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New Super Mario Bros 2


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I beat the final world (at last! :hehe:), so it's infinite Gold Flower time! :bouncy:

Should start to see my overall coin total increase a lot faster now as a result.

I'm currently just over 250,000. How's everyone else doing?


By the way, what's the deal with SpotPass and the worldwide coin total? Are Nintendo going to put that up on their site, or will it just be a SpotPass notification message on the 3DS? :hmm:

There doesn't seen to be anywhere in the game itself to display that. ::shrug:

Which is a shame, it would be cool if you could always see the combined worldwide coin total on the title screen.

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Unfortunately it's a view going around the internet a lot :/


Nah, NeoGaf really is the place to go if you want to be retarded, the only time it's worth looking into is when they want to photoshop a picture into something incredible. Other then that they are retarded.


I can't stand the GAF, it just seems to be a retarded circle jerk. And this is coming from some one who has no intention of paying more than £10 for this game and goes on /v/!


/v/ is fun, you can tell the trolls easily and most of the time just ignore them and continue talking about gaming discussions, outside of the trolls the community there is really not as evil and sinister as most people make them out to be (Mostly NeoGaf people funny enough)

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I've been working my way slowly through this since getting it on Friday, doing a world per day. I figured there's no point rushing it, as it'll be a while until the next game I want (Pokémon) comes out. Today I'm going through the flower world, and I think I've found most of the secret exits in the earlier worlds so far, although not all the star coins. My coin total stands at a measly 42000 so far - I certainly won't be going for the million, unless a downloadable update makes the reward worthwhile!

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You know what would be nice? If I could actually play this game. Sent out early enough to arrive on release day and it still hasn't arrived. Load of days of missed post, post coming after 8pm other days. We had one stinking letter today despite them likely having a big backlog of our post. There's no post strike. Postal delivery these days is pathetic.


You don't live in Manchester, do you?.


It's on the BBC site saying a Postman in Manchester has taken 70,000 items of mail. He's been caught now, hence the report.

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@Serebii, @Sprout, @Anyone else doing the W1-1 "coin rush" challenge...




7896 is my new record! :hehe:

I think 8000 is definitely doable. I could have got at least another 50 out of that run, but I missed the top of the flagpole under the pressure of the clock. :heh:


I read somewhere (think it was NeoGAF) that the level coin cap is 9999, which I was expecting anyway, but I also read that there's a cap on Coin Rush mode, and it's 30,000! :blank: I've not managed it myself (my best record is just over 15,000) but I was quite disappointed to discover that there's a limit. :nono:

It's obviously not an easy limit to reach, but it potentially makes the StreetPass high score thing pretty much pointless. :hmm:


Anyway, in other NSMB2 news, it's now overtaken SM3DL on my Activity Log:




Yep, I've already played this game more in a week, than I played 3DLand in 9 months! And I'm not done yet, still have a few Star Coins left to find, and with Coin Rush and the upcoming DLC on the way, I'm definitely going to double that playtime, reckon I'll quadruple it actually.


Say what you will about this game being a rehash/copy&paste job in comparison to 3DLand, but when it comes to replay value, NSMB2 is easily the better of the two. ;)

Edited by RedShell
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I beat the final world (at last! :hehe:), so it's infinite Gold Flower time! :bouncy:

Should start to see my overall coin total increase a lot faster now as a result.

I'm currently just over 250,000. How's everyone else doing?


30,000. :heh:


Say what you will about this game being a rehash/copy&paste job in comparison to 3DLand, but when it comes to replay value, NSMB2 is easily the better of the two. ;)


Yep, I'm having more fun with it anyway.

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Why you cheeky little... :heh:


Should I bother taking on that score, or have you got another one all ready if I manage to beat that one too? :D


Haha.. the Billy Mitchell of New Super Mario Bros 2 :heh:


I got the game yesterday but haven't really got into it yet. The first world almost felt a little boring :hmm: It'll definitely pick up, though..

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OK, time for a few thoughts on this...


When Nintendo said they were making a "2D Mario" for the 3DS, I couldn't help but think "sprites?", which may have been naive, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one. When I saw it was going to be another entry in the 2.5D New Super Mario Bros series, I thought it'd be a solid game, even though I wasn't excited. When I heard, at E3 2012, that this time it was all about collecting as many coins as possible, I thought it was just a gimmick they'd put in to differentiate it from New Super Mario Bros on the Wii U. Nintendo takes a lot of flak these days, and sometimes I think that's fair. Other times, I have to admit it's just me being a bit grumpy, and this is one of those occasions, because New Super Mario Bros 2 is a brilliant game.


One man's "unoriginal" is another's "well-honed", and the 2D Mario formula is so well-developed it would be unwise to change it greatly. Not that this is identical to previous outings... not at all. Enough has been adjusted and added to make this - in my opinion - the best 2D Mario since Super Mario World. Flight is back, giving height to the levels. Fortress bosses are familiar, although they've been tweaked just enough to add freshness. The World bosses, whilst looking familiar, actually have completely original attack patterns.


