier time with the final level once I found out that you can carry up to three bonus hearts with you. That would have come in handy when I kept running out of health on the final stretch! :blank:
That would have been pretty handy, oh well. :grin:


Did you get all of the gold flower buds?

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God, no. I'll leave that to people like you. :heh:


I got gold flowers on all of the non-boss levels until the eighth world, but then the game started to be a lot more strict. I barely even managed to get a silver flower on the final level, so I think I'm done for now!

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On the Boss battles if "A" has that spiky bubble thing, what does it mean? Is it just a warning the attack can OHKO or does it mean you have to hit really late, found my timing for those attacks are way off.

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The timing is always the same as when you're shown what to do beforehand. If you die when you miss them, then there's your answer, I guess. The only things that will kill OHKO you are falling down a pit or missing the final attack, as far as I know.

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God, no. I'll leave that to people like you. :heh:
Thanks! :hug:


I got gold flowers on all of the non-boss levels until the eighth world, but then the game started to be a lot more strict. I barely even managed to get a silver flower on the final level, so I think I'm done for now!
I just got gold on the final stage (so that's all of 'em done at Normal speed), I'm now going back through the earlier worlds to try and get gold on the fast versions too.

Want to unlock all of that lovely artwork. :hehe:


On the Boss battles if "A" has that spiky bubble thing, what does it mean? Is it just a warning the attack can OHKO or does it mean you have to hit really late, found my timing for those attacks are way off.
Pretty sure those are beats that you must hit correctly in order to continue playing, yeah.
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Up to the final boss battle - had to set the 3ds aside before I lose my temper! :laughing:


So damn tricky!

I really want to gold everything but I can it see it being very very tricky indeed. Not tried a fast stage yet but the thought makes me a little scared haha.


Absolutely brilliant gem of a game though.


I will just say this...


If we do not see Tempo as a character in Smash Bros I will be fuming! He is perfect for it. Using his staff to belt opponents off the stage :D it's gotta happen!

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Dabbled a bit; loved the first world, just done the second world and it was much weaker; the monkey mine cart level was an abomination i thought, felt like it didn't fit with the music. Though I wasn't playing with headphones and did think through that world, it's pretty much a must to play with headphones. Liking it though, wish there was something to say if you've perfected a level. Seems too easy to get a gold flower when there's so much room for improvement, but no point in replaying if you don't get anything for it.


Can't wait to play more and try the faster ones!


Tempo as an assist trophy is a certainty surely!

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My love affair with HarmoKnight continues... :laughing:


I have done all of the worlds now on normal and gold flowered them all.

I am up to:


The 8th world after getting all of the birds, and am up to stage 7 in that - keep getting silver and my tiredness is setting in so I've had to set it aside for the evening!



I haven't even touched Luigi's Mansion all day! This has well and truly sucked me in from the minute I started playing it.

Loved every second. I haven't attempted the faster runs yet but I actually can't wait to see just how ridiculous it's gonna get!


I may even attempt filming myself doing it so I, and others can get a good laugh at the epicness that will no doubt unfold haha. :D

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So started on fast mode.


Gold flowers on everything for the normal run (man that final level was fun!)


Went straight into the fast run and seems I did better than the normal one haha.




I almost prefer it at a slightly faster speed at the moment. It's a little easier to keep the beat I think.

I am obviously going to totally regret saying that :laughing: but I look forward to the challenge!


10 hours in and still loving it. Easily my favourite eShop title ever! :love:

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Aaaaaaand game complete. :D

All gold flowers on both normal and fast modes! :yay:


Man that last stage on fast run was a biatch!


I can now get back to every day living and start talking to people again haha. Seriously, I have been an absolute recluse since Saturday with this game!


18 hours in total it took me! :o


Crazy times haha. Hope there is a sequel - this is up there with Elite Beat Agents for me - although not quite as good.


How's everyone else getting on with it? I feel like I have taken over the thread haha.

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Aaaaaaand game complete. :D

All gold flowers on both normal and fast modes! :yay:


Man that last stage on fast run was a biatch!


I can now get back to every day living and start talking to people again haha. Seriously, I have been an absolute recluse since Saturday with this game!


18 hours in total it took me! :o


Crazy times haha. Hope there is a sequel - this is up there with Elite Beat Agents for me - although not quite as good.


How's everyone else getting on with it? I feel like I have taken over the thread haha.

Nice one! icon14.gif

What was your fast mode score on the final stage of World 8?


I've played just over 9 hours and have about 10 stages left to get gold on fast mode.


By the way, did getting gold on every single stage unlock anything?

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Nope no unlocks :( which was surprising as Master Woodwin suggested there'd be something more! He led me on haha.


My final score was 179 which was the same as my normal run. I reckon I could get more, but I was so pleased to finish it I've just stopped for now!


Wow 9 hours! You're clearly a lot better at the game than I am! :D

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Nope no unlocks :( which was surprising as Master Woodwin suggested there'd be something more! He led me on haha.
That's a shame. :sad:


As awesome as HarmoKnight is, it's kinda disappointing that there isn't a bit more to it really. Especially as those development documents from the Iwata Asks suggest that they were at some point considering Character customisation, Online Leaderboards and an Endless stage. :hmm:


All of that stuff would have been great, but I think an Endless stage is the most shocking omission. :nono: It would've been perfect on one of the Stadium style stages, where you just run around in a circle anyway. ::shrug:


Oh well, the game provided me with a lot of enjoyment as it is, and continues to do so. I just hope if Game Freak decide to make a sequel, that they include all of that stuff I mentioned above.

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