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Next Generation?

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With the next generation of consoles most likely due in a year or so, do you have any idea on which you will be going for?


Personally I think im done with getting all of them like I have done previously, not just because of the cost involved but I have started to dislike the direction certain companies have taken.


New Xbox - If there are some interesting exclusives then I will maybe take a look but otherwise I wont be bothering and considering the 360s exclusives have been dropping off the past few years it seems unlikely. I dont like paying the yearly fee for Xbox Live and the way they have been redesigning the dash since it first came out is just horrible to me. I find it a hard to navigate service and the rumours of more adverts on it dont exactly draw me in.


Wii U - Nope. I dont like motion controls and while the new controller seemed a bit interesting when first announced im over it now. Plus I dont want a console that will once again be old tech after a year. Oh and also, fuck Nintendo. They release a hand held with no charger so im done with them.


PS4 - This is most likely going to be my main console (main actual gaming is PC for me). If the exclusives and free online gaming carry on the way they have for the PS3 then im sold.


Obviously we have very little information on whats coming for the new gen so this is just your current thoughts.

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I don't see myself deviating from getting a Playstation 4 - I very much like the direction Sony are taking gaming - but at the beginning of this generation I was convinced the Wii would be my console of choice...and look how that turned out.


On a side note, Infamous 3 would be a killer app for me. Infamous 2 was probably my favourite game this generation. Of course knowing that Uncharted would be an eventuality would also be a massive selling point.

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Hmm, I have to say I'm kind of leaning where you guys are. Xbox is great, but I'm not digging the whole "gotta pay for online play"...at all. Wii U? Sigh, not much to lure me that way yet, plus it's more "last gen tech" like Happenstance mentioned. Have to wait and see what kind of games they come up with, and what kind of online...Something really fresh, or more lazy, minimally improved crap? PS4? Well, if the online is still free, that would be a strong selling point for me...


Actually, been considering getting a PS3 for that very reason now, i.e. free online. I mean, my playing activity changes constantly, so the concept of a monthly fee feels just absolutely stupid, especially if you're not even playing anything that month! : o Wii worked fine for Monster Hunter and CoD, but after those, there's not really anything that interesting out there...

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I'm going to wait a little longer before I come up with any idea as to what to go for, but this generation just gone doesn't fill me with much confidence..


360: Better versions of multiplatforms but every thing else is absolutely terrible. Any good features that should have been free require more of your money or Xbox live. Initially, didn't have a problem with that, the connection was pretty solid but Jesus Christ get with the fucking times Microshit. Why the fuck would I pay for your service if I'm still going to get absolutely bombed with advertisements all over my dashboard? Get rid of silver membership. Let every one play for free with the choice of ads or paying a subscription for no ads. You shouldn't really be charging at all considering everything is mostly handled P2P..


PS3: Gets the shit end of multiplatforms, but some good exclusives. Sony's first foray into being uncharacteristically open with allowing non-proprietary hard drives and 'other OS' options was commendable, but it's backtracking on some of these features and removing them as they see fit doesn't sit well with me. Hackers are gonna hack, don't penalise the consumer because you made a big oversight with the security.


Wii: Uuugh, some good games but despite all of its success, there just wasn't much to it. Foolishly believed that being a generation behind was going to be an experimental one off, but nah, the Wii U seems to be following in its footsteps.


So yeah, none of the big 3 have me eagerly awaiting a new system. Despite being quite vocal about Sony (as many people here will tell you), I'm more leaning to them if I were to pick up a next gen system.


Next generation for me will probably see me build a computer and mainly stick to that like I currently do with my shitty laptop. Of course, I'll need one of the three consoles to make sure I don't miss out on any exclusive offerings..

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Despite not really having the time to use my PS3 yet, when it comes to next gen I can definately see myself buying a PS4.


As Daft said, I like the direction Sony are going in focusing on their First Party exclusives, whilst Microsoft all but abandon theirs; and of the few they do have, none really interest me enough to buy a console for. Plus free online.


