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Nintendo Land


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Got my ONM today.


They reviewed this 90%


It's review was generally in favour of multiplayer play (as I thought would be the case)!


Verdict is copied below:


+ Incredible multiplayer experiences

+ Shows off how the Wii U could progress

- Playing alone isn't as much fun as with friends


"Matching experimentation with (almost) consistently brilliant gameplay, this is as much a market for what's to come as it is a truly excellent launch game."



This looks like the game I will play whilst lay in bed on a lazy Sunday having spent the evening before being lost in Zombi U for hours on end haha.

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Apparently each of the games has a surprising amount of depth to offer and all of the games couldn't be done on another system.


I don't want this to turn in to a big argument, but...

That something can't be done on another system isn't a proper reason to give a game high scores. Visually it's not what I'm expecting from a next gen system. In fact, most of the time, I'm seeing better on my 360.

The use of the controls are forced at times, among other things I've understood that the F-Zero game is controlled by tilting the controller, something that's been proven to not work on the PS3 (remember when all games HAD to use sixaxis, and how nowadays not a single game uses the sixaxis at all?).

The best minigames require human players, but there's no online, and at least all of my friends have sold their Wiis long ago, so those modes will NEVER get played.


A 9.0 is something you give the likes of a new Fallout, Saints Row, Assassins Creed and is just shy of what you'd give a 3D Mario, Mass Effect or Battlefield and I'm sorry, but I can't possibly imagine this is as good as those games.


Nintendo have made so many bad decisions, and sadly I can see that they've invested a fair ammount of money and man hours on this. Not to sound like a broken record, but I bet that Nintendo could've made a proper HD Nintendo title for that money instead. You know, like a 3D Mario, Metroid, a proper Excitebike 64 sequel...

Edited by Hogge
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I have just watched the game trailers review...


They have given this a 6.9.


Their closing statement:


It's hard to see Nintendo Land becoming anywhere near the sensation that Wii Sports was. It requires too much equipment for the modes that last, and the rest can be quickly milked of their entertainment value. It proves that Nintendo is capable of creating addicting one-dollar games, but at 60 bucks, it's not priced to sell. As a pack-in for the deluxe version of the console it's a nice extra that shows what the Wii U is capable of




I'm not sure how to post a gametrailers vid on here...

Edited by Mike1988uk
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I don't want this to turn in to a big argument, but...

That something can't be done on another system isn't a proper reason to give a game high scores. Visually it's not what I'm expecting from a next gen system. In fact, most of the time, I'm seeing better on my 360.

The use of the controls are forced at times, among other things I've understood that the F-Zero game is controlled by tilting the controller, something that's been proven to not work on the PS3 (remember when all games HAD to use sixaxis, and how nowadays not a single game uses the sixaxis at all?).

The best minigames require human players, but there's no online, and at least all of my friends have sold their Wiis long ago, so those modes will NEVER get played.


Nintendo have made so many bad decisions, and sadly I can see that they've invested a fair ammount of money and man hours on this. Not to sound like a broken record, but I bet that Nintendo could've made a proper HD Nintendo title for that money instead. You know, like a 3D Mario, Metroid, a proper Excitebike 64 sequel...


My statements were about it being a unique and original game that you can't find anywhere else. But thanks for ignoring the bit where I explained that there's more to this than meets the eye initially.


And everything else that you have posted is just purely speculation based on your own assumptions of what Nintendo might do or making judgements from watching videos on review sights. Why don't you actually get some first hand experience with an open mind attached before making such snap judgements?


That or you have 2 choices:

- Build a time machine and go back to 1996.

- Don't buy it. No one is forcing you to.

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I'm completely baffled as to how this game is getting so high reviews.


The reviewers have enjoyed the game.... you can't compare the scores this gets to scores games like a Mario or a Mass Effect get, they are all very different games from different genres. A reviewer shouldn't be reviewing a game like NintendoLand and thinking.. "It's not an RPG or story driven title like Mass Effect, I'll drop it points for that", if any reviewer did that then they aren't reviewing the game right. The ones who have given NL high scores have obviously enjoyed the game based on they type of game it is. It ticks the boxes for what it sets out to do that being a good multiplayer party title and just happens to do it well enough that some reviewers have given it a 9 out of 10.


If you're going to start comparing NL to games like Fallout and Assassins Creed etc, which are about as far from the type of game NL is you can get then you might aswell be reviewing ZombiU not as a tension based survival horror but as if it was meant to be a run and gun CoD Zombie mode or Left4Dead which ZombiU is not trying to be...... oh wait

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I have just watched the game trailers review...


They have given this a 6.9.


Their closing statement:






I'm not sure how to post a gametrailers vid on here...

Complain about needing extra equipment. Compare it to Wii Sports which also required extra equipment. LOGIC ERROR

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Complain about needing extra equipment. Compare it to Wii Sports which also required extra equipment. LOGIC ERROR


It is a bit of a silly comment when you think all multilayer games require to buy extra equipment unless you already own them all.


The Wii and now Wii U is the most expensive though imo, in the old days you just had to buy another controller and thats it, now with Wii it was remote, nunchuk, motion plus etc.

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Complain about needing extra equipment. Compare it to Wii Sports which also required extra equipment. LOGIC ERROR


Ummm... what?

