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Rayman Legends


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You couldn't make it up. This is the only game playable on the demo units, right? I've seen groups playing this in GAME, using the GamePad and the Wii Remote together. It is arguably the game being used to sell the Wii U. Now it's being delayed for machines that don't have the same functionality.


Incidently, this is exactly why I was annoyed at what happened with Twilight Princess. The finished game did not have the same functionality it was meant to. You just can't do that when a game is designed for one controller and then adapted for a very different one. It's OK when it's done later like Metroid Prime Trilogy and the "New Play Control" series, but not when it's done as part of a delay.


Personally, I find the Rayman games look much better than they play (give me New Super Mario Bros any day), but that's not the point.

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Nintendo should just pay Ubi to release it early and thus cover such costs.

I know there's an argument for them not doing this but it is probably worth the investment. Especially if the game is finished. Perhaps they decided to add NFC functionality or know that the next consoles from MS/SONY are backwards compatible?

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This is kind of true but then Epic Mickey 1 was an exclusive whereas, like someone said, Origins is available on everything.


Plus, Epic Mickey 2 was deemed a bad sequel to a game that wasn't particularly good in the first place. A lot of people had already been put off getting it after playing the first.

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Nintendo should just pay Ubi to release it early and thus cover such costs.

I know there's an argument for them not doing this but it is probably worth the investment. Especially if the game is finished. Perhaps they decided to add NFC functionality or know that the next consoles from MS/SONY are backwards compatible?


Nintendo are publishing the game in Japan and that didnt matter.

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And again, they wouldn't undermine PS360 sales from having a Wii U version which would be greatly reduced after being out for 6 months.


Ubisoft could just choose not discount the game to retailers before the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions had been out for a while. Nintendo keeps their own games priced at MSRP for a least a couple of years.


I have actually wondered about this for several years. Why does game prices fall so quickly? I would buy more of Nintendo's games a few months after launch, instead of at launch, if the prices decreased faster.

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A split release would cost so much more to market. They'll be saving a boat load of cash simply from having a uniform launch.


And again, they wouldn't undermine PS360 sales from having a Wii U version which would be greatly reduced after being out for 6 months.


GTAV is just one of many factors and there is nothing to say they will be out in the same week just because they are due the same month.


Just a question: What about the WiiU owners who have been looking forward to this since it was announced? Where do they figure in all of this? You have to admit, it's pretty shoddy customer service for them. Delaying a game for 6 months+ so it can be made available for other systems is a bit of a dick move, in my opinion. Yes, I understand the benefits for Ubisoft, but it doesn't really help the fans who own a WiiU. Having to wait more than half a year for a game that was dead-set on a February release is inexcusable.

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Ubisoft could just choose not discount the game to retailers before the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions had been out for a while. Nintendo keeps their own games priced at MSRP for a least a couple of years.


I have actually wondered about this for several years. Why does game prices fall so quickly? I would buy more of Nintendo's games a few months after launch, instead of at launch, if the prices decreased faster.


Because the vast majority of sales of a game (most games) occur in the first week. It's why Sony are able to offer Plus; they essentially wait a few months until a game's sales have completely diminished and the developer takes advantage of the visibility (usually time it with new DLC or some kind of DLC sale) while Sony get a sort of whole-sale price.


Just a question: What about the WiiU owners who have been looking forward to this since it was announced? Where do they figure in all of this? You have to admit, it's pretty shoddy customer service for them. Delaying a game for 6 months+ so it can be made available for other systems is a bit of a dick move, in my opinion. Yes, I understand the benefits for Ubisoft, but it doesn't really help the fans who own a WiiU. Having to wait more than half a year for a game that was dead-set on a February release is inexcusable.


The Wii U owners aren't going anywhere. When it comes down to it, it'll be the minority that make a conscious decision to avoid this game. If I was in charge at UbiSoft they only thing I would have done was announced the delay a little earlier - but then I don't know when they made the decision.


I can't really comment on it being poor customer service. It was a shitty move to announce it as an exclusive after the previous game being on a whole load of platforms - someone bothered to invest in their franchise and the thanks they get is a sequel on a brand new £300 console, gee thanks...would be the flip side of that argument.


