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Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition


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Have to say for some reason the Arkham games don't really appeal to me either for some strange reason despite being aware of their great reputation! I think for some reason the brawling combat kind of puts me off.


In what sense? I mean, that's how Batman fights so you wouldn't expect anything different in a game. That said, there are often plenty of times when you can pick off groups one at a time by sneaking up behind them without being spotted.


If you mean in terms of the gameplay style in that you think it's a bit button mashy, I can assure you it isn't. Button mashing won't get you very far at all and certain enemies have weapons or armour, or are just generally more powerful to the point that you can't use the same tactics. Timing and spacing is so crucial to effectively take down bigger groups.


And then when you factor in all the gadgets and the special combos, the combat leaves traditional "brawlers" for dust.

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Took me ages to get hang of the battle system. You can get through the game by button mashing but it's not how your supposed to do it. You need to unlock some skills first before it starts flowing properly mind.


You can get through the start by button mashing but as you progress further, it really limits your chances of survival given you can't interupt a sequence once it starts. You will unlock skills but that saves you being overwhelmed from the off which could put you off using them as you do't know where to start.


Ultimately, just mashing buttons doesn't create a fun experience for you the player either. You can never escape the fact that you're suddenly making Batman do things in a way that you would never expect him to. Generally, he fights with maximum efficiency and you get most satisfaction when you do the same - or at least I do anyway.

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Although I got City first, I picked up Asylum in the Steam sale before I actually got round to playing City so I ended up playing them back to back. And yeah, it wasn't really until the end of the first game that I got the timings down and was better at predicting enemy behaviour but with going straight into City, I was able to kick ass from the off. And the fact that City has so many more moves too leads to an even more enjoyable experience if you put the effort in.


I recently replayed Asylum, and it was on hard so no enemy attack prompts, and I very rarely got hit by anybody. It was a really rewarding playthrough as I took down everybody with such speed and skill and really shows how versatile/adaptive and downright impressive the combat mechanics are - though I really missed the extra moves from City.


It elevated the sense of reward beyond what was offered by merely finishing the campaign.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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Don't deal with it. Destroy it and buy the amazing game!!


Why don't you want it?!


Like @Retro_Link, the Batman games don't seem all that appealing personally. I've never been into any super heroes or comic books growing up and don't have any great desire to explore the universe.


I watched a friend play Arkham Asylum briefly a couple of years ago and it didn't strike a chord in me whatsoever, unfortunately :hmm:


Given that I have plenty of other games to get to in my collection, I feel I can perfectly justify not even spending £17.99 on this :heh:

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My copy has been dispatched, so I've been watching some Arkham Asylum playthrough vids on YouTube in preparation. :hehe:


Could've just got Asylum for PC I guess, but the last "recent" game I bought for PC (Saints Row: The Third) wouldn't work properly with my GameCube controller, forcing me to play it with keyboard/mouse. :nono:

Obviously I don't know if the same thing would happen with Batman (probably not, as I never had problems with any other PC games before SR3), but I'd rather not take the chance. :heh:


Anyway, liking this section from Asylum :cool::

Without giving too much away, is there any creepy shit like that in Arkham City?

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Without giving too much away, is there any creepy shit like that in Arkham City?

Not quite on that level. Arkham City goes for a more melancholic noir-ish vibe, I thought. There are a couple of very surreal bits though, and one section (that I didn't happen upon until after completing the main story) that REALLY creeped me out!

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Not quite on that level. Arkham City goes for a more melancholic noir-ish vibe, I thought. There are a couple of very surreal bits though, and one section (that I didn't happen upon until after completing the main story) that REALLY creeped me out!


Are we talking


The Mad Hatter bit?


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Have to say for some reason the Arkham games don't really appeal to me either for some strange reason despite being aware of their great reputation! I think for some reason the brawling combat kind of puts me off.

It's not really a brawler at all though. Each fight is like a single objective. A group gathers around you and you dispatch them and move on, or leave if you want to and you can. You don't fight your way through corridors of enemies a la Streets of Rage. Also the combat is very reactionary. It's Assassin's Creed combat but done right. You are clearly the superior fighter and it's satisfying to quickly dispatch each enemy through various means. Some need countering, some need gadgets, others can simply be fillers in the chain of combat.


Give it a go, it's a big, fun game and a brawler it ain't.

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Started playing this now, so far so good. :)


Noticed that there's no update for it, which was surprising seeing as every other Wii U game I've played needed one. :hmm:

I'd almost forgotten what it was like to just insert a disc and start playing right away. :laughing:


The combat system hasn't really clicked yet, but hopefully it will soon.

What's the deal with using counters though, are you supposed to hit X as soon as the symbol appears above an enemy, or does the timing vary?

I find myself getting hit quite a lot, despite always trying to counter. ::shrug:

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As long as the icon is still showing you'll counter it. If you have multiple counter icons hit the counter button the same amount of times. If your in the middle of a combo Batman won't stop to counter.