I thought it only needed a Wiimote + Nunchuck, which came with every Wii :hmm:

In that game you can even play most of the minigames with just a single Wiimote. Only boxing and tennis required you to have a wiimote each... and those were arguably the least enjoyable minigames.

Edited by Hogge
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Ummm... what?

I thought it only needed a Wiimote + Nunchuck, which came with every Wii :hmm:

In that game you can even play most of the minigames with just a single Wiimote. Only boxing and tennis required you to have a wiimote each... and those were arguably the least enjoyable minigames.




But you needed to buy more to play multiplayer, (like Tennis that needed more) is what Serebii is getting at.


With Wii Sports Resort you got one Motion+ with it but you still needed to buy more to play multiplayer.


Even if NintendoLand used multiple GamePads instead of Wiimotes for the extra players you'd still need to buy extra equipment, such is a given with multiplayer games and obviously going to be a consideration when a new system comes out.


The difference here is with what 100million Wiis out in the wild most if not all of the early Wii U buyers will have at least one Wiimote and Nunchuck already and likely a Motion+ too.

Edited by Mokong
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I'm completely baffled as to how this game is getting so high reviews.


Maybe because it's a good game? Just because a game isn't grey and brown and features a marine shouting whilst shooting his way through endless enemies doesn't automatically mean it'll be bad!


Why can't a mini game collection be awesome if it's done right? In the same way that a supposedly AAA military shooter from a major publisher can be crap if done wrong *cough* Black Ops on Vita *cough*.


Welcome to gaming


Mini-games = Shit

Colour = For kids

Guns = Games


Quoted as this pretty much sums up the attitude of a sizeable proportion of gamers who frequent forums!

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Maybe because it's a good game? Just because a game isn't grey and brown and features a marine shouting whilst shooting his way through endless enemies doesn't automatically mean it'll be bad!


Why can't a mini game collection be awesome if it's done right? In the same way that a supposedly AAA military shooter from a major publisher can be crap if done wrong *cough* Black Ops on Vita *cough*.

Why does it always boil down to this argument?

When and where have I said that Nintendo should make a military shooter? For your info, I don't like most modern military shooters. I hate how they market themselves as realistic, when they aren't in the slightest. I hate how the stories are bland, pointless and completely unrealistic, I hate the basically on-rails singleplayer level design. I also DESPISE how you play as americans in every single game, so that half of the weapons you unlock ar pimped out versions of the M16. If I'd want Nintendo to make a military shooter, I'd like them to make it more like Goldeneye than CoD.


What I've constantly been asking for however, is to have Nintendo make new iterations of their old franchises which stack up against it's contemporary competitors as well as the old ones did.


I'm not saying that Nintendoland is bad, I'm just saying that I've got great difficulty believing that it's worth such a high score.


Quoted as this pretty much sums up the attitude of a sizeable proportion of gamers who frequent forums!

I can't really speak for others, but my experience is that when people complain about Nintendos lineup for the last few years, the automatic retort is that the complainers want gray CoD-clones, which isn't the case.


But yes, my experience is that minigame compilations, with extremely few exceptions, practically are a seal of badness. Sort of comparable to film license games.

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But yes, my experience is that minigame compilations, with extremely few exceptions, practically are a seal of badness. Sort of comparable to film license games.


Hmm I dunno.

I've had some great fun with mini game based games!


Wii sports is obviously the top one! That game is still my highest played wii game - nearly 300 hours!! :o


Also, I have always found the Wario Ware series to be extremely fun / addictive - and that is just mini game after mini game.


Add Mario Party to that. Yes, it tends to score lowly, but that's all to do with playing the boards and how it doesn't suit singular play. The mini games though?! Best part about the whole series! Release a game packed with just Mario Party mini games and I'm all over it!


Can't forget Wii Play either! I also really enjoyed the selection of mini games on that and often go back on it when I'm in the mood!


So whilst I understand they may not be for you - I kinda love mini games!!

Especially Nintendo ones. I guess they just know how to make gaming fun and that's the key to a good mini game if you ask me! :)


I wouldn't take the reviews of this game seriously though. It's not a game changer, it's just an example of the game pad. Some reviewers will love it, some will think its just ok and would rather sit with a fully fledged new game to get to grips its their new Wii U. Therefore we're gonna see a variation in how this scores.


I'm pleased its free with the premium console!

Edited by Aneres11
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But yes, my experience is that minigame compilations, with extremely few exceptions, practically are a seal of badness. Sort of comparable to film license games.


You do realise that game like Professor Layton is just a minigame compilation too but in a linear fashion.

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I think the key here is that the games have a lot more to them than the "pick up and waggle" most people who hate mini-games associate with the genre. This quote from the IGN review sums it up well:

Nintendo Land is a brilliant show of what Nintendo’s new console and tablet controller are capable of, and has far more depth and content then you’d expect from a mini-game collection.
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I expect I will play this just as much as I played Wii Sports.


So maybe once, if I can find someone else to play it with.


Bring on Pikmin 3, I say!



Can't forget Wii Play either! I also really enjoyed the selection of mini games on that and often go back on it when I'm in the mood!

Nobody liked Wii Play, Aneres. Stop trolling. :p

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