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Pikmin 3


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Ok, boss question time


The burrowing sandworm thing. Says I need to throw bomb rocks at it, but all the mounds where you usually get bombs have just got bloody data files in it. I know I can beat it with just launched Pikmin at it, but it seems very poorly designed telling you you can use bombs, but having nothing nearby.


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Played 2 player yesterday and it was great! Though almost a bit heartbreaking when the other teams Pikmin get left behind. My friend must have left a lone pikmin, and i ran into one and all of mine started attacking it and killed it :( I've never been so mortified in my life.


But yeah, the 2 player battle mode is fun. You're given a grid with icons of different fruit and enemies and the first one to get a line in the grid wins! Can definitely see myself playing a lot more of that.


On the one player side of things, when I first got it I played a few hours and loved it. Came back to it today and still really enjoy it but forgot what I was doing so have no idea where the third guy is. I managed to collect a load of fruit though so my days weren't completely wasted!

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Ok, little help please...


Am completely stumped as to what to do next, seem to have been everywhere. Have got my winged Pikmin, still haven't found the blue ones yet. Am trying to build a bridge which seems to take me to the source of the signal, but I've only found half of it (I think it was the bit where you use the winged Pikmin on an island)


So I need to go back to a previous area? I've tried that, but all I can find is fruit I couldn't get before.


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Really enjoying this!


I have found the days to be way too short. Sometimes I am having to forgo Pikmin I have 'lost' due to them getting stuck on the way back to the ship (usually round corners!) which is a bit upsetting!


Some of the worlds look lovely too, textures are very nice.


I'm finding the 'go here' function on the game pad to be of lots of use too. Gives me chance to put the game pad down and admire the scenery as my 'min make their way to wherever I've told them to go! :D


I take it the fruit that is 'unreachable' and the watery areas can be re-visited at a later date with the required Pikmin for further exploration?

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I'm finding the 'go here' function on the game pad to be of lots of use too. Gives me chance to put the game pad down and admire the scenery as my 'min make their way to wherever I've told them to go! :D


I use it cos im a lazy bastard!

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Put some more time into this Thursday night...got up to Exploration day 8 11. Still waiting to find the captain, and despite earlier promising myself I wouldn't...replayed Day 7 twice because I felt I was just sucking so much at it. Kinda liking that instand replayability, imagine they put that in to counter the lack of people actually replaying the old ones.


That said, with Miiverse and all, once I'm done I'm thinking about trying to blitz it one weekend and see how fast I can get through it. Then post on miiverse and invite all to challenge me, of course :p

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Put some more time into this Thursday night...got up to Exploration day 8 11. Still waiting to find the captain, and despite earlier promising myself I wouldn't...replayed Day 7 twice because I felt I was just sucking so much at it. Kinda liking that instand replayability, imagine they put that in to counter the lack of people actually replaying the old ones.


That said, with Miiverse and all, once I'm done I'm thinking about trying to blitz it one weekend and see how fast I can get through it. Then post on miiverse and invite all to challenge me, of course :p


Challenge Accepted!!!! (in advance of course) :bouncy:

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I can no longer play this with my Daughter... as much as she love NintendoLand Pikmin. She gets a bit too attached to the Pikmin in this and basically screams at me to get them all to the shuttle... about four Sun Dots from the end; and by the 10 second count down is quite frankly hysterical!

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Finally got the Captain :D What a beast, he reminds me of Chunky Kong for some reason, despite not being a monkey.


I really enjoyed the boss fight leading up to finding him, but I agree that the days are sometimes too short. I had to quickly run home and gather all my 'min after only hitting him a few times and go back to him the next day!


Now to find those blue critters!

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Well, just finished the first boss fight. Sadly, out of the 65 Pikmin i took to the battle, only 10 made it back. Several Rockmin died whilst in battle.


Yeah, i'm calling the rock ones "Rockmin".


On day 6, this game is so chill-able.

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On day 34 at moment. I've had to run away from a few boss fights due to heavy casualties. But it's good that they don't heal inbetween days. I had to get more Flying Pikmin and only had about 40, lost nearly all of them. Spent the next day recruiting more. Went back with a legion of 99 fliers.


Didn't help that aiming in an emergency is wank with the gamepad.

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Well, just finished the first boss fight. Sadly, out of the 65 Pikmin i took to the battle, only 10 made it back.


Not going to lie, brah. I lost it at this. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. 55 Pikmin? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


Screw the gamepad


Its all about the remote


Do both. It's like being able to have a blonde AND a brunette.

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The gamepad is great for when you're just exploring, but for combat the Wii remote is by far the superior control scheme. Having the precision and speed of movement you would associate with a mouse makes any RTS combat much smoother and easier.


I've done 31 days and I have 63 pieces of fruit, so I think I've done pretty well. I assume I should have it all wrapped up soon.

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Ok, little help please...


Am completely stumped as to what to do next, seem to have been everywhere. Have got my winged Pikmin, still haven't found the blue ones yet. Am trying to build a bridge which seems to take me to the source of the signal, but I've only found half of it (I think it was the bit where you use the winged Pikmin on an island)


So I need to go back to a previous area? I've tried that, but all I can find is fruit I couldn't get before.


If it's what I'm thinking of, there should be a blue onion trapped near your ship.

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