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E3 2012 : June 5th - 6th


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Normally for E3 we here at N-E set up a temp board just for the event and close all other boards during conferences to help reduce strain on our servers.


This year however we are confident that the new servers that we are being hosted on will be able to deal with the usual influx of extra traffic that E3 brings to our site.


As such we going to keep the forums open as normal during in E3 for the first time.


There will still be a few changes to the console boards during E3.

As we had done with the E3 board in previous years, during E3 all the boards in the Console section of the fourm (Wii/WiiU, 3DS/DS and Other Consoles) only Mod and Admins will be able to create new threads, this is to prevent multiple duplicates of threads as games get announced. Especially during conferences.


There are also conference threads already set up for Nintendo in the Wii/WiiU board and for Sony & Microsoft in the Other consoles board.


These are currently locked and will be opened prior to each respective conference.


If you have a suggestion for a topic that you feel warrants its own thread please post it here and a Mod/Admin the thread will be created for you from scratch or if you had made a post elsewhere that you feel warrants a "thrip" direct a Mod/Admin to it.


Thank you and enjoy E3 2012 from the N-Europe.com Team

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I'm amped for the show now, looking forward to IRC as well. Was hilarious last time.


yeah it was! gonna try and be on there as much as possible...


Here's hoping Microsoft put a better show on than last year, that was just a shambles. Un-organised tat i would call it.


nah funnier as a shambles.

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It's going to be a strange year! With Nintendo having so much to show, I wonder what the other 2 can do. Guys over at Gametrailers don't seem to know anything that Sony could put into their conference that is substantial and there's still lots of rage about how Kinect gets bigged up every year and then nothing of any quality comes out for it.

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and there's still lots of rage about how Kinect gets bigged up every year and then nothing of any quality comes out for it.


Coming soon to Xbox 360 Kinect... Viva Pinata : Beatdown the game in which you literally smash open the entire Viva Pinata cast into a gooey mess of chocolate, candy and papier mache.


Hunt down and destroy more than 151 different pinatas including all of your old favourites plus a whole load more that you didn't ask for! Collect and trade Pinata data online over Xbox Live to add more of the little critters to your death-trap err... garden to complete your collection, gotta smash 'em all!


Also includes 'classic mode' which allows you to hang Hudson the horse and then smash him apart using more than 64 different whacking stick motions, also includes a plastic whacking stick and a Viva Pinata branded blindfold for the most authentic Pinata 'Pwning' experience.


Viva Pinata : Beatdown from Rare will launch on July 6 2012 worldwide, pre-order the limited edition now to secure your Pinata packaging which will house the game, stick, blindfold and enough sour candy to make you physically sick!


Viva Pinata : Beatdown... if you can't 'join' them then 'beat' them!



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I would love a new Viva Piñata game, but not like the one you are describing!


As would I... but I couldn't help but pre-empt what they might do with the IP using kinect. :p


Lets be honest though, what we'd all really like to see from Rare is Killer Instinct 3, Perfect Dark 2 or even Banjo Threeie. :D


Oh and an XBLA re-release of Jet Force Gemini wouldn't go amiss either.

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I want Sony to announce PS4 game streaming through the PS3 with acquisition of Gaikai to then be followed by a full blown hardware launch of the PS4 next year.


That way the launch PS4 games launch to a potential audience of 60million PS3 owners (meaning there's much less risk in investing in the next gen), and we get new hardware to sate the peeps who aren't a fan of streaming. And when the PS4 launches it'll do so with a load of momentum (and potentially Beta testing through the streaming service).



Yeah, it'll never happen.

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Guys over at Gametrailers don't seem to know anything that Sony could put into their conference that is substantial...

