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New Super Mario Bros 2


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I still think the 12 hour figure is rather a stretch though, unless you're limiting it to mario games. In 2D forms. On handheld systems. In which case, yeah, it could be a valid statement. The fact I've got 17 on SM3DL though(which I don't think I even 'completed'), which I certainly wouldn't call sandbox, makes me think it's out of proportion. Top 4 playtimes on my 3DS are 35.26 hours for OoT, 23.19 hours for Bowser's Inside Story(still not finished), 17.33 for Mario 3DL and 14.09 for MK7(again not finished, though that's got online etc so I won't count that). Maybe I'm just really pants, though.

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Do you also go through the stage, go down to the cave, notice all the enemies respawn. Shoot them again, rinse and repeat?
Yep. :wink:


Just managed 6842 :)
Oh I see, take my technique and beat my score will you? :heh:


We can't be having that:



Now then, no one improve on 7177, otherwise I won't be able to progress through the rest of the game. :laughing:

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Now gone through every toad house and still no "All Courses"


Yep. :wink:


Oh I see, take my technique and beat my score will you? :heh:


We can't be having that:



Now then, no one improve on 7177, otherwise I won't be able to progress through the rest of the game. :laughing:

Challenge accepted :p


Got all Star Coins, Moon Coins and everything, but haven't unlocked the message saying I've cleared every course. If I've been glitched out of a star...


Only thing I can think of is that I didn't use all the Toad Houses before I found all the secret exits and thus they became unlimited

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Sorry @RedShell 7183 :p
Hehehe. Not much of an increase though, so that's got to be close to the limit for coins on 1-1. :hehe:

I reckon the counter gets maxed out at 9999. :heh:

Will have another attempt myself, once I can get another Gold Flower.


Do the yellow Toad houses also become unlimited after clearing the game?

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Hehehe. Not much of an increase though, so that's got to be close to the limit for coins on 1-1. :hehe:

I reckon the counter gets maxed out at 9999. :heh:

Will have another attempt myself, once I can get another Gold Flower.


Do the yellow Toad houses also become unlimited after clearing the game?

7489 :P


Think that's as high as I'm going to try and get lol


Yeah yellow toad houses are unlimited. Now I just need to find out what I've missed to get this fifth star


I actually think I got glitched out of it


Edit; Never mind. Got it

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One day in and I'm loving it! Not quite as good as 3D land, but it feels like comfortable a mix between the singlrplayer-focus of the original and the original ideas from Wii. It's probably my favourite title in the New-brand. Not really fond of multiplayer Mario, truth be told...


But there is an awful lot of recycled material, though... Imagine if SMB3 borrowed so much from the original, where would the brand be today. I don't they would dare tu use the same themesong three games in a row. :p


But it's 2D-Mario goodness, so my Insta-Love meter clicks on and all is forgiven. It's my weakness. That and kittens.

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7489 :P
Damn it! :heh:


Yeah yellow toad houses are unlimited.
I just beat the game, and the yellow Toad houses I'd visited before, did indeed reappear. But they don't seem to be unlimited now either. :blank:

Or do you need to see the credits again to reset them?


Edit; Never mind. Got it
I didn't think it would be a glitch. What was it you were missing in the end then?


It's probably my favourite title in the New-brand.
Definitely mine I reckon. Coin Rush mode alone is infinitely more awesome than anything in the other "New" Super Mario Games. icon14.gif
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Damn it! :heh:


I just beat the game, and the yellow Toad houses I'd visited before, did indeed reappear. But they don't seem to be unlimited now either. :blank:

Or do you need to see the credits again to reset them?


I didn't think it would be a glitch. What was it you were missing in the end then?


Definitely mine I reckon. Coin Rush mode alone is infinitely more awesome than anything in the other "New" Super Mario Games. icon14.gif

After getting all the Star Coins, I forgot to re-check ☆World where a new path opened



The houses become infinite after you've found all secret exits

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Played one and a half worlds and I'm pretty disappointed with it. In facts it's boring me a little. The same old shit over and over again, andi love mario games, but this feels so tired. I will say the last few levels I played seem to have some alternate routes which looked interested, but it hasn't grabbed me at all. Even coin rush doesn't interest me

And I thought id love it... Gutted!


Just feels like there is absolutely no imagination whatsoever!

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Played one and a half worlds and I'm pretty disappointed with it. In facts it's boring me a little. The same old shit over and over again, andi love mario games, but this feels so tired. I will say the last few levels I played seem to have some alternate routes which looked interested, but it hasn't grabbed me at all. Even coin rush doesn't interest me

And I thought id love it... Gutted!


Just feels like there is absolutely no imagination whatsoever!

I find the level design to be among the best Mario has ever had....


