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Trine 2: Directors Cut (eShop)


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Update coming next week:

"The update will include support for Wii U Pro Controller, Voice Chat for online multiplayer, some new languages (German vocals for example), improved graphics (more vivid/better black colors), some controller improvements, and some minor things."
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I picked up the Goblin Menace DLC for the PC version last week and having finished it (it's only six levels and one of them was just a boss though I believe the Wii U version has one additional level), I really enjoyed it. Those 5 levels seem to offer more visual variety than the main campaign and the new powers are fun, especially the Gravity Bubble, even though the stages of plenty of new gimmicks themselves. I also think the music is better too after the good, but not quite great, soundtrack for the main campaign.


That the guys at Frozenbyte seem commited to updating this version comes as little surprise given their support for the PC version and it's fans - they answer lots of technical questions over on the Steam boards and no one can blame a lack of support on awkward environments like XBL and PSN.

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Since I have yet to play Trine, I was reluctant to trying the Trine 2 PS3 demo, but I caved under the pressure of my own curiosity.


The game is gorgeous, and I love the type of puzzles. But, and it is a big 'but', the controls are bad. I feel they are too loose, imprecise, and whether I could make a successful jump or not, relies too much on coincidences. When standing on a moving object, the game suddenly made me slide off, repeatedly, and it did not feel right. The controls could just be the kind one have to get used to, I do not know, but I still do not approve. If the controls are as bad in the full game, my interest will fade fast. Can anyone comment on the controls on Trine 2 on Wii U?


If anyone can also comment on Trine controls on PS3/Windows, I will appreciate that too. I want to play Trine before playing more of Trine 2.

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  • 2 weeks later...
anyone know if i can use the R stick for to make objects with the wizard? i know that you can use the touchscreen in the wiiu version but can u also use the R stick for these actions (like the 360 and ps3 versions)


Yes but you have to hold in a shoulder button. It's easier with the touchscreen or Wii remote

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So I finally started playing this excellent game, regarding the update though... is that now Live?


I only ask because I'd love to be able to play it with the classic controller but there's no option to yet so I'm guessing they didn't roll out the promised update yet, I originally downloaded the game within the first week or so of owning my Wii U; naturally I checked the eShop and the in-game menus but alas no mention of it.


Oh well, I guess I'll just continue to play it with the GamePad for now... no real hardship. : peace:



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So the sale on this ends today and I've got 15 euro on my Wii U eShop account...just enough to get this at its sale price (13.49 euro).


Someone convince me to make the impulse buy and d/l it today.


What is it like?


Can it be fully enjoyed in single player or do you need to play with others to get the most of it?

Does it have voice chat for online play?

How long is it?

Can it be played in short bursts or does it demand (suck you in) for longer sessions?


It's a platformer yeah?

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I saw that the sale was ending soon and picked it up along with Mighty Switch Force, ive got to say, its a lot of fun! The game is perfectly fine in single player and looks great visually! You can play the game on the pad screen as you would expect and the controls are perfect. I personally dont use the touch screen controls but my girlfriend does when she played it. I havent played it online and i havent played enough of it to really review it as such but for the price its a great game.


I can see why some would think it plays like Lost Vikings but its a lot more physics based and way more fast paced. There is also a great sense of humour in the game, some of the dialogue had me thinking of Discworld and it certainly dosent take itself too seriously. It is my impression that you can play it in small bursts but i havent tested that. I personally feel that other players get in the way a bit, i play it on my own and i havent found myself being punished for doing so. Each of the characters are totally unique and using them all is required to get through each stage, one character can not do it on their own. Yep, its a platformer with puzzle elements.

Edited by Kagato
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just bit the bullet, downloading now...looks it'll take an hour just to d/l....was that same for ye?


Might be going out soon and not back till "next year" so on impluse thought best to but it before the sale ends as it def looks like the kind of game i'd end up gettin sooner or later.


might not start playin for a few days though. hope to finish my survivor mode play on ZombiU by Thursday if not sooner, then want to put some good hours into NintendoLand and Black Op 2 which have only been getting little attention due to ZombiU sucking up all my time :-)


then I'll focus on this :D

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Hoho, had a quick go on the intro level when it downloaded earlier.


Can tell I am going to love this :D


Voice acting is great, teh narrator really sets the mood. Love the music I've heard so far, nice irish type melodies in there :D

Already loving teh character in the brief time I've had with them. Especially liking Zoya.


The movement and controls are great so far. Mess with some touch screen control, I like it for summoning the boxes with the wizard. Feels more natural to use the touch screen than the right stick for that .


Looking forward to getting more play into it when I start playing it properly. Hopefully there'll still be some N-E peeps to play online with when I do. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been making my way through this game.


Man are some of the puzzles hard.


Some I get get past quick enough others seem to take me ages to work out. Espeically when you realise you have to go into your skill sets and remove some skills so you can equip one you need to solve the puzzle.


I tried the last two days playing online, just setting up a host public game and playing on my current level and seeing if anyone jumps into the game.


I had hoped now that the game has voice chat anyone playing online would have a headset and could talk to me. But everyone that joined had nothing.

You really need to be able to talk things over if you are unsure what to do, very hard to work out what is going on when the other 2 are silent and also NOT LISTENING TO YOU :mad:



Currently I'm.....


Inside a Worm. Stuck at this bit where a "wall" closes whenever I get close to it. Can't figure out how to get past it before it closes :heh:


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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm finding it quite hard to play single player. The controls are a bit hard to get used to and you can only really attack with the big guy, the other two aren't really much use for fighting I don't think?


The wizard is particularly good at fighting. Levitating enemies into pits, spikes and fire is a blast!

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  • 2 months later...
I find that the enemies come at you so fast and with almost no warning it's quite hard to do magic tricks to dispatch them before taking damage. Also the thief is useless at fighting unless I'm missing something, her bow and arrow I suppose.


The Theif's bow and arrow is awesome, ice arrows to freeze enemies, it's brilliant!


Should I play Trine before playing Trine 2? If so, why?


Trine 2 looks so tempting on the eShop! Half price! Just NOK 59...


Buy it. I never bothered with Trine, hasn't made the slightest difference to me.

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Should I play Trine before playing Trine 2? If so, why?


Trine 2 looks so tempting on the eShop! Half price! Just NOK 59...


Do you have a PC capable of playing these games? Steam often have all 3 parts in the sale for pretty cheap and it's normally less than this even now it's discounted here too. THen again, I'm not sure how Steam prices work out when converted but the GBP price is cheaper.


The first Trine is pretty good and worth playing but the sequel and expansion are bigger and more clever but not always to their advantage. The levels are shoter in the first game and it's no where near as visually stimulating despite still be incredibly pretty by any other measurement. I also felt it had the stronger soundtrack but the Goblin Menace is pretty good on that front. I thought this level shows of both its still beautiful graphics and incredible music.



Some areas and some dialogue relate to the first game but nothing that get upset over missing out on.


On thing it does handle better is the item progression model. In this game, you unlock skill points as you gain Experience and you can re-assign those skill points whenever you want. Consequently, because the solution to a puzzle isn't always easy to grasp because the game has no idea what skills you actually have. In the first game, you unlock basic skills as you progress and then can upgrade those whereas here, both basic and upgrades are linked to the same skill point pool. So you might find yourself "fudging" solutions in a way that ultimately doesn't prove as satisfying as in the first game where there is typically one clear way with each character on how to get by. Each level can still be got by by one character alone but it's just not always clear how and the solution may force you to completely swap your skills around until you have enough points to have most active at once across all members.

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