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Mario Wii U Appearing At E3 This Year


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Last E3 the game was shown off for the "play on the controller without a TV feature", which means you can likely throw out any good screen use for the main mode. Which is why I'm hoping very few games support the "play game without TV" feature.

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Last E3 the game was shown off for the "play on the controller without a TV feature", which means you can likely throw out any good screen use for the main mode. Which is why I'm hoping very few games support the "play game without TV" feature.


But can't there be options. As in the screen is used for whatever, but it isn't vital to the game so when you play it just on the screen you can move that to a pause menu.


And it could be a case of the multiplayer uses the screen in a really unique way, but single player doesn't and uses the move it to the screen as it's functional - best of both worlds!

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Told you guys it would be NSMB Mii




I wonder if the 3DS game will tie into this one? Or if indeed the final game ends up being completely different from the demo? (In terms of gameplay, now designed to meaningfully utilise the tablet, and in terms of visual style)


How depressing

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I'm really suprised that they are going to release two 2D Mario titles in the same year. Maybe the 3DS version and WiiU version work together in some way?


Anyway I'm not going to cry about this like alot of people are especially on gaf, NSMBwii played really well and had some fantastic level design. They just need to do something with the art design and add online play. It could be a great launch title.

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They release two masterpieces in Galaxy 1 and 2 and are about to launch a brand new HD console, and their top first party launch title is... another NSMB. Snore.


Aren't the NSMB set of games far more successful than the Galaxy ones though? Most of us on here may prefer the Galaxy games, but Nintendo aren't in the business just to keep "core" gamers happy. NSMB has a great appeal among families.


Don't get me wrong, I would love a new Galaxy, especially in HD, but at the same time i'm not gonna cry about a new NSMB game. I quite enjoyed the Wii version, the DS one was a bit meh though.


I'm really suprised that they are going to release two 2D Mario titles in the same year. Maybe the 3DS version and WiiU version work together in some way?


Yeah, a lot of people on Gaf are speculating about that idea as well. If it does turn out like that, it could be a sign of what to expect when Smash Bros arrives.

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Aren't the NSMB set of games far more successful than the Galaxy ones though?


Going by a sales ratio of about 4:1, you could say that, yes. ;)


I don't get the hate and cynicism either. Not at this point at least. If this turns out to be no more than the demo we saw last E3 with added levels, than sure, that's cause for disappointment. On the other hand though, there is no reason, why they couldn't turn a NSMB game into something more grand than the previous games, that stuck a bit too close to the roots.


Given that the multiplayer was what I would consider the main feature of NSMBW, I'm very intrigued to see what they can do with the tablet and up to four Wiimote players.

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Fair enough about the sales figures but the Wii U console is supposed to be targetting core gamers isn't it?


This actually sounds like yet another case of Nintendo not being able to release a proper Mario/Zelda title at launch so they release a quick and easy placeholder game like Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario 64 DS and Twilight Princess (Wii)

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Aren't the NSMB set of games far more successful than the Galaxy ones though? Most of us on here may prefer the Galaxy games, but Nintendo aren't in the business just to keep "core" gamers happy. NSMB has a great appeal among families.


That is true. I don't think a lot of people appreciate how inaccessible the 3D games (including Super Mario 3D Land) are to casual gamers. Even the very difficult Galaxy 1 & 2 lack the intricacy of earlier games, abandoning dual-analogue and complex hub worlds.


Rather than just keep making them more difficult (Galaxy 2 was ridiculous), I'd like the 3D series to go back to being fully hardcore, like Super Mario Sunshine, with dual-analogue, exploration etc. The "casual" gamer (sounds snobby, but it's still a useful term) will never truly "get" 3D Mario, so I'd rather they went back to what Mario 64 and Sunshine were like. This does, however, mean we probably won't see that sort of game at launch any more.


However uninspiring another New Super Mario Bros may be, Nintendo would almost be mad to launch the Wii U without one. Let's just hope the Mario on 3DS is actually 2D (not 2.5D) and that there are lots of other Wii U games at E3.

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Fair enough about the sales figures but the Wii U console is supposed to be targetting core gamers isn't it?


That's a fallacy prevailing since last E3 among certain folks. Tell me, what audience was the Wii U's reveal video targeted at? It certainly wasn't the type of people screaming for console manufacturers to sell them 800$ PCs at a loss. Considering this is what self entitled "(hard) core gamers" have seemingly come to.

Edited by Burny
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I'm really suprised that they are going to release two 2D Mario titles in the same year. Maybe the 3DS version and WiiU version work together in some way?


Has Nintendo actually said that the 2D 3DS Mario game is out this year, or any time soon?


(Well, they may have done...I don't pay much attention as I'm not a fan of 2D Mario games).

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I have no doubt that last year's demo will not be representative of the final game. How do I know this? Simple!


1: The E3 2011 was a quickie port of NSMB Wii with identical gameplay/art assets (yes the Wii game does use HD resolution 2D assets). It was obviously done as a quick proof of concept demo and this type of thing has happened before, where the resulting product was totally different (A quickie port of Metroid Prime 2 was done for Wii at its first media hands on event - although ironically it did end up getting a retail version 4 years later as part of Metroid Prime Trilogy, but I digress!)


2: When it comes to tech demos involving their established franchises, those early tech demos never really look and play anything like the final game (see NSMB DS, 100 Marios/SMS, Zelda 64, Zelda GCN etc)


3: Nintendo do not release "more of the same" sequels. Their sequels always add something substantially new to the series (the sole exception of this being SMB The Lost Levels - which is part of the reason it was originally replaced by Doki Doki Panic in the west anyway)


I see no reason to believe that Nintendo are going to release a map pack style sequel to NSMB Wii. How would that sell the concept of the tablet controller? Why would the Wii audience upgrade to Wii U in order to play a near identical sequel which does nothing new? It doesn't make sense.


If they're releasing a sequel to NSMB Wii, you can bet your arse that it'll have plenty of new tricks up its sleeve.

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