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If Not Nintendo, Then Who?


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Being a owner of the Wii and the HD twins i've had the luxury of being able to jump from platform to platform to get my gaming fix. I did this during the last generation aswell, owning a Cube, PS2 and a Xbox.


We have quite a few members on here who only support Nintendo consoles, for whatever reason, whether it be financial or loyalty. My question is this:


If Nintendo decided to shut up shop, where would you go to get your gaming fix? Would you decide to get a PS3 or 360, or would you just give up on gaming altogether?

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It's actually a pretty hard question. I own both the 360 and PS3.


Even though the 360 isn't as powerful, it's a better console. The controller is better, the console's software is better (worth £35 a year for all features - like Party Chat). Everything just works better.


However, especially recently, the PS3 has the better exclusive games.


Apart form some exceptions (like Portal 2) I get multiformat games on 360.

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Quite easy, I'd turn back to Sony.


I feel I've been forced into buying Sony this generation. Had Nintendo had made a HD machine and Dead Space, Red Dead, Arkham release I would have had no need to jump; they didn't and I have severely missed a range of multiplatform games. Yes, I have picked up a handful of PS3 exclusives but I would have been too stuck in my ways to consider Sony for the likes of Uncharted and LBP.


I expect to do the same next generation though. Unless its an exclusive and a top tier title I won't bother buying it for WiiU. This generation, up until my PS3 purchase, I've ended up buying some good - but not great - games simply to have something to play (Deadly Creatures, Boom Blox, Conduit) - I could easily have halved my Wii collection by not buying second tier stuff.

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I would say 360, The games are pretty much the same across both platforms, bar a few exclusives. The games I want to play on the PS3 are the MGS games. seeing as the HD Collection came to 360 & Metal Gear Rising is coming to 360 then I'm fine, plus the PS controllers are horrendous!

except for the D-pad.

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PS3. I think it's pretty shoddy in some regards (awful wireless, crap UI, cumbersome shop etc) but ultimately I don't want to be forced to pay to play online (even though i "choose" to pay for plus) and ultimately I prefer the PS3 exclusives. Although gears of War is great, I really REALLY don't like Halo, and ultimately I wouldn't swap Uncharted for anything on the 360.

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An interesting question.


Don't think I'd give up on gaming altogether, but my interest would certainly be severely reduced if Nintendo ceased to exist. :hmm::shakehead


As for where I'd go for my gaming fix... hmm, that's a tough one. :blank:

Maybe I'd just go cold turkey. :heh: Actually, I'd probably just re-play my entire collection of Nintendo consoles/games again. :laughing:

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I'd probably go with PC, more specifically using Steam for all my purchases. I have a 360 and a Wii, but when any games I'm looking forward too come out on both 360 and Steam, I tend to choose the steam version.



Dreamcast 2 if SEGA were still making consoles :P


^this would be my option too lol

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I think it's like the MySpace, Facebook, Google+ thing... what the network can actually do isn't as important as where your friends are.


Most of my mates have XBox 360 and I don't think I could resist joining them to be part of that community.


I totally agree with this. The PS3 and 360 are very much the same, and even though I think the exclusives are better on the PS3, I find myself being on my 360 more just because all my mates are. This is why I buy most, if not all, my 3rd party offerings on the 360.

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If Nintendo decided to shut up shop, where would you go to get your gaming fix?


To the console that Nintendo would release most of their games on :heh: I think this is the most honest answer I can think of.


To keep with the spirit of the question, the Sony consoles would be more likely:


-More exclusives (including the Tekken series which I love);

-More support from the Portuguese distributor (dubbed games, man. Getting them translated is hard enough as it is, but dubbed? Damn);

-They have a handheld. This is an important point.

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-More support from the Portuguese distributor (dubbed games, man. Getting them translated is hard enough as it is, but dubbed? Damn);


They can go overboard with that. With SOCOM 4 in the UK they replaced the decent American voice acting and with different, awful, British voices. They did the same for Australia.

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They can go overboard with that. With SOCOM 4 in the UK they replaced the decent American voice acting and with different, awful, British voices. They did the same for Australia.


They replaced the voices of American soldiers with British/Australian voices? That...doesn't even make any sense.


Anyway, I was talking about games that were actually translated to Portuguese, which, dubbed or not, are very welcome. Nintendo only started doing it with the 3DS.

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An interesting question.


