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Raspberry Pi


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How are folks getting on with this? My brother's asked me about it, could it be a viable solution/platform for making some sort of automation system for his house(no idea in what sense). Anyone know how viable that could be, is it easy to support various input/output?


Hey man, sorry for the late reply on this. Honestly, I'm just kinda getting to know how Linux works at the moment as there is a distinct logic difference in the file structure.


Also, you have to get to know a lot about the stuff that Windows or Mac OSX does for you automatically although there are somethings that Linux can do more easily, like downloading files: it knows where to go on the internet to get them so you just say "download this pls" and it does it.


@Ike - I got mine from RS Components with a CF card and an HDMI cable. Really want to make a case for it at the moment though as it all seems a bit precious without it :/

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I've done a tiny bit of linux, but mainly with GUIs and not command line, so this would be another reason this could be good for me to play with. I'm going to try and soldier myself into learning Python on my PC soon, too, but I'm basically crap at doing anything these days.

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  • 9 months later...

Finally got round to buying one of these. Now I have one, I'm not sure what to do with it.


I've installed Raspbian but that's about. The GUI is really slow, not sure if that's due to my SD card though.


Just wondered what everyone else did/does with theirs?

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