Essentially it comes down to UbiSoft not caring about Nintendo, they care about their game selling well. And to be quite honest it's a lot more complicated than people think - Nintendo don't court 3rd parties, they really do not. They may talk to them but their follow-through is weak compared to Microsoft and Sony. For example, there was an absolutely massive hissy fit by Epic when Xbox didn't bother to heavily promote GoW3. They rectified that with Judgement. Sony took Double Fine's Stacking, which almost definitely would have gone by relatively unnoticed, and gave it away on Plus for free for a week - suddenly that's prime position on the Playstation Store and a whole load of buzz on the internet. That's just a couple examples off the top of my head and I'm not saying either of those example would be applicable to this instant, but Nintendo just don't offer that kind of support.


When it comes down to it, Nintendo really just cannot compete on that front. I've said it before but just to give you some perspective, Microsoft's marketing department is bigger than the entirety of Nintendo - and that doesn't include the agencies they hire, either. (I'm not as clued up about Sony - I suspect they're a little less happy with just throwing money around the place.)


Back on topic, what about the Wii U owners? They don't number enough to worry about. Honestly, how many of those people complaining now aren't actually going to buy Legends when it comes out? It'll be an awesome game, do you really want to miss out?


It sucks but then that's the price of being an early adopter, I guess.


TL;DR - Yeah, it's a dick move but that's business.


Edit: Thinking back, isn't this is pretty similar to what happened with the once PS3 exclusive Assassin's Creed? I remember being super jealous of that and I enjoyed playing the better running 360 version.

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If it's any concellation; the game's devs aren't happy about the delay either...




I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.


If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.


For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.


Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty.

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Didn't GTAV recently get delayed until September?


Also, I would think that the amount of people who would have to choose between Rayman and GTA would account for much less than 1% of the sales.


We also have no idea if Mario Kart will actually make it this year.

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Didn't GTAV recently get delayed until September?


Also, I would think that the amount of people who would have to choose between Rayman and GTA would account for much less than 1% of the sales.



Yup but it only had a vague Spring release date anyway.


Releasing so close to GTA is dumb, you'd think after releasing the previous entry in the series around high profile games they'd of thought hmm maybe we should push for August and stay clear of any game which is going to destroy all in its path for that month.


I wonder what they'll do witht he Murphy levels in the other versions?

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I dont mind if its multi format but its retarded beyond belief to delay the wii u finished version ,


I knew it wouldn't be long before a version of the came out lol-




Pre order cancelled and I won't be buying any more ubisoft games again

Certainly not new copies they won't get a penny off me again .

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I was set on getting this, simply because there aren't that many releases for the next few months. But come September there will be quite a few big releases, GTA namely. Yes, I'm one of those bizarre people that somehow likes two different genres.


I'll definitely pick it up, will probably just wait until it's cheap though. Kinda pissed, but I have a mega backlog of 3DS/360 to catch up with, so I'll get over it :P


After reading that quote though, I feel sorry for the dev team the most.

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I posted this just a few months ago on the front page (yeah that still exists ;D), how times change!


When Rayman Origins released on multiple platforms it was praised for its fantastic visuals and gameplay and was received relatively well commercially, too. With that in mind, some gamers may be wondering why Ubisoft decided to bring Legends to the Wii U only, and not have another multi-format affair.


According to a recent interview it was for quite a few reasons, one of them being the unique capabilities of the Wii U which would require you to buy extra peripherals if experienced on another platform, or to miss out on specific features entirely.


Speaking to Nintendo Power, Chris McEntee said that the core reason for this being on Wii U is that "we didn't want to give somebody half of the experience just for the sake of getting it out on another console".


"The possibility (for a multiplatform release) could be there, but we chose to really focus on Wii U specifically because it has a special toolset, and because everyone that buys it gets what they need to play the game. Here you buy the Wii U system, you buy the game, and you can experience all of the content without extras."

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I don't think I have ever seen so much hate , I think ubi are screwed I don't see this even making the top 20, I sincerely hope it fails and they loose a lot of money :)


Oh man you havent seen hate, you should of witnessed the many video game forums across the internet when Final Fantasy 13 was announced the Xbox 360. It was amazing for all the wrong reasons.

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For those of you that haven't downloaded the Wii U demo of Rayman Legends you may want to do so "real soon". I've a funny feeling this is going to get yanked fairly quickly just like the demo of Origins from the eShop for the 3DS when it was delayed. Nintendo, I don't believe will have a demo up of a game that won't be seeing release for another 7 months.

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