Then they should probably consider a new line of work. Here's a few probables we 'know', off the top of my head:

  • Last of Us gameplay demo
  • A revamp of PlayStation Plus and the Store
  • Announcement of the Gaikai streaming deal
  • A massive Vita push: ACIII: Liberation, Ghost Recon, NFS, MoH, CoD, Soul Sacrifice, etc.
  • New games from one or more of: Quantic Dream, Media Molecule, Sucker Punch or Guerilla


As for Microsoft, I think they'll have a solid showing that won't go entirely appreciated due to the very inclusion of Kinect and talk of non-gaming features; their music streaming service, Woodstock, and how Windows 8 and Xbox are going to converge via Smart Glass.


Personally I've no real excitement for Microsoft's showing, but that's because Halo 4 — which will apparently open the conference — is the only one of their big hitters I'm really interested in. There are hints we might see something new of Alan Wake, though, which would definitely be a boon.

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Jamba might possibly be talking about the speculation of the Invisible Walls team. They were going through 'dream' and 'nightmare' scenarios for the Big 3 as it were, and the consensus was that Sony's nightmare would be to reveal few new games after everything they've announced pre-conference.

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I think Sony will be the most interesting to see, Nintendo the most exciting (though, definitely not my thing) and I think Microsoft will have very few surprises as they push out a couple established games (Halo 4/GoW/Forza Horizon) while they go into lockdown for the next-gen (but I think they're pretty covered in terms of avoiding game droughts).


From what we already know, Microsoft and Sony aren't going to have a bad year - they have their shit together.

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Nintendo have tons of things to tell us about in a short time frame. If they faff around with painful live demonstrations like the Wii Music farce and continue to limp through sales figures, they're neglecting their E3 duty. I'm interested to see if they up their online interface and whether or not they can convince me the tablet controller is anything but a yawn-inducing toy.

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Nintendo have tons of things to tell us about in a short time frame. If they faff around with painful live demonstrations like the Wii Music farce and continue to limp through sales figures, they're neglecting their E3 duty. I'm interested to see if they up their online interface and whether or not they can convince me the tablet controller is anything but a yawn-inducing toy.


But wii music makes real music! Honestly! Seriously though yes making tablet convincing comes second fiddle to them making compelling online experience.

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I'll be streaming through Gametrailers again this year. Their streams were pretty rock solid last year so may as well stick with them.


Not wanting to get my hopes up too much for Microsoft's conference as I know there'll be an abundance of Kinect stuff again but there is a rather tantalising rumour of a new Alan Wake game. Oh please let that be true! And if it is, make it more like the first than American Nightmare!

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Then they should probably consider a new line of work. Here's a few probables we 'know', off the top of my head:

  • Last of Us gameplay demo
  • A revamp of PlayStation Plus and the Store
  • Announcement of the Gaikai streaming deal
  • A massive Vita push: ACIII: Liberation, Ghost Recon, NFS, MoH, CoD, Soul Sacrifice, etc.
  • New games from one or more of: Quantic Dream, Media Molecule, Sucker Punch or Guerilla


As for Microsoft, I think they'll have a solid showing that won't go entirely appreciated due to the very inclusion of Kinect and talk of non-gaming features; their music streaming service, Woodstock, and how Windows 8 and Xbox are going to converge via Smart Glass.


Personally I've no real excitement for Microsoft's showing, but that's because Halo 4 — which will apparently open the conference — is the only one of their big hitters I'm really interested in. There are hints we might see something new of Alan Wake, though, which would definitely be a boon.


Now you see, they didn't mention ANY of that apart from the obvious, COD, possible Alan Wake and Halo 4. And yes a lot of what I'm saying was going by Invisible Walls as I've not been keeping up with the non-Nintendo platforms very well lately.


Good to hear some kind of confirmation of AC on Vita though. Will be interested to see how it plays.

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Good to hear some kind of confirmation of AC on Vita though. Will be interested to see how it plays.

Like the existing ones, supposedly. Hopefully it's less of a grind than Revelations, though.


Here are some exceptionally poor photos of the latest Game Informer that show off the playable character, Aveline:




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I think they should use it as an opportunity to really work on the multiplayer. Being able to drop in and out of a matches would suit the handheld. Not sure if the conventional story mode would suit it but I'm sure they could find some way to chop it up a bit.

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