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Rayman Legends


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I'm not bummed about the multiplatform announcement. I'm not really sure why it angers others.


But delaying the game for 7 months when the previous date was around the corner (and a demo was out, no less) is a really dick move. I mean, would it really be bad business if they released it on the Wii U first as promised, then on the other ones later on? At least go through with the one release date you've been advertising for months, now.

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I think Daft means that Nintendo should have more software lined up so that Wii U owners need not be this passionately upset about the delay of a third party game. I doubt there'd be such a ruckus if there were at least SOME other titles showing up on Wii U in the coming weeks.... months... years?


The reason for the delay is inevitably the poor reception of the Wii U so far. Ubisoft probably didn't make as much money as they hoped from ZombiU and they want to make sure they maximimise their profits with Rayman Legends by waiting for a bigger user base. It's a fairly rudimentary business tactic, but pretty disappointing for Wii U fans.


Ubisoft more or less stating the Wii U version is pretty much finished and still delaying it looks incredibly bad for Nintendo. More than anything this demonstrates a massive lack of faith in the system and sends a horrible message to other third party developers considering releasing Wii U titles.


I'm sure Wii U will be absolutely fine in the long run, but damn is it having a hard time right now.

Edited by Guy
Because Ubisoft edited the Rayman Legends release date.
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It's the way it happened, not the fact that a title is no longer exclusive.


But if there were a few other good titles strategically placed throughout the schedule to look forward to, this wouldn't have mattered as much.


It's Nitendo's machine. It's their show. It's their job to have a plan of action and at the moment their plan of action seems to be virtually non-existent. People can say what they want about the Vita but in the first year it had an Uncharted, Resistance and LittleBigPlanet as well as Motorstrom and Super Stardust on the digital side. Had Assassin's Creed or Need for Speed been delayed or cancelled, there were at least some big name games to capitalise on the space.

Edited by Daft
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I agree, but it was a mixture of other things too. Such as the delay to Scribblenauts, 1st party software further down the line, it was the only BIG 3rd party title that was coming soon apart from MHU. Also what Serebii alluded to earlier; Nintendo has been supporting this quite a lot.

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My plan was to buy a Wii U when Rayman and Monster Hunter hit. Hell, I'll probably still buy a Wii U for Monster Hunter if I can afford it. The good software will come - it isn't like software droughts on a Nintendo console are anything new to any of us after decades of abuse.


I hide behind GROWN UP reasons for not getting a Wii U so far, but it pretty much only boils down to a complete and utter lack of money.

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If this is true, it's quite interesting that it may not actually be Ubisoft's fault entirely

Ubisoft says they delayed Rayman Legends because they want all 3 versions of the game to hit at the same time. Could this be a way of dealing with a regulation that Microsoft holds over third party games?


Microsoft reserves the right to demand publishers release multiplatform software simultaneously with Xbox 360 releases, even stipulating content parity. If that's the case, Ubisoft may have forced the Wii U version into September just by electing to port the game to 360. Still doesn't make the wait any better.


And from Ubisoft's page


Thanks for all your feedback regarding Rayman Legends in all of its forms. We have heard you and we will continue to listen. We understand your frustration and that you want to get your hands on the game.


We are working with the development team to provide you with a new, exclusive demo for the Wii U soon. Stay tuned for more.

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There have been some pretty strong opinions on here, across the net, and on Miiverse about the delay of Rayman Legends.


We've decided to run a N-E Forum Roundtable in General Gaming Discussions about this and on delaying games in general:




So please go ahead and contribute your feelings on the matter in there, and maybe post any funny images or comments you've come across from the net/Miiverse as well and hopefully we can summarise this topic in a little feature for the main site! :)

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I've seen the petition to get this game released sooner but I think the damage is done now. The Wii U version has lost sales to the XBOX360 and PS3 versions regardless. I hope it bombs on said platforms and does brilliantly on Wii U but it'll probably end up DOA everywhere.

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So, apparently Ubisoft is looking for a new public relations manager

Ubisoft, one of the largest video game developers and publisher in the world, is looking for a stellar public relations professional to join its team as Public Relations Coordinator in its San Francisco Office. The Public Relations Coordinator is an extremely well-organized professional that wants to learn public relations from the best in the business and has a track record in multi-tasking, coverage tracking, database management and media outreach.
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I've seen the petition to get this game released sooner but I think the damage is done now. The Wii U version has lost sales to the XBOX360 and PS3 versions regardless. I hope it bombs on said platforms and does brilliantly on Wii U but it'll probably end up DOA everywhere.


It will and then be discounted early like origins.

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An exclusive demo. Lol


Wtf is the point in that.


Ubisoft just made things worse.


Exclusive demo. WTF, its laughable!!


Feel bad for the guys @ Ubisoft Montpellier. They work there ass off to get the game finished for feb 28th release date. They then get told game is delayed but as Ubisoft caused a shit storm, they now have to put together some kind of demo..


Piss take!

Edited by khilafah
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