If your fighting a group the best way to take them down is hit an enemy once, then hold the stick towards a different enemy and press the attack button again and repeat, fighting them 1 on 1 won't work very well most of the time. Not sure if you need certain upgrades for this to work or if they just make it easier.

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This game is kicking my ass at the moment! :shakehead


I've improved a bit as fas as combat is concerned, but still dying way too much.

And I keep getting stuck on what end up being really simple tasks. :blush:

Like just now for example, I spent around 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get inside a building (where the door shutter only opened slightly), before realising that I had to run and slide through the bottom section. :indeed:

I'm like the stupidest Batman ever. :laughing:


I love how much GamePad activity is going on though, so many cool features and gameplay enhancements. :cool:

There also seems to be a crazy amount of stuff to collect, extra modes and what have you, so I reckon this'll last me quite a while. Which is good given the current situation on Wii U. ;)

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I spent a few hours on this today, mostly just gliding around the city looking for side missions. So much to do! Getting very frustrated by the first advanced AR mission, but apart from that, loving it! I think I'm with RedShell at being pretty bad at combat though..

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Bought! for £19.85 from ShopTo

Also used the remaining points to bring that price down to £10.60.

Nice one, -Demo-. icon14.gif


I spent a few hours on this today, mostly just gliding around the city looking for side missions. So much to do! Getting very frustrated by the first advanced AR mission, but apart from that, loving it! I think I'm with RedShell at being pretty bad at combat though..
The combat situation is getting better for me now, it's just a very slow process. This game chucks you in at the deep end really, and there's quite a lot to take in. So yeah, it's all to easy to just button mash when you first start playing, but after a few hours the depth of the combat system starts to emerge.

It's possible to do some seriously cool stuff in combat once the system clicks. :awesome:


Where abouts are you Story-wise, Mike?

I just did the bit inside...


the museum, where you have to rescue Mr. Freeze from Penguin.

I really enjoyed that area. There's so much going on inside that building and so many awesome little details to interact with/observe, I actually spent a lot of time just wandering around and checking out all of the cool stuff in there. :D

Very fun boss fight at the end of that section too.


I'm not a Batman fan at all but this game is proving to be highly enjoyable, if anyone is put off by the fact it's a Batman game *cough* / nando / *cough* :heh: don't be, You do not need to be into the Batman universe to enjoy it.

Honestly, for me this game could be Superman, Spider-Man, He-Man, Non-Specific Action Figure Man etc... :laughing: If it was built with the same production values and quality of Arkham City it'd still be a fantastic game.


This is a brilliant third-person action game, it just happens to be about Batman. :hehe:

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I haven't played Arkham Asylum since early 2011 and I wanted to play Arkham City on the WiiU so I was just waiting for a good price and now I got it.


It'd be silly not to get it at that price really. Is this better than ac3?


Haven't played the AC series apart from a few multiplayer games in Brotherhood. Hopefully someone else could answer that for you.


What I will say however, is that Arkham Asylum was an absolutely amazing game! it was probably my favourite game on the 360 too. Story was fantastic, the challenges were a blast and best of all experiencing the thrills of being the Dark Knight just kept on bringing me back.

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I'm currently at 57% story completion (26% overall) with just over 13 hours playtime... This be a BIG game. :awesome:

Did any N-E peeps make it to 100% overall? If so, how long did it take you?


Anyway, back to this:

There are a couple of very surreal bits though, and one section (that I didn't happen upon until after completing the main story) that REALLY creeped me out!
Are we talking


The Mad Hatter bit?

Yup! Really well done I thought - could've been from a David Lynch movie! Just wish it had lasted a bit longer..
I just discovered that part...


I noticed the little symbol on the GamePad, gave it a tap and heard Alfred saying that the cure was ready to be collected! :o Completely fell for the trap. :blush:


Awesome sequence though, very cool indeed. icon14.gif

But hang on...


that I didn't happen upon until after completing the main story
How does that work if you discover it after completing the main story, surely Batman wouldn't need the cure by then?...

...Actually... no, don't tell me. :woops:


That is unless I keep trying that last AR mission for a bit longer!
Hehe! I'm stuck on one of those at the moment. :D

I need to glide, dive and then somehow glide through a tunnel to the final target, but I always crash into the wall above the tunnel! :heh:

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Hehe! I'm stuck on one of those at the moment. :D

I need to glide, dive and then somehow glide through a tunnel to the final target, but I always crash into the wall above the tunnel! :heh:


Yep, that's the one! Eventually made it last night, after many, MANY attempts! Now to finally head into the museum...

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I thought I ordered Arkham City, but I hadn't received my order receipt or shipping notice yet. So I checked my orders on ShopTo and didn't see Batman at all. Instead I found that my payment just went towards my ShopTo balance... How in the world did that happen.


Anyway bought the game this time and got my receipt to confirm.

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