Nintendo, I'll likely give them a go; but I think I'm gonna wait a while after launch to see what they announce for the console as well as the direction they choose to take their key franchises of Mario, Zelda and Metroid in on the Wii U.

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As much as I respect some of the games you see exclusively on Sony's consoles and the HD duo, Nintendo just appeals more to me.

My gaming time is limited, as are my funds, and when I look at the gaming industry at large it is NINTENDO along with its exclusives that gets me in a positive/colourful mood.


The WiiU still hasn't wowed me as I thought it would with its software, but that'll undoubtedly come if the economic systems doesn't collapse in on itself sooner than expected.


I am interested in seeing Sony's move towards the next generation, and whether or not they'll pull something unique out of the hat like they did with the Vita.

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With the Xbox 3 and PS4, I'll just have to wait and see if there are any exclusives I want. See what Level-5 are doing.


I'll probably end up getting a Wii U, but I can see me waiting a long time to do so. From what we've seen, the launch line-up is nothing like as good as the 3DS. Pikmin 3 is the one game I want, and I'm not paying £300 or so just for that. Also, I will be buying an HDTV for the Wii U, so I really need enough games to justify the expense. Mind you, if the next Zelda doesn't use traditional controls, I won't get the console at all.

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I think we're fine with what we have now.


As for what I would get...Xbox exclusive stuff has dried out recently. While the Xbox is still my first choice for multiplatform games (due to not having to use an outdated controller), I could manage with just the PS4 and Wii U. The PlayStation has Naughty Dog (although I'm not sure if they would make a new Uncharted) and the InFamous series, and I'm still discovering great exclusives (a Gravity Rush sequel would be great on a console). The Xbox would have to pull out a great new franchise, or let Rare make some proper games again.


The Wii U...I know I will get one at some point, but I don't want to rush into it like the 3DS (even if the launch line-up is already much better). It's been over a year and there's been Mario Kart 7 and Kid Icarus (as well as two ports) that I'd describe as great games, plus only one announced game that interests me - Layton (even if the graphics look awful). All the focus seems to be on genres I'm not interested in. It's been a similar story with the end of the Wii's life, too. So I want to make sure it's going to have the games I want. I may even wait for a Zelda or Metroid; or if there's another Nintendo-exclusive Sonic game.

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I'll only be getting the one console again this generation, due to time and money constraints, and just generally not being all that interested by what's on the other machines. It'll be a WiiU unless Nintendo manage to colossally fuck it up. Even then, I'm not sure I'll even get one at launch, due to a huge backlog of current gen games I need to finish.


Loved this generation, though. Played some very interesting games, managed to fit it around the majority of uni, then finishing uni and getting a job. The Wii has held up pretty well for me and I've enjoyed it. Screw you, haters. ;)

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Wii U: Fat fucking chance. I've been occasionally pondering getting a Wii or 3DS, but realised there are literally no games I want. Maybe the odd one where I think "ooh, that looks like fun", but then realise I'd be bored of it within one session. Seriously, not one game in a whole generation.

Xbox: I've already payed Christ knows how much for 3 360s, all of which are now broken, including the apparently more reliable Elite version. I don't want to pay any more towards Microsoft for advert riddled, unreliable, poorly designed, money grabbing crap.

PS4: Winner by default really.

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Xbox is all I have experience with, so next gen = scary prospect. Realistically, gamertag is a big ol' leech on me. And I like it.


So my hopes for the next gen are little things, like how a game has 1000G and if you get all the G you get a nice addition to your 'completed games' list -- however there's no distinction or differentiation for this achievement for when the DLC comes out and the new total is 1250G or whatever. It looks like an incomplete game.


Also they should have a different notification noise for achievements popping and simply "x is online".


Ah, man there were dozens more little things that they should do, but I can't remember.


But what'll prrobably happen instead is somehow MS will try and force gamertag integration with some sort of social app so they can get more data; offer a more bolstered silver package... I unno.

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Good topic!