It's a 2D Mario game though, what could you possibly have expected that wasn't the same sort of gameplay as before?

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The real creativity in this game comes from how it uses existing game concepts and mechanics in new and interesting ways (though it does also throw in a few new surprises and mechanics along the way too!) and how the coin collecting concept encourages you to approach a level in a completely different way (suddenly the goal becomes not so much about completing the level, but rather about how many coins you can possibly milk out of a level!)


Particularly, the ghost houses are utterly devious! (I know that they usually are, but they're bloody genius in this game! :D)


As much as I hate to link anything to Kotaku, there's an interview there with Iwata about various bits, including the NSMB series... http://kotaku.com/5935721/super-marios-boss-doesnt-want-to-overdo-it-with-mr-video-game-and-wont-deceive-you-with-dlc


Here's a quote that might make @dazzybee happy...


"We only create a New Super Mario Bros. title one per platform," Iwata said, while acknowledging that is unusual and a "challenge" for the company to be making two for the same calendar year, one for 3DS and one for Wii U. "I think we'll probably go ahead and continue at that pace. That being said, that's probably [Mario creator Shigeru] Miyamoto's choice, so I can't give you a 100% guarantee that that's the pace we'll continue at."


Nice to get some reassurance that they're not gonna try and CODify Mario and that it's ultimately up to the EAD staff to decide what they want to work on.

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It's not just the gameplay, its the worlds, the enemies, the boss battles, the obstacles the graphicical style.


I think it's such a cheap unimaginable get out to say its 2d mario what can they change. Look what they did with sunshine and more so the galaxy games. Event he original new game was refreshing. Nintendo should always reinvent with mario, but these new games are taking the piss I feel.


Haha, thing is I love the original and I love the wii version and was excited by this and the wii u version. But playing it I'm bored. I'm only one world and a half in so hopefully the level design becomes a little more imaginative.

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Done World One and I love it! Whilst I don't think I'll ever understand the appeal of the "get as many coins as possible" hook of this game (and it does affect level design somewhat), it's just so nice to have side-scrolling Mario back. To me, Mario has never been better than Super Mario World, which this game is highly reminiscent of.


All my Mario instincts kick in... "If I jump up there, will there be a hidden block?" "If I climb into that passage, will I find a secret exit?" etc.


The gameplay formula of 2D Mario is so strong that it's always worth revisiting as long as games machines keep getting higher resolutions and better graphics. :)

Edited by Grazza
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We did indeed.


Speaking of eShop prices, I was quite surprised to see that the Norwegian eShop price is waaay cheaper than any in-store price I've seen (over here, obviously) so far. Still went for physical, though. Was worth it to support the store, get preorder goodies and - of course - get the game case and its sad excuse for a manual.

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The real creativity in this game comes from how it uses existing game concepts and mechanics in new and interesting ways (though it does also throw in a few new surprises and mechanics along the way too!) and how the coin collecting concept encourages you to approach a level in a completely different way (suddenly the goal becomes not so much about completing the level, but rather about how many coins you can possibly milk out of a level!)


I never once thought this, hence my coin total being only 27,000 upon completion of the game. :D

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I never once thought this, hence my coin total being only 27,000 upon completion of the game. :D

I thought the complete opposite, which is why mine is 120,000 on completion.


Undecided if I'm going to push forward to get 1,000,000...that's grinding that's even more brutal than Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver


The one thing I dislike about this game? How little the Mega Mushroom was used

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Nice to get some reassurance that they're not gonna try and CODify Mario and that it's ultimately up to the EAD staff to decide what they want to work on.


Woah, hang on... Mario is COD-ified:



Mario Party 8

Mario Strikers

Super Mario Galaxy

Super Paper Mario



Mario Kart Wii

Mario Sluggers

Super Smash Bros Brawl



Mario Tennis

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story



Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario All-Stars



Mario Sports Mix

Mario Kart 7

Super Mario 3D Land



Mario Party 9

New Super Mario Bros. 2

New Super Mario Bros U


Aside from the expanded universe of weird characters Mario has a major title out every year, and at least one 'mascot' title. That's pretty COD to me, actually its far worse - a Mario title, on average, once every for months?! :hmm: Many of these are not that great, and certainly not a great use of Mario anyway. Poor Mario must have a red raw prostate the way Nintendo have milked him over the past 5 years. Retool most of the mascot/Sports games as Mii titles and they'll sell just as well without watering down your key IP.


Back to NSMB2; I have to say I fully appreciate the criticism; its fair criticism. Its a downright lazy follow up to the first two; some levels have great design, others are pretty poor. Many music tracks are just ripped from the original. Aside from the OCD coin collecting, which is a great addition, there's not enough content. But... I love the game, its as joyous and fun as any NSMB game.

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