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Nintendo Conference (5.00pm - 5th June)


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I forgot how SLOW these conferences are. They could fit in more games if they didn't make Reggie not only repeat everything that Iwata did on Sunday, repeat HIMSELF often and spend precious minutes talking very slowly about how "We simply don't have enough time to show you everything". It makes me feel they don't have much to show at all.

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From Neogaf:

According to the grapevine, CoD was shown to journalists on Wii U a little while ago and THQ was supposed to have a few titles (outside of Darksiders) but even that was nowhere to be found outside of a press release.



Did Nintendo do something to pissed them off?

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First of all, thanks Dazzybee for sending your links! I owe you.


The conference itself got off to a great start, but then it seemed to flat-line and never really recovered. The problem with the big three conferences is that they're just showing us things that we either expected or what we already know about. There's not really been anything that's surprised us. With Nintendo's conference, they showed Mass Effect 3 and ZombiU, which are two games that we were't expecting (well, not until a few days ago anyway).


It wasn't a disaster, but it wasn't inspiring either. Pikmin looks great, Lego City looks pretty interesting, and unless ZombiU and Rayman turn out to be terrible, they'll be mine, too.


I just wanted a little bit more.


To round things off, the chinese fucked up my order and sent me chicken balls instead of prawn. Quite fitting, that Nintendo sometimes don't give you what you want or "need".

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IS there an activiion conference or something? Their head guy hinted it was definitely coming. The lack of 3rd party support is really really baffling! Am I exaggerating saying it's the worst it's been for Nintendo since the N64 and they said they were actively trying to improve it?!

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More from NeoGaf:

Nintendo pulled trailers of Retro's new game,EAD Toykto's new game & demo of Aliens. :hmm:


Edit: COD:BO2 is still development, Retro sounds like a mystery because it's in "showable" form and could be shown soon (though not necessarily at E3). EAD game was in pre-alpha stages so they just felt it wasn't ready yet. Nintendo didn't want to show games that weren't in the launch window.


It does give reason for the odd 3DS games discussion and long draw out on NintendoLand.

Edited by Dante
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I'd suspect those 'titles' from THQ are now merely a single 'title', i.e. Darksiders 2. Having just shut down a studio yesterday during the conferences, as well as passing off some of their licenses (EA now have MMA for example) and their financial troubles, wouldn't be surprised if they felt it was too much of a risk financially to release the games on the platform, ala Metro Last Light, given their fragile position right now. Would love to be wrong but other than WWE 13, they've not got anything else to bring to the Wii U.

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More from NeoGaf:

Nintendo pulled trailers of Retro's new game,EAD Toykto's new game & demo of Aliens. :hmm:


Could you link to these? Because while it's fair to say some people on NeoGAF are reliable, it's equally fair to say a good chunk of stuff is pulled out from some arse or another. I don't see how information like that would get out.


EDIT: Doesn't matter, I found it. The source is good, but I really don't read it as they were pulled literally last minute or anything. And the Retro one certainly doesn't sound like it was pulled at all.

Edited by D_prOdigy
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More from NeoGaf:

Nintendo pulled trailers of Retro's new game,EAD Toykto's new game & demo of Aliens. :hmm:


Edit: COD:BO2 is still development, Retro sounds like a mystery because it's in "showable" form and could be shown soon (though not necessarily at E3). EAD game was in pre-alpha stages so they just felt it wasn't ready yet. Nintendo didn't want to show games that weren't in the launch window.


It does give reason for the odd 3DS games discussion and long draw out on NintendoLand.


Normally I'd call BS on this, but considering that everything shown and announced was launch window, it's not that outlandish.


For an event where they were supposedly short on time, a lot of that was actually pretty well wasted on rambling and the pointless 3DS game name unveils!

Edited by Dcubed
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More from NeoGaf:

Nintendo pulled trailers of Retro's new game,EAD Toykto's new game & demo of Aliens. :hmm:


Edit: COD:BO2 is still development, Retro sounds like a mystery because it's in "showable" form and could be shown soon (though not necessarily at E3). EAD game was in pre-alpha stages so they just felt it wasn't ready yet. Nintendo didn't want to show games that weren't in the launch window.


It does give reason for the odd 3DS games discussion and long draw out on NintendoLand.


interesting, now imagine if those were in the conference it wouldn't have been as bad....


now it explains all those bits that felt like filler - they were filler

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Right so, but the dev round table is 11/11:30pm'ish in LA, so that is 7/7:30am for us here... Can anyone clarify this?


EDIT*** Looking on Twitter, a few people are saying 7:30am tomorrow... Some big games have first been announced at round tables in the past... not to get anyone's hopes up here lol...


Nah, it's 7pm PST tomorrow from the looks of it, check out countdown timer on their facebook page. Currently says 1 day, 2 hours and 13 minutes to go.

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30 minutes on a game we know

About and attendees can play. Then chat about mario that we all know and everyone can play.


Fuck me they're a joke. Constant repetition. We still don't know how miiverse fully works. We don't know their online plans. Yet they babble on about bollocks.


Nintendoland MIGHT be a packin


They just said this:

"There's sort of this attitude that Nintendo is targeting more casual consumers, but actually we're more interested in making games for people who really love games."


Do they know how ridiculous they sound? After chatting about nintendoland for 30 minutes!!

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