To be honest i'm a little saddened in which way the industry seems to be heading. Gaming consoles are slowly become entertainment hubs, motion controls are getting in the way of normal controls and every company seems to think that announcing DLC before the game is even out is alright to do. With all of this in mind i'm not looking forward to the next generation at all.




Have you asked me if I was getting the next Xbox a few years ago the answer would have been a very strong YES! Fast forward a few years though and things are very different.


Microsofts trojan horse strategy has finally come into play, with the Xbox being more about a media hub rather than being about the games. You turn your Xbox on and have adverts all over the place, Kinect controls are favoured for the new dashboard design and the gaming section is hidden in the back somewhere.


In terms of games I echo what Cube said, the exclusives have all dried up. We are left with Halo, Gears, Fable and Forza, all of which have been carrying the console for the last few years. I would love for Rare to be able to just make games that they used to do and i'm not even talking about the stuff on the N64. Apart from Perfect Dark i've been a big fan of Rare's output on the 360. Viva Pinata, Kameo and Banjo N&B were all great games in my eyes and I would like Rare to get back to making this kind of stuff rather than being shoved doing Kinect games.


A big problem for me is that all of my mates have 360s and I can see them all getting the next Xbox. If that is the case i'm pretty much forced to buy one if I want to play multiplayer gaming with my friends. Microsoft were very smart in this respect as people have built up online communities using party chat and they would want to continue with these friends come the next generation.


Another thing is whether Microsoft will make online free. It's got to the point now where even though I don't mind splashing the cash for Live I still feel I shouldn't have to when other companies are giving online gaming away for free. I love what Sony have done with PS+ ( more on that later ) and if Microsoft were to charge for something I would like it to be more like the PS+ model.




Surprisingly Sony have been the only one that has stuck to the core gamer this generation, at least IMO. They introduced Move but it didn't interfere with, shall we say, normal gaming. They added it into things like Killzone and LBP but you were never asked to use it exclusively, giving players the option of motion controls or regular controls, something I wish Nintendo would do more of.


In terms of exclusives Sony simply owned this generation. Not only did they give us some great sequels but their companies created some fantastic new IPs. We got LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Motorstorm, Resistance along with sequels to the likes of God of War and Ratchet and Clank. They also seem to be supporting the PS3 all the way to the end, with LBP Karting, Sony Smash Bros, The Last of Us, Sly 4 and Beyond all still arriving for the platform. It's games and support like this that makes think the PS4 could be the way to go next generation.


In terms of their online plans I have come to love PS+. The amount of content that is offered to people, especially in the EU, has been staggering. I have a massive backlog of games just waiting to be played due to Sony getting a stupid amount of games free on the service, ( I say free I mean we pay £40 a year ) especially these past few months. I'm hoping that Sony continue with this programme next gen and don't do a Microsoft and make us pay for online gaming.




I will probably always get a the new Nintendo console being the loyal little fanboy that I am, but whether I get the Wii U on release day is another matter.


At E3 I was all ready for Nintendo to blow its load and show us game after game for the Wii U. Instead Nintendo had performance issues and couldn't quite get it up. This was their time to make good on the hype of the promise of a big reunveiling of the Wii U. We had a year of silence and all we got from E3 was a bunch of ports and a carnival game.


Nintendo has the franchises I love and grew up with, which is why I will always be there to play them. Having them finally in HD is another plus. No longer will they look like a blurry mess on my HDTV.


My main concern is how they will handle the online gaming part of the console. I'm sick of their attitude of wanting to protect little Jonny and just wish they would get with the times.


To be honest I think I know far too little about any of the new consoles to make a proper choice, even the Wii U still has me baffled as to what's going to be on offer and thats just mere months away. Each of the consoles have something going for them, so like always I will probably end up with all 3 at some point.


I wish it was like the Highlander where there could be only one. :D

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I think in terms of console software, Sony does need to step up a lot. I can only presume that much of the PS3's system software is "locked" and simply can't be updated, which is why they can't have big overhauls like the 360, and why they can't fit lots of niggling issues or make it easy to look around the interface.

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