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Nintendo Direct: 22nd Feb


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As I said in the 3DS thread, I hadn't made the connection between this and the Vita launch day. Therefore, it is sure to be something that Nintendo hopes will make people want a 3DS instead of a Vita (I say that dispassionately). So, my predictions for how Nintendo will pace all this until/including E3:


Wednesday 22 Feb - "3DS Duo" (twin stick 3DS, maybe a 4" screen) and possibly that 2D Mario they've mentioned.


GDC (March) - Significant new 3DS games revealed. Hopefully Zelda and Metroid, but definitely Mario (if they don't show it tomorrow).


E3 (June) - The big Wii U reveal. New Super Mario Bros, Pikmin 3 etc.

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It's always nice to get loads of new game announcements, but like others, a bigger blowout on the 3DS games coming out we already know about with a few new eshop titles would be awesome.


So there isn't two hardware shows, I reckon a new 3DS is very likely.


I think there has to be "some" wii u news too

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I can bet my house they ain't going to burst out some new WiiU info! but good points there H-o-T, games that we know, but don't have enough detail. this is an opportune time.

but on the topic of Zelda! I think it would be better if Nintendo...






I need to change my pants.

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It looks like Etrian Oddysey IV will be shown, well at least at the Japanese one.


Some details have been revealed in this weeks Famitsu along with the release date (July). Some footage would be nice though. And an EU release.

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How do people forget constantly what Nintendo Direct does.


It's an online conference that confirms details and dates for games over the next 3-4 months. It's not going to be this massive thing where new hardware or huge game titles are revealed


We don't forget anything, we just like to get over excited and then complain when our hopes and dreams have not been fulfilled. :) The gaming scene would be a boring place without a little hype around events such as this, even if we do get shot down more often than not.

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How do people forget constantly what Nintendo Direct does.


It's an online conference that confirms details and dates for games over the next 3-4 months. It's not going to be this massive thing where new hardware or huge game titles are revealed


But it's a Nintendo fan tradition to over hype these events! Plus, we really do need some dates for upcoming games as things are getting dry in Japan.


On the topic of hype, let me repost a classic


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"We're rich as fuck. Now here's some sales data to make our poor last quarter not seem so bad."


I am expecting nothing less.


That and "You have Wii? You buy Dora Kue X, no mo' til Wiuiuiuiuiuiu"


But considering the timing of this event, I imagine there will be an announcement to sway people away from Vita.

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"We're rich as fuck. Now here's some sales data to make our poor last quarter not seem so bad."


I am expecting nothing less.

If this was an investor meeting, yes. However, Nintendo Direct is for providing release dates and new information for games over the next couple of months

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There is still this rumour to think about.


Talk about one HELL of a juicy rumor. This information comes from our old friend Creamsugar, who received the information from an unnamed source. This would be the same source that Creamsugar cited in the accurate leak of Monster Hunter 3G for 3DS. The information comes via Twitter.


creamsugar creamsugar

We all don?t believe it?s ?that 7?, right? So I said it?s ?this 7?.

5 hours ago


creamsugar creamsugar

It?s a remix version of the 7th game of a famous (J)RPG series, and will sell half year later of a spin-off game of the series.

5 hours ago


creamsugar creamsugar

OK here is the rumor: big N will announce a megaton on next year?s meeting which to celebrate 3DS sold XX million.


Seeing as the 3DS has just past the 5 million mark, it could very well be this.


Here's the latest from Iwata.


[iwata] This time it will be a little longer, but please watch until the end. Thank you. # NintendoDirect bit.ly / nQHfpN


Source: http://twitter.com/#!/Nintendo/statu...44392034312192


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3ds lite with dual sticks, ;)


If this happens, I will buy a PSVita instantly :p having said that I don't expect it to happen ;) not merely a year after launch...



... in the unlikely event that it does happen though I will stick to my word because it'd just feel like a slap in the face after buying the system at launch and purchasing a Circle Pad Pro. :/

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