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But Iwata did say that Miiverse is available regardless of the game that's being played, so it must always be running in the background.

The impression I got from the Nintendo Direct is that you can communicate with friends at any time.

Anyway, we'll probably get all the details on that tomorrow.


That's a possiblity that I imagined, too. What with all that communiting in different space and time. Sounds like some sort of a forbiddon jutsu that would enable Wiiu users to leave messages (potentially be that text, voice or video) for one another, even when one is offline and even when both are online and maybe even when both are offline (via web browser enabled mobile devices or even via pc's).

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So what did we learn from this:


1) Nintendo are embracing online at last - now they are not scared of paedo's and actively promote you to become best friends with pensioners in mobility scooters


2) The dark nuts are driving me crazy!


3) Ain't no party like a Wara Wara party.


4) Miiverse = Mii Universe (thanks for that I'd never had figured that puzzle out).


5) A new degree of empathy - something thats sadly been missing from my gaming experiences ::shrug:


6) Browser becomes entertaintment - with a curtain!


Hmmmm not blown away yet - but I guess thats what the E3 presentation tomorrow should do (hopefully).

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So what did we learn from this:


1) Nintendo are embracing online at last - now they are not scared of paedo's and actively promote you to become best friends with pensioners in mobility scooters


2) The dark nuts are driving me crazy!


3) Ain't no party like a Wara Wara party.


4) Miiverse = Mii Universe (thanks for that I'd never had figured that puzzle out).


5) A new degree of empathy - something thats sadly been missing from my gaming experiences ::shrug:


6) Browser becomes entertaintment - with a curtain!


Hmmmm not blown away yet - but I guess thats what the E3 presentation tomorrow should do (hopefully).


Y'see, 'tis mindsets similar to this unappreciative bastard that makes Nintendo's vision/goal not as successful as they desire. :nono:

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Y'see, 'tis mindsets similar to this unappreciative bastard that makes Nintendo's vision/goal not as successful as they desire. :nono:


No I think you'll find it's mindesets like you your who use inflamatory comments and namecalling because they disagree with my humourous poke at the pre E3 presentation.


I'm not blown away yet - thats all I was trying to say. Nintendo eventually pull their fingers out their arses and incorporate some functional online features - welcome to 2012!


I'll shut up now in case I cause a:



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No I think you'll find it's mindesets like you your who use inflamatory comments and namecalling because they disagree with my humourous poke at the pre E3 presentation.


I'm not blown away yet - thats all I was trying to say. Nintendo eventually pull their fingers out their arses and incorporate some functional online features - welcome to 2012!


I'll shut up now in case I cause a:




Now, now!! I was merely jesting at your clear humor, my sweet choc-chip Coockie. How long have I been here on this here site, Cokeman? You still haven't understood the Bevster? It's nearly E3 you fucking cunt so ready your body and untie your knickers.... actually, rip the knickers of and wedge a thong tight up the crack of your arse! :santa:WUHUU DUUUUDE

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I'm not sure why anyone would be blown away. It's very good, but really, anything less would have been disappointing. (Just want to make clear that this isn't a dig.)


My only big concern with the WiiU is that if you have the option to just stream the game to the controller (without using the TV) across all games, then just how integral/unique can a game actually be.

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I'm not sure why anyone would be blown away. It's very good, but really, anything less would have been disappointing. (Just want to make clear that this isn't a dig.)


My only big concern with the WiiU is that if you have the option to just stream the game to the controller (without using the TV) across all games, then just how integral/unique can a game actually be.


I thought that Iwata was quite careful when he talked about this. I think he said something along the lines "Some simpler games can be played entirely on the Pad"

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Looking at it again, I think that's him looking at the comments on his post.


Random people display as their Mii name (the rest are generic names), while OctoG123 is the only non-generic name.


I think OctoG123 is his Nintendo Network ID (so you can't actually see the IDs of the random people who post).


Take the cue and use pictures to illustrate :)

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I thought that Iwata was quite careful when he talked about this. I think he said something along the lines "Some simpler games can be played entirely on the Pad"


But is he just taking about the touch aspect?


I thought the TV button on the controller meant that the TV play could all pretty much be thrown onto the controller (so the TV can be used to watch TV or for other stuff). I might be wrong, it's hard keeping track of what's what.

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I thought that Iwata was quite careful when he talked about this. I think he said something along the lines "Some simpler games can be played entirely on the Pad"


Yeah, he is a very "deliberate" speaker. Every word he uses is carefully chosen for a specific purpose.

