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Will Nintendo Land get DLC/updates?


The game's menu screen seems to indicate so...




What's the purpose of listing the version number if that's not going to change? Obviously, that could be changed with game updates or DLC. I guess Nintendo doesn't feel like talking about this yet!




Whilst developing a game, you almost always put the version number somewhere in the opening menu. From reports from other previews, press are playing games without the day 1 patch so it could still get removed then (as it tends to be for when most games go gold if not earlier).

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I think people are taking things too seriously, it's just a game! Enjoy the fact it is themed on F-Zero, we haven't had one for years, it may be fun and everyone's just judging it on a short video clip! :p


Thing is that it's espescially agrevating to see it now that Miyamoto himself essentially has confirmed that there isn't actually an F-Zero in the works.

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But can anyone really blame Nintendo for not wanting to make a new F-Zero? If the only demand for a game is from a tiny contingent of gamers who requent forums and it's not actually a sound business decision, why should they make a new F-Zero?


I loved F-Zero GX, despite it being a little difficult, but I can't blame any company for not producing a sequel to something that wasn't in high demand.


If Nintendo were to give a big push to a franchise that has kind of fallen off the radar I'd have them do Star Fox or Battalion Wars. The later especially could have some immense uses of the gamepad which would really integrate tactical approaches using multiple units.

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But can anyone really blame Nintendo for not wanting to make a new F-Zero? If the only demand for a game is from a tiny contingent of gamers who requent forums and it's not actually a sound business decision, why should they make a new F-Zero?


I loved F-Zero GX, despite it being a little difficult, but I can't blame any company for not producing a sequel to something that wasn't in high demand.


If Nintendo were to give a big push to a franchise that has kind of fallen off the radar I'd have them do Star Fox or Battalion Wars. The later especially could have some immense uses of the gamepad which would really integrate tactical approaches using multiple units.


It's a difficult one for Nintendo I recon. The last time they did such an overhaul was Kid Ic and that hasn't been a massive seller. I think it's a great game with some unfortunate flaws but yeah, money talks.


What I want is for someone to remind Nintendo about Metroid Prime. That is a reboot done successfully. If they were to do F-Zero again, I'd prefer them to make reboot it as they obviously don't feel that creatively compelled to do more of the same. Plus the Wii U has more to offer it than that.


But hey, we could (and SHOULD) start a whole new thread about this eh?

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It's a difficult one for Nintendo I recon. The last time they did such an overhaul was Kid Ic and that hasn't been a massive seller. I think it's a great game with some unfortunate flaws but yeah, money talks.


What I want is for someone to remind Nintendo about Metroid Prime. That is a reboot done successfully. If they were to do F-Zero again, I'd prefer them to make reboot it as they obviously don't feel that creatively compelled to do more of the same. Plus the Wii U has more to offer it than that.


But hey, we could (and SHOULD) start a whole new thread about this eh?


Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country Returns were two of the best reboots to date, but the thing they share in common is Retro Studios. Everything they touch turns to gold, but they're only one studio and their output per generation is only a couple of games.

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Like Miyamoto said himself, Retro Studios are more than capable to develop the next Zelda title, but logistically that may not work.


Also, I believe he stated that in fact Nintendo are developing with the help of Monolith (of Xenoblade fame). The idea of an open world Zelda with the scale and scope of Xenoblade is tantalising to say the very least!

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Also, I believe he stated that in fact Nintendo are developing with the help of Monolith (of Xenoblade fame). The idea of an open world Zelda with the scale and scope of Xenoblade is tantalising to say the very least!

Makes sense. They did help with Skyward Sword afterall if I'm not mistaken

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Makes sense. They did help with Skyward Sword afterall if I'm not mistaken


You are not ;) And I bet they will be helping out again with the Zelda Wii U game (with perhaps some additional support from Greezo as well)


Every single internally developed Nintendo game, released since Metroid Other M (with the sole exceptions of Mario Party 9, Rhythm Heaven Fever, Kiki Trick, Nintendogs & Cats and Intelligent Systems' games) has been co-developed by an outside studio.


This is now Nintendo's SOP. By and large, they don't make games 100% internally anymore, because they just don't have enough staff and are also still playing catchup, when it comes to working with modern shader based hardware (which is also why Capcom's 3DS games look far better than Nintendo's own ones), so they badly need the outside help.

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Makes sense. They did help with Skyward Sword afterall if I'm not mistaken


I was talking with a friend and our best bet that Monolith was giving a hand in the intro of Zelda.


I mean look at the intro to Baten Kaitos Origin


And then look at Skyward Sword


It just gives me the vibe I didn't experience since Baten Kaitos Origin.

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I was talking with a friend and our best bet that Monolith was giving a hand in the intro of Zelda.


I mean look at the intro to Baten Kaitos Origin


And then look at Skyward Sword


It just gives me the vibe I didn't experience since Baten Kaitos Origin.


Actually it was mostly the cutscene animations that Monolith helped out with in Skyward Sword (plus some 3D models and environment assets)

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Reminds me how much I enjoyed Skyward Sword! The music for the prologue, the only piece in the score by the legendary Koji Kondo, is wonderful too; a bit like Ravel and Respighi in parts. Off-stage trumpet was a great touch.


Back on topic: I'm pretty excited to explore the hub in this. Apparently you can move the gamepad around for a first person view (think I've got that right), while the standard perspective is maintained on the tv. Can't wait to see what unlockables there are.

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Back on topic: I'm pretty excited to explore the hub in this. Apparently you can move the gamepad around for a first person view (think I've got that right), while the standard perspective is maintained on the tv. Can't wait to see what unlockables there are.


Indeed! I only hope that you don't need multiple players to unlock everything, otherwise i'm screwed. :D

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Have done my best to sift through all the posts on here to see if this point has been made, couldn't see it, so I apologise if it has but, frankly, I just need to go ahead and say this before I burst...THE NINTENDOLAND HUB AREA LOOKS LIKE BANJO KAZOOIE NUTS AND BOLTS, SPECIFICALLY NUTTY ACRES!!

Feel much better for saying that, thank you all for your time, I will let myself out.

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Kotaku's recent post introduced this strange tidbit


Hey, this Zelda co-op game in Nintendo Land is hard to solo. I keep getting the hearts beaten out of me. But look at that skull on the ground. That's wasn't there last time. I'm going to shoot at it. It gave me a heart! That's nice. Later... the game is loading up a new Zelda level and it's mentioning something about those skulls which—oh!—they show up where I last died in the level. So they were my skull. I was scavenging my corpse. What is this, Demon's Souls? Great idea.


Pretty dark, Nintendo...pretty dark :p

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