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New Super Mario Bros 2


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I don't play this game much. Just a half hour every now and then which is perfect. I'm in World 2, having grapped every Star Coin for every level I have visited. It took me a while to find the second one in 2-5 but finally found it. I just have to find the secret exit in the mansion (2-4) in World 2 - or at least I believe the secret exit is in that level.


I haven't played much Coin Rush, though. Tried it the other night, got to level 3 of the first pack (which was castle 1 in World 2) and had collected about 2000 coins when Mario decided to slide down something, that was sinking into the lava, instead of jumping on it so I died and turned off. Hehe.

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I just got this... and ... is it just me or is this a lot harder than the other games?


Yeah, some parts are a bit harder than usual. I still haven't found a secret exit on a specific level even though I have been looking for it quite a few times.

Other levels, though, are rather easy.

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I just got this... and ... is it just me or is this a lot harder than the other games?


I wouldn't say so, apart from perhaps the final Castle/s. There was not a bit in NSMB 2 that frustrated me as much as one particular Mini Mario mission in the DS original (although there are some difficult Mini Mario bits).

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Now I've finished the game and I'm going through getting the extra stars I'm enjoying the game so much more.


One thing I don't get yet, are the blue P block, you get them all and they don't do anything. I presume it's soemthing to do with secret levels but don't get it.


I think they are just for the extra coins.

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I like the look of the game, I really do...however at the current price and for what the game is, I honestly do not see much point in buying this game. It feels like we've got too much of the same. I've had a bit of time with it and sadly it just doesn't appeal to me all that much. Perhaps in the future when I don't have many games to play (unlikely) then i'll pick it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those new levels look great! Nice to see one that takes more advantage of the Mega Mushroom too!


Here's hoping we get some levels that better exploit the mini mushroom and the Raccoon Leaf! :D


Price is also very reasonable too (Roughly £1.50 for 3 levels)


Edit: Oh hey I just realised something! That difficulty rating they give is actually a throwback to Super Mario Advance 4!




Nice touch! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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A mad coin exploit has been discovered for this:


I had great fun with that last night! It takes some skill to pull off and is not really cheating because it's all within the physics of the game, as opposed to a glitch. Thanks to this exploit, I was able to get the maximum number of lives in no time at all (strange reward for doing so...) and have now got five sparkly stars!


Due to the 9999 coin-per-level limit, it would still be a bit of a grind for me to get 1,000,000 (I'm currently on 70,000 - would have to do it about 94 more times, unless I'm mistaken) but I'm still tempted.

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I hope they remove the 30k limit when they release these coin rush packs.
I really hope so too, Coin Rush mode is pointless with the cap. :sad:

I very much doubt Nintendo will remove it now though.


Due to the 9999 coin-per-level limit, it would still be a bit of a grind for me to get 1,000,000 (I'm currently on 70,000 - would have to do it about 94 more times, unless I'm mistaken) but I'm still tempted.
Yeah, you're much better off playing Coin Rush until you get a level set which includes that stage, for 30k each time. ;)
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Why. Would they even put a cap on it? Another stupid Nintendo limitation which has no benefit and only fucks people's off. Why do they always do this? Anyways, I really don't like coinrush mode anyway, so I aint too bothered and I won't be buying these. Wish they just released normal levels with3 coins to collect, id buy them.

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