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Mario Wii U Appearing At E3 This Year


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Well, I guess demonstrating Mario in HD would be one of the most sensible things to do on stage (what with the plumber being the most popular gaming icon in gaming history), yet I can't help but be a little dissapointed in the fact that Miyamoto won't show off Pikmin 3.

Yeah, jumping the gun in E3 fashion based on some words that could've been misinterpereted :awesome:


Very intriguided as to what gameplay mechanics they'll be implementing.



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I'm bored of Mario at this stage tbh.


Seeing Nintendo pushing other franchises at E3 would get me much more excited about their vision for the WiiU.


Me too, me too!


Let's hope they'll have more in store for us than just Pikmin 3, Super Mario 4 and some 'Touch Generations' games for the 3DS, with the latter frightening me when I consider which will receive the most attention on stage.


It would be awesome if they invited prominent figures of companies they've made new partnerships with on the stage.

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I'll always have a soft spot for the Pikmin series and I've always been so excited at the thought of finally seeing a new entry at an E3 for the past three or four years now. Sadly it never shows.


Looks like this year has to be the year though and fingers crossed it'll be playable there too :yay:


But yeah you guys are right, Nintendo needs to find a nice balance between old favourites and new experiences.

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Well considering that we saw the game at last year's E3, that's not really a surprise.


Though I suspect that the final game will be nothing like the demo. I would imagine that it would make the tablet much more integral to the gameplay experience...

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I'm bored of Mario at this stage tbh.


Seeing Nintendo pushing other franchises at E3 would get me much more excited about their vision for the WiiU.

Thing is, Nintendo does do a few new IPs each year, they just don't sell as well. Mario ones are ones which are guaranteed to sell

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New Super Mario Bros. Wii U has already been announced.


I want one more like 64.


A tech demo was shown last year I dont recall it being formally announced as an actual game even though it will be at some point.


I just dont see them releasing two 2D Marios in the same year.

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Mario Wii U at e3? No way, what an absolute megaton shock! In other shocking breaking news, it's just been announced that, now get this.........the sky is blue!!!!!


Cynical comments get poorer with every unnecessary exclamation and punctuation mark you use. :p (Edit: That actually applies to anything)


And yes, it is news and mildly surprising ones at that. The "NSMB Wii" demo was clearly labeled as such and not supposed to be turned into a full game according to Nintendo. I guess this might still happen, if they're about to take the lazy route. We also know that Nintendo wants to release a 2D Mario game for the 3DS, possibly even this year. That's two actual Mario games in the pipeline we might see at E3.

Edited by Burny
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Super mario Galaxy 3 is exactly the kind of game Nintendo have at launch. But I would fear it would be rushed out to have a "big" game for launch after the "disaster" of the 3DS launch.


Galaxy 3 and Pikmin 3 would be excellent first party launch titles. They'd need a Wii U Sports or Play with those demos from last year for the casuals (well, surely everyone thinks they look good!)

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So, there could be New Super Mario Bros on the Wii U (2.5D) and Super Mario 4 on the 3DS (hopefully 2D, sprites and all).


To be honest, my heart sinks more and more at the thought that two new Mario games might be the biggest thing Nintendo shows at E3 this year. I know they're necessary, and the 3DS one could be a gem if it's like a spruced-up version of Super Mario World, but there's still a lot more they need to do with the 3DS - Metroid and Zelda, to name two - before it has the complete line-up. Same goes for the Wii U.

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Should we really be this cynical about a new home console Mario game? It's quite disrespectful to the Galaxy games...they were brilliant games. New Super Mario Bros. Wii wasn't a classic, but it was still very fun.


I'm looking forward to it at least. It doesn't mean we're not getting anything else. It doesn't mean Nintendo will be focusing all of their efforts on this and leaving their other big titles out to dry. We have to just wait and see.

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I am willing to forgive NINTENDO for all of the traditional franchise-centered announcements that will suck up time during their presentation, and I am even willing to forgive a 30 minutes speech by Iwata about how important it is to come up with new ways of engaging the casual gamer into a WiiU era


Retro Studios is also invited on stage and given a good amount of time to bestow upon us a trailer of epic proportions of what ever they might be working on and an on-stage demo.


*Note: I'm already getting all warm and fuzzy of all this pre-E3 hype and discussions.

Come May, I'll probably open my 'NINTENDO'S E3 CONFERENCE HYPES AND HOPES' thread :D

Edited by Fused King
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For me, part of the problem is that they're no longer one thing or the other. OK, I did enjoy New Super Mario Bros on the DS, but I don't think 2.5D is as good as 2D.


As for Super Mario 3D Land, don't get me wrong, that was a solid 8/10 and I was very grateful for it last November as it was a blast and I enjoyed it quite a lot more than Skyward Sword. However, whilst it was 3D in most ways (polygons, controls), much of the level design was 2D, yet not fixed to a single plane. Although this wasn't game-ruining, by not being a fully 3D venture, it didn't have a chance of quite being up there with Sunshine, Galaxy etc.


So what I'm saying is that the two types should diverge and be the best they can be. It's odd, the idea of a new 3D Mario on Wii U should indeed be very exciting, so if that's what it is then I'll take it back.


If it's another 2.5D "New Super Mario Bros", that's understandable, but uninspiring.


If it's a fully 2D game based on Super Mario World, with sprites, d-pad control, fixed-plane gameplay and loads of crazy sprite-scaling, I'll do cartwheels!


...I wonder if "Nintendo Sprite Division" really has been formed? First there was talk of a "2D Mario" (for 3DS, presumably?), now there's Miyamoto saying he'd like a Link to the Past sequel. Round off the trio with Metroid V - all like supercharged SNES games - and it'll be a bloomin' good E3!


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Should we really be this cynical about a new home console Mario game? It's quite disrespectful to the Galaxy games...they were brilliant games. New Super Mario Bros. Wii wasn't a classic, but it was still very fun.


I'm looking forward to it at least. It doesn't mean we're not getting anything else. It doesn't mean Nintendo will be focusing all of their efforts on this and leaving their other big titles out to dry. We have to just wait and see.

Every other game seems to be a Mario game nowadays... personally I'm just a little bored of it/him.


We have the 3D console games... the 2.5D console games... The '3D' handheld games... the 2.5D handheld games...


And when Nintendo gets around to releasing a none Mario game... it still a Mario game!... Mario Tennis/Luigi's Mansion 2/Mario Kart 3DS/Mario Party 9/Paper Mario 3DS...


OK, they're all great games... but gees, there's a lot of Mario! I'd-a just-a like-a change-a!

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Told you guys it would be NSMB Mii




This is based on the Mario experience that was demonstrated at last year's E3 Expo


I wonder if the 3DS game will tie into this one? Or if indeed the final game ends up being completely different from the demo? (In terms of gameplay, now designed to meaningfully utilise the tablet, and in terms of visual style)

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The lazy route it is then.


Still, I hope they do something more interesting than what they showed at E3. Some form of asynchronous multiplayer etc.. NSMBW was brilliant in multiplayer and the levels were ok, but somehow it lacked the constant surprises that Galaxy threw at you. Just adding Miis would be extremely lazy.


I don't particularly like the style of the levels either and hope they put some more work into it. Even NSMBW was bland at best. :heh:

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Yeah I do love NSMB Wii but it doesn't have the creativity of other games, but the level design, while not blow your mind, are still incredibly tightly designed.


Being able to play as your Mii... what a luridcirous gimmick. Nintendo must and probably will use the screen in a beautiful way, if that is within the multiplayer modes. But for a launch game, another 4 player NSMB with some wii-pad multiplayer games... I'll be happy with that I suppose!

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