New Super Mario Bros 2's fixed-plane gameplay may be more accessible than the analogue stick games, but it is not easy. The final Castle in particular is very mean with power-ups! I don't mind admitting it made the Super Leaf appear. Speaking of which, in my book, the Super Leaf is Nintendo's best and most subtle innovation of recent years. It allows anyone to play through the whole game, yet is (now) unobtrusive enough not to ruin it for those who want to complete it properly.


I do have a few tiny nitpicks. Personally, I don't like Mini Mushrooms, as it creates "1-hit" gameplay (which I don't like in the EAD Tokyo games either). Also, although the scale is perfect, the resolution isn't high enough to depict Mario properly, hence the pose he does at the end with just one red pixel for his mouth! But hey, there will be higher-res games in future. Other than that, the graphics are very nice, with the Fire Flower and 1Up Mushroom well-lit, and probably the best version of the Piranha Plants!


Oh, the other thing I was sceptical about was the paid DLC. It's not an idea I particularly like, but again, there was no real need to be sceptical. New Super Mario Bros 2 is a full-length, challenging game. Nintendo are not short-changing people with this.


So, overall a very good game that has made me want the Wii U a lot more!

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Still just don't like this game :( I ove mario games, it's my favourite series, but this game just hasn't grabbed me in any way whatsoever. The odd level, the odd secret are great moments, but I struggle to play it for me than a few levels at a time. Think I'm definitely not going to other with the wii u version now. Shame

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Still just don't like this game :( I ove mario games, it's my favourite series, but this game just hasn't grabbed me in any way whatsoever. The odd level, the odd secret are great moments, but I struggle to play it for me than a few levels at a time. Think I'm definitely not going to other with the wii u version now. Shame

New Super Mario Bros U is developed by another studio in Nintendo so I am unsure why you'd dismiss that one because of this one

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the Super Leaf is Nintendo's best and most subtle innovation of recent years. It allows anyone to play through the whole game, yet is (now) unobtrusive enough not to ruin it for those who want to complete it properly.
Agreed, it's absolutely ingenious.

I also had it appear during the final level, was actually very tempted to use it too. :hehe:


Have messed about with the White Raccoon Mario in Coin Rush mode though. It's fun, but actually makes accumulating lot's of coins more difficult! :D

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Oh, the other thing I was sceptical about was the paid DLC. It's not an idea I particularly like, but again, there was no real need to be sceptical. New Super Mario Bros 2 is a full-length, challenging game. Nintendo are not short-changing people with this.


You have to pay for the DLC? I thought it was free for some reason.

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Agreed, it's absolutely ingenious.

I also had it appear during the final level, was actually very tempted to use it too. :hehe:


I did use it. :blush:


But then did it properly! I always had a nagging feeling I would have enjoyed Super Mario 3D Land's post-game more if I hadn't been so proud and just used the Super Leaf (as it is, I just gave up). Having used it, it makes the game even easier than I expected, but I like it even more for that. Inexperienced gamers can play the level not worrying about collisions or projectiles, but the platforming itself still takes a fair amount of skill.


Have messed about with the White Raccoon Mario in Coin Rush mode though. It's fun, but actually makes accumulating lot's of coins more difficult! :D


Why's that? I can't think.


You have to pay for the DLC? I thought it was free for some reason.


Pricing hasn't been set but most sites are calling it paid: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30819

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Why's that? I can't think.
Successive stomps don't add up, so you don't get the coin multiplier. And even more crucially, you lose the ability to become Gold Mario! So no coin bonus from that either. :shakehead


Pricing hasn't been set but most sites are calling it paid: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30819
It's going to be interesting to see how they price it.

I'm slightly worried though, having seen how much the eShop version of the game goes for. :o

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Successive stomps don't add up, so you don't get the coin multiplier. And even more crucially, you lose the ability to become Gold Mario! So no coin bonus from that either. :shakehead


It's going to be interesting to see how they price it.

I'm slightly worried though, having seen how much the eShop version of the game goes for. :o

Don't use the game's RRP as an indicator of DLC cost. Chances are it'll be like £2-5 for a collection of levels based upon Fire Emblem DLC pricing

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So I've now completed this game 100%, but for some reason still only have 4 stars on my save file. ::shrug:

I've gone through everything...


  • All stages have been cleared.
  • All Star Coins collected.
  • All Star Coin paths opened up (including the last one that appeared in World Star).
  • All Moon Coins collected.
  • And lives maxed out at 3 crowns.

...What the hell? :wtf:

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So I've now completed this game 100%, but for some reason still only have 4 stars on my save file. ::shrug:

I've gone through everything...


  • All stages have been cleared.
  • All Star Coins collected.
  • All Star Coin paths opened up (including the last one that appeared in World Star).
  • All Moon Coins collected.
  • And lives maxed out at 3 crowns.

...What the hell? :wtf:


Try and use all of the mushroom houses again. Have you used all of your star coins up as well?

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Try and use all of the mushroom houses again. Have you used all of your star coins up as well?
All Star Coins have definitely been used, yeah.

I'm really not liking the idea of going to every single mushroom house, but oh well, guess that's all I can do... :zzz:

Be bloody stupid if that's what it is though.

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