Don't think I'd give up on gaming altogether, but my interest would certainly be severely reduced if Nintendo ceased to exist. :hmm::shakehead


As for where I'd go for my gaming fix... hmm, that's a tough one. :blank:

Maybe I'd just go cold turkey. :heh: Actually, I'd probably just re-play my entire collection of Nintendo consoles/games again. :laughing:

Can I ask, have you played (m)any 360/PS3/PC games? I feel like so many people have missed out on this generation. Even if you have no interest in the online shooters etc that dominate the system, I'm sure you would love games like FEZ, Braid, the Katamari series, Journey, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Fable, Bioshock, Uncharted, Portal, Bastion, Splosion Man, Plants vs Zombies, Super Meat Boy, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Castle Crashers, Limbo, Shadow Complex.......


And most of those are downloadable games!

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Can I ask, have you played (m)any 360/PS3/PC games? I feel like so many people have missed out on this generation. Even if you have no interest in the online shooters etc that dominate the system, I'm sure you would love games like FEZ, Braid, the Katamari series, Journey, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Fable, Bioshock, Uncharted, Portal, Bastion, Splosion Man, Plants vs Zombies, Super Meat Boy, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Castle Crashers, Limbo, Shadow Complex.......




You completely missed the series in you avatar and signature.

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-More support from the Portuguese distributor (dubbed games, man. Getting them translated is hard enough as it is, but dubbed? Damn);


I just don't get this point at all.


It's 2012, everyone, at least in the European Union learns English in school. If you don't know sufficient english to understand a game, you're either to young to play anything more violent (or storydriven) than New Mario Bros and if you're old enough to play proper games and still don't know english, you're not disciplined/clever enough to play anything more advanced than Wii Sports.

Either that, or your English teacher should instantly commit harakiri to maintain the honour of not only him/herself, but his/her family, national education system and indeed entire nation.


(NOTE: certain level of sarcasm, som level of Clarksonism. Thus: don't take too seriously)



Don't waste time or money on a surplus of translations. Call me weird, but I NEVER turn on the Swedish settings in any game that has it. Personally, I'd like every country that doesen't need a translation to get exclusive DLC which costs as much to develop as the Swedish translation would've cost.


So instead of getting a stupid voice over for let's say the next CoD, we get an AK5, AK4, Kpist, Ksp58, Swedish uniforms and a small multiplayer map taking place in Lapland.

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Can I ask, have you played (m)any 360/PS3/PC games? I feel like so many people have missed out on this generation. Even if you have no interest in the online shooters etc that dominate the system, I'm sure you would love games like FEZ, Braid, the Katamari series, Journey, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Fable, Bioshock, Uncharted, Portal, Bastion, Splosion Man, Plants vs Zombies, Super Meat Boy, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Castle Crashers, Limbo, Shadow Complex.......


And most of those are downloadable games!


I've always thought that RedShell would love the likes of LittleBigPlanet and Modnation Racers, purely for the customization that is on offer. I'm sure he could make some awesome levels/tracks in those games.

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You completely missed the series in you avatar and signature.

Well my list wasn't just the most awesome games I could think of :p I also missed ones that I wasn't sure would be to RedShell's taste. HoT's suggestions were good too but I haven't played those. And they make me think of Trials Evolution, which is like a combination of the two!

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Not that I'm a massive fan of them, but they are slightly more my thing than Microsoft, with more chance of hosting Japanese games like Ni No Kuni, for instance. Also, if Nintendo didn't exist, presumably Dragon Quest would go back to Sony, which would make it no contest for me. Actually, I could see myself switching to Apple instead if Dragon Quest went over to them.

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Can I ask, have you played (m)any 360/PS3/PC games?
I wouldn't say many, but yeah I have played games on all of those systems, mainly in multiplayer though when visiting friends and family.


I've always thought that RedShell would love the likes of LittleBigPlanet and Modnation Racers, purely for the customization that is on offer. I'm sure he could make some awesome levels/tracks in those games.
I do love me some customization. :D


I know I must come across to some people on here as rabid Nintendo fanboy, but I can assure you that's not the case.

I definitely see the appeal/merit of other consoles/games, it's just that they simply don't appeal to me personally on anywhere near the same level as Nintendo does. ::shrug:


Even something like LittleBigPlanet (which I have played briefly), that seems like it would really be my cup of tea, somehow just doesn't grab me like, for example, WarioWare: D.I.Y. :blank:

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