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NINTENDO @ E3: Penguins Approaching. It's Just a Box!

Fused King

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Turning out to be a bollocks day for wii u :) Nintendo supposed to be the masters of revealing and they let ubisoft limp out with the first wii u footage... Really feels like a sideshow. You just know when the ps4/720 come out everyone will be exploding out new software and support and it be the main focus! Wii u a nice little diversion!

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Bugger me, that Zombie game was real!? Fuck this shitty industry, I can't even give Ubisoft credit for being self aware! 01laugh.gif


Good thing they have Rayman and Watchdogs, because those are the only interesting non-Nintendo things that have been shown thus far (unless you count that non-demo of South Park The Stick of Truth - which still managed to steal the MS show, without even being demoed! :laughing:


Actually, this pretty much sums up my feelings about E3 thus far as a whole...



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Well, I suspect that the reason why EA didn't show anything yesterday is because they were helping Nintendo with the online setup (at least that's what was said last year) so I'd expect that given the high connectivity of EA's titles for online gaming, Nintendo will have wanted them for show at their conference to show off the online features. Suspect we'll be seeing either Battlefield 3 or the new Medal of Honor in some form to show off the online setup.


That's how I see it anyway and I do suspect there'll be a decent amount of third party titles on show today, with perhaps a few surprises thrown in from some studios.

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So is anyone else feeling that Nintendo didn't really do so well to bring the 3rd parties to the yard or are we still waiting for the dropping of bombs tonight?


Hmm, it's still too early to tell. On first impressions, they've done well to get Ubisoft to bring 8 games, but they seem to have missed out on the two big ones in Splinter Cell and Watch Dogs.




We'll just have to wait and see.

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I don't expect any third-party bombs from here on in.


But then I remembered Nintendo's E3 2006. That also didn't have any real third-party bombs for Wii, but is still recognised as one of Nintendo's strongest shows. I'm hoping that they can at least match 2006 with the strength and breadth of their own IP plus a 'solid' third party line-up.


The question I'll be looking to answer is, if they do provide that, will people be as happy as they were in 2006? Maybe not. I think the Wii Remote was still seen as a really exciting thing back then, which probably fuelled a positive perception of the system.


My expectations will probably sink as the day goes on. I hope Retro's game isn't some anti-climactic sequel to a current IP - not that I wouldn't go mad for a really promising, proper 'reboot' of something. I think I'd also jizz my pants at Metroid Prime 4.

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I hope Retro's game isn't some anti-climactic sequel to a current IP - not that I wouldn't go mad for a really promising, proper 'reboot' of something. I think I'd also jizz my pants at Metroid Prime 4.


Eh? What's the word for an oxymoronic sentence!?

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Is anyone else getting a little happy about Pikmin? I'm particularly interested to see what they do with the art style and progressing the gameplay.


Could it look like this with the Wii U's power?



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The thing is, I have no doubt whatsoever Nintendo will blow us away today, they will have shit loads of amazing first and second party games that will look amazing and use the tablet in genius ways. I guess for the future of the wii u, we need to see the 3rd parties really backing it, to show it can be the console Nintendo (and fans) clearly want it to be. Without that it'll be a first party machine with a few great 3rd party releases, which is sort of fine, I'll still lap it up, but I wouldn't mind the option to not get another console (which I felt I did this gen).


I'm slightly worried that nintendo will spend ages talking about online and show features that should have been their years ago!


"you can play FIFA, but get this, you can fucking invite people from your friends list to play!"

"16 digit numbers? Pfft. Although not available at launch, in 2013 we will be introducing gamer names!"

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Could it look like this with the Wii U's power?
That's what I'm expecting/hoping it will look like. Claymation style characters in photorealistic environments. Man, that would be so sweet. :smile:


Is it 5:00pm yet?... :hmm:


Having watched the other main conferences, I'm now anticipating Nintendo's even more. If anything, just to see a conference that isn't 95% made up of shooters, extreme violence and games that all look like clones of each other. :heh:

Be funny if Nintendo end up doing a similar show, just to please the "hardcore". :laughing:

And by funny, of course I mean tragic.



*checks time... again.*

Only 4 and a half hours to go! :bouncy:

Don't miss the hype train people! :hehe:

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Having watched the other main conferences, I'm now anticipating Nintendo's even more. If anything, just to see a conference that isn't 95% made up of shooters, extreme violence and games that all look like clones of each other.


This man, this!


I watched all the stuff on GT with a friend and my girlfriend and after a good few hours we were like:


"So, if you were to say to a random person that this game is Gears of War, Call of Duty, Splinter Cell(Which wasn't SC anymore), Borderlands, etc. They would believe it"


Most of the stuff looked so much the same it was unreal, and it made me happy once again that NINTENDO is in the industry.


I can appreciate new IPs such as The Last of Us (Which looks like a better survival-horror game than RE-games these days), Beyond and Watch Dogs, but those too, are realistic games.


All I can say is, thank god for the Indie scene and creativity!


Also, regarding Watch Dog: HOW CAN THAT NOT COME TO THE WIIU???

That game looks tailor made for the Pad on which you can see the grid of the entire city and manipulate stuff and such.:hmm:

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