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But Iwata did say that Miiverse is available regardless of the game that's being played, so it must always be running in the background.

The impression I got from the Nintendo Direct is that you can communicate with friends at any time. :blank:

Anyway, we'll probably get all the details on that tomorrow. :)


I think hero is talking about doing this IN GAME, they seem to talk about pausing the game and going into a menu of sorts, but can we chat while we're playing?!


I'm not sure why anyone would be blown away. It's very good, but really, anything less would have been disappointing. (Just want to make clear that this isn't a dig.)


My only big concern with the WiiU is that if you have the option to just stream the game to the controller (without using the TV) across all games, then just how integral/unique can a game actually be.


Yeah if that's all it's used for then that'd be disappointing. I'm hoping it's just an option, so if the screen isn't integral to the game you can do this, but I hope developers use the screen in more imaginative and vital ways to the game. A mix of both I'm sure.

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Now, now!! I was merely jesting at your clear humor, my sweet choc-chip Coockie. How long have I been here on this here site, Cokeman? You still haven't understood the Bevster? It's nearly E3 you fucking cunt so ready your body and untie your knickers.... actually, rip the knickers of and wedge a thong tight up the crack of your arse! :santa:WUHUU DUUUUDE


My body is ready!




What really scared me however was the browser becoming entertaintment - but what is behind that curtain?




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Yeah if that's all it's used for then that'd be disappointing. I'm hoping it's just an option, so if the screen isn't integral to the game you can do this, but I hope developers use the screen in more imaginative and vital ways to the game. A mix of both I'm sure.


Yeah, in the end, that's what is make or break for me. I guess the reason I'm doubtful is after QAing so many games, the bottom line was always that the game had to work as broadly as possible, and on as many different displays as it could (hence why QAing a portable title was a relief in the end).

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There will be a learning curve. We didn't see truly excellent uses of the Wiimote from day one, for example. It will take time.


Although, Nintendo has already had some experience of this with the Nintendo DS already. The second screen/touch screen ability. So, you'd expect them to be able to hit the ground running with this idea.

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It's never Nintendo that we need to be concerned about, it's the 3rd parties.


I thought what would make or break it for you would be if you could get Neflix on the controller! :laughing:


I just assumed that was already the case. :hehe:


Seriously, though, I've been walking round the house with my Vita the past two days watching Dexter - Netflix while I cook, Neflix while I sit on the loo; I love it. Got US Netflix on my PS3 and UK Netflix on my Vita.


Again, thanks for that!

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It's never Nintendo that we need to be concerned about, it's the 3rd parties.


That's the issue there. One could argue that the third party support has improved since the N64 days, which was probably a low point for Nintendo. (Although the third party support they did have, particularly from RARE, was quality support).

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I think hero is talking about doing this IN GAME, they seem to talk about pausing the game and going into a menu of sorts, but can we chat while we're playing?!
Oh, I see.

Well, perhaps they'll give people the option to use the Wii U GamePad exclusively for Miiverse, while playing a game via the TV. Although that would obviously be at the expense of using any touch screen functionality during that particular game. :hmm:

Then again, voice/video chat wouldn't really require use of the GamePad screen anyway, just the mic/camera. :heh:


But even if Nintendo themselves haven't included in-game voice chat as part of Miiverse, I get the feeling that many games (especially 3rd party) will still add the feature. Nintendo definitely appear to be comfortable with giving developers more flexibility for online options now.

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I don't know why I noticed this, but the sound effect the Wii U gamepad made when the guy playing the zombie game got a message saying "what is your mood", was the same sound effect you hear in Jurassic Park for the Snes when you use a computer. Pretty much all I have to contribute to this thread.

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A few thoughts (was going to quote people but it looked messy):


* When I saw the Classic Controller I laughed, thought "Again?!", then realised I wished it was the main controller.


* Developers will only know Wii U owners have the Wii U GamePad. As such, I expect anything else to come bundled with games, although it's hard to see why anyone would include a Classic Controller, unless it has extra functionality...?


* If no Wii U controller has analogue L + R triggers that will ruin the Virtual Console. No Mario Sunshine?! It just wouldn't be playable.


* I too got excited about the Darknuts and chastised myself for wishful thinking. Let's hope it really was a tease though. :)


* If everything can be played on one screen (the controller's), that's a very good thing for legacy. I've been wondering how Wii U games would be playable on a future console if it doesn't have the same controller. Hopefully playing on one screen will just mean you have to press "Start" to get the menus up.

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