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New Super Mario Bros 2


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OK, I visited every single mushroom house again... nothing. :sad:

I did however discover that I'd missed a secret exit:


The one on W3 that links the Ghost House to the Castle.

But that didn't get me the 5th star either. :weep:


Also redid all of the cannons... still no 5th star. :blank:


Have you done all the Rainbow levels?
Yep. I actually unlocked them all again to double check, they're all currently open on my game.




I didn't think it would be a glitch.
Why did I go and say that? :shakehead
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OK, I visited every single mushroom house again... nothing. :sad:

I did however discover that I'd missed a secret exit:


The one on W3 that links the Ghost House to the Castle.

But that didn't get me the 5th star either. :weep:


Also redid all of the cannons... still no 5th star. :blank:


Yep. I actually unlocked them all again to double check, they're all currently open on my game.




Why did I go and say that? :shakehead

What about the Secret exit in

World 5-A



That's commonly missed

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What about the Secret exit in

World 5-A



That's commonly missed

Thanks man, just got the 5th star! :yay:




It wasn't actually the one you thought it was though :hehe:...


It was the regular exit on 5-A! :o

I'd already done the secret one but then never went back to that stage again.

I was about to climb the vine for the secret exit when I remembered that I'd already done it, so I jumped at the normal flagpole instead. :heh:

Anyway, don't think I'd have discovered that if I hadn't gone back to look for the secret exit there, so thanks a lot. :bowdown:


: peace:

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I'm at four stars now (only missing max lives, which I'll get very, very soon - I've got over 1000 of them already), and haven't died once. Am I a Mario master now?


So yeah, I'm just about done except for the obvious 1 million coins. I've just got 70'000 so far, but that's fine. There's no rush. I think I'll just focus on getting 10'000 (1%) each day. Time to get back to my 9 or 10 other 3DS games I've yet to complete.

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and haven't died once. Am I a Mario master now?
I'm sorry, not calling you a liar or anything (well I am actually :heh:) but I simply can't believe that anyone could play through this entire game and not die even once.


Unless of course, you're a robot. :laughing:


If it is true though, you should set up a live stream and share your incredible talent with the rest of the world. ;)

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RedShell: Well, yeah, I guess it's kinda hard to believe. I was pretty surprised I managed to do it myself.

This game doesn't keep track of your deaths, so I can't really prove it, either.


If it helps my credibility, though, here's proof of my very similar accomplishment in Super Mario 3D Land:



In other news, I've now got all five stars and a bit over 80'000 coins.

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RedShell: Well, yeah, I guess it's kinda hard to believe. I was pretty surprised I managed to do it myself.

This game doesn't keep track of your deaths, so I can't really prove it, either.


If it helps my credibility, though, here's proof of my very similar accomplishment in Super Mario 3D Land:



In other news, I've now got all five stars and a bit over 80'000 coins.

That's insane though! :o ... It just.. doesn't compute. :heh:

You should seriously be ustreaming your playthroughs somehow to showcase this crazy skill.

There are lots of "no death playthrough" vids out there for various Mario games, but I've never seen/heard of anyone getting through a first run of a game without dying! :eek:



Anyway, I've been playing a lot of Coin Rush today, managed to get my Mushroom Pack record to just over 21,000. :cool:

And in doing so, my overall coin total reached 500,000!:




It's quite easy to add huge chunks of coinage to that once you really get into Coin Rush mode. ;)

I hope Nintendo get some DLC out there soon!

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I got properly into coin rush today, and managed to almost double my total coin total in a few hours. On about 175000 now!
Hehehe, good isn't it? :hehe:

Although it's annoying when you're on an amazing run and mess up on the final stage. :shakehead But you still get to keep your current coins, which is nice.

I'm having trouble beating my score of 21k, I can never seem to hit the top of the flagpole on the 2nd stage in that set now. :sad:


Did everyone get the SpotPass for this today? Over 50 billion coins collected worldwide already! :D

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Can you replay certain Coin Rush levels or something? I just keep getting random ones.
Yeah, if you challenge your own record (or a StreetPass record) you will always play through the exact same set of stages for that particular record. :)

If you just go into Coin Rush, it'll always be a random set.


Don't let me down, buddy!
I won't. ;) Edited by RedShell
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I did it! :bouncy::yay:





To be honest though, I had so much fun while collecting all those coins, and that is enough of a reward for me. :)


I also beat my Coin Rush record:




Yep, have hit the 30,000 cap. :awesome:

That's the main reason I was able to reach the million as soon as I did.

Once you master Coin Rush and can get 30k runs going, the coins add up real quick! :hehe:


I'm even more annoyed about the limit on Coin Rush now though, as my true high score would be over 40,000, if it wasn't for that.

I want those coins back Nintendo!! :heh:


Anyway, spectacular game. Really... really, really enjoyed it. :grin:

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I'm currently just trying to do all the post-game stuff. I want to fulfil all the criteria to get five stars before I "activate" the credits again. Am currently at 40,000 coins, by the way.


I love it though; it's creeping higher and higher up my Activity List.


Anyone else notice that if you hold Up on the Circle Pad, Mario looks up, but not if you use the D-Pad


No, I hadn't noticed that but I'll try it out, thanks. Does anyone know if there's any way to throw shells upwards?

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I also beat my Coin Rush record:




Yep, have hit the 30,000 cap. :awesome:

That's the main reason I was able to reach the million as soon as I did.

Once you master Coin Rush and can get 30k runs going, the coins add up real quick! :hehe:


30k Coin Rush runs, explain how?

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Anyone else notice that if you hold Up on the Circle Pad, Mario looks up, but not if you use the D-Pad
Yep, it's cool how it accurately responds to how much you tilt the Circle Pad too.

Gotta love the little details like that in Nintendo's games. :D


Does anyone know if there's any way to throw shells upwards?
There isn't unfortunately, I tried it many a time. :heh:


30k Coin Rush runs, explain how?
By using that Super Mario Bros. staple, the 1-up trick. ;)


If you perform the 1-up trick while you're Gold Mario, you get 50 coins per hit (once you get going. 100 per hit if the Gold Ring is also activated!) but you can't just keep doing that the entire time, because you only get 24 hits as Gold Mario before the Koopa Shell is destroyed.


So, you need to keep count of the hits, to avoid breaking the shell. Then you can leave the area you're in, to respawn the Koopa and repeat the technique.


One of the best stages to do this in, is the first level on World Mushroom. That's the one I had as my first stage on my 30k set. You should be able to get roughly 60-70 1-up tricks done before needing to exit the stage, getting you around 3500 coins.

You'll also pick up coins throughout that stage though, so you can end up with over 4000, which once you hit the top of the flagpole = 8000!

At which point you're pretty much guaranteed to reach 30k, as if you hit the top of the flagpole on the next stage, you double that to 16000, then you double that again on the final stage for 30k! :awesome:

The problem is, it becomes quite tricky to get it all done without any mistakes. It's also quite surprising how much more difficult it can be to hit the top of the flagpole when you're on a really good run. Well, it was for me sometimes. The pressure of potentially missing that x2 bonus would really get to me. :laughing:

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