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Game & Wario (June 28th)


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Hahaha, what amazing box art. I used to hate Wario (back in the early 2000's) but since the WarioWare series he's become one of my favourite Nintendo characters. Also, reminds me a lot of Cartman from South Park.


Well Cartman's hat is represented on the top Wii U logo of every game box.




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Ok hats off to NOA there. That's actually pretty brilliant :D (And surprisingly on the nose with Wario being a rich arsehole who's after even more money, especially after the crap that Penny Arcade just pulled recently :laughing:)


Where were these guys when the Wii U came out with its mediocre advertising!?

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That site is awesome, definitely some of the best Nintendo advertising I've seen for a while! And that's why I love Wario so much, I can't imagine any other gaming character would pull it off.


I love it when he goes fishing :p

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Can't decide if having a fully voiced Wario (well more than just his short catchphrases) is the best thing ever/bad. Leaning more towards best thing ever.


Wii U needs more advertising like this.


Youtube version:


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  • 2 weeks later...

ONM UK have reviewed this game and given it 75%. That's alright I guess but if that's what a biased Nintendo magazine gives it, then it could be fairly average at best. Don't expect anything higher from the likes of Gamespot, though that's a given.

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I played it at MCM Expo last week and I have to say it's nothing like a Wario game. It feels more like Wii Party or something equally rubbish with Wario and friends shoved in. The only Microgames are in 9-Volts mode and according to the review there are only 30 micro games although they expect you to beat his mom's score of 100.

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ONM UK have reviewed this game and given it 75%. That's alright I guess but if that's what a biased Nintendo magazine gives it, then it could be fairly average at best. Don't expect anything higher from the likes of Gamespot, though that's a given.


Wow... then what exactly was the point in them hyping it up in the previous months issue if they 'knew' it wasn't going to even score 80%? :/


Surely the faults can't be too damning... this isn't what I wanted to hear as I've been kind of looking forward to this, I'm still planning on getting it really so... ::shrug: we need @RedShell in here to get the hype rolling again! :D

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we need RedShell in here to get the hype rolling again! :D
Hehehe... I'd love to, but to be honest I'm still not 100% convinced about this game. :hmm:

I'm definitely getting it, and am pretty sure I'll enjoy it, but so far it's not giving me the same kind of vibe that previous Wario games have. :blank:


We shall see...

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Anybody think that there's such a panic to get a game on the shelf to help fill the huge drought that they've rushed it out and that the quality has suffered as a result?

No, not really. It's been out for three months in Japan. If that was the case, they'd have worldwide launched it

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So they've been holding this back because the release schedule has been absolutely hectic with game after game coming out. I don't think so. A simultaneous launch if they were going to do it would have been decided a long time ago.

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So they've been holding this back because the release schedule has been absolutely hectic with game after game coming out. I don't think so.

Or it wasn't held back, localisation took time, and it's released when they planned?

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So what are the main criticisms of it? I've never been too taken by the wariowares myself tbh, and only half possibly fussed by this as a budget title later; maybe it's another title they're thinking is going to fly off the shelves for them somehow?

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I have a feeling the game will be getting average scores all round, it's not really a true WarioWare (hence the name change) and I doubt the mini games are really good enough to keep people (read: me) coming back again and again.


I'm looking forward to to it in a there's-not-really-much-else-coming-out sort of way but I'm still disappointed it's not a WarioWare.

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  • 3 weeks later...

IGN Review - 5.1






If you were hoping that Game & Wario would show off imaginative uses for the Wii U gamepad that you could never have dreamed of otherwise, it's going to be a disappointment. Actually it’s a bit of a disappointment regardless. Of the 12 single-player minigames, three are brilliant, three are good, and the other six are forgettable. A few retread ground that Nintendo Land broke last year. Others are just gyroscope games that don't really make much use of the second screen at all. Game & Wario might be simple and surreal, but it's shockingly short-lived too, and unfortunately it doesn't have enough of the inventiveness and experimental feel that was previously the series' hallmark.

The best of the lot is Gamer, which is a brief work of genius. You're a kid playing Game Boy in bed, hiding the console under the covers whenever you hear your mum coming to check on you. On the gamepad you're playing classic quick-fire Wario Ware madness, switching every five seconds between poking a virtual nose, flicking a tiny dancing dude off a spinning record and loads more mad quick-fire scenarios. On the TV screen you see the bedroom, watching for the parental approach. It divides your attention brilliantly, it's inventive, and it's evocative too. We all remember being that kid.
I was hoping that the multiplayer would really bring Game & Wario to life, as Wario Ware: Smooth Moves was a favourite party game round my house for months. But there are only four games on the multiplayer menu, and only two of them are genuinely fun in a group of four or five. Artwork is Pictionary in all but name, which is always a good time, and Fruits is an excellent whodunit where one player with the Gamepad is a thief and the other players have to spot them on the screen, creating enjoyable tension and suspense in the room. With all Game & Wario's multiplayer offerings, the real game is going on off the screen, between the players in person.
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