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Should Nintendo Have a 2D Department For Sprite-Based Games?


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I saw this article on IGN today and found it very inspiring: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/121/1217776p1.html


Yes, of course I'd like a 2D Zelda, but also Mario and Metroid, as well as original titles (I think they should develop a series like Zelda II/Shantae/Monster World, for instance).


Gaming has got to the point where I'm really missing the pure 2D games. Not that I dislike 3D - I just think the two types should play to their strengths. 3D games should have vast, explorable worlds and dual analogue control. 2D games should be simple, free of narrative and with that instant gratification you can only get with sprites.


The thing about sprites is that polygons are not automatically better. As the article points out, Ocarina of Time being awesome does not diminish Link to the Past. Nor was Lttp the pinnacle of how good 2D can be. Sprite work could have (and did - look at Guardian Heroes) become better and better with technology. Using polygons is a design choice, nothing more, nothing less - but it is not the only way.


So, I am all for a 2D department making games that are totally, utterly unconnected to their 3D incarnations. Let's see how far Super Metroid, Link to the Past and Super Mario World can be surpassed, whilst keeping the feel of the originals.

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Heh, as soon as I saw the title of this thread I knew its founder had to be Grazza:laughing:


2D (sprite based) games are indeed a joy to go through, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that they shouldn't have narratives. Interesting, unique and creative gameplay can go hand in hand with a story, but, to me at least, games taking the story route require a different timetable than for instance Rhythm Paradise.

So if you're ideal 2D game is one that is easy to pick up and play, but difficult to master, so to speak, then, indeed, it should be more or less free of a story.


Super Mario Galaxy is a great example of a 3D game which is just fun to pick up and play, which 2D games can also be.

Muramasa: The Demon Blade is a great example of monotonous gameplay, but awesome story and sweet 2D graphics (although not sprite-based)

Like you said, it's a design choice, as is the use of narrative in a game.


On another note, new 2D franchises from NINTENDO would be nice:D

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@Grazza, I read that same article on my way to uni. I would love a new 2D Zelda, but I do think the chances of seeing Nintendo produce a new Zelda/Metroid etc would increase considering the production of the new 2D Mario.

Epic Yarn, Shake Dimension, especially DKCR are some of my favourite games on the Wii, I'd gladly purchase another 2D game of this quality & class.

but nintendo having a separate dept for 2D games solely, I'd doubt we'd see.

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I think there's room for 2D and 3D in this world. I've got Aliens: Infestation ready to play and from what I've seen the 2D visuals in that look great. Ultimately, the style of the graphics needs to meet the style of the gameplay, but from what I've been hearing, it works a treat.


In the past, some games have been 2D-ified for handhelds because of processing power and portability. But, like we've seen with SM3DLand, it's possible to have beautiful worlds now in 3D on handhelds. There's definitely a place for both, and there's a certain charm and simplicity in 2D games. The Metroid series is a great advocate for this.


Fused King, you say Muramasa was monotonous, and you're right in one way. However, due to the upgrading aspect and collection of the swords, it didn't seem all that repetitive as it could've been. Those aspects saved the game. Plus, it was just a joy to play and look at. One of my favourite Wii games. :)


I would be heartbroken if Nintendo phased out 2D completely. They won't, I hope.

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We are coming to a time where 2D sprite games may only have room to be released on apps/eshop etc etc... It's hard to get an audience for 2D games like the gaming industry had years ago. Yet platforming side scrolling games at least seem to be getting big again, yet, it's only really seeing great results from Nintendo games. Last time I checked Rayman Origins bombed pretty hard (But who's bright idea was to release the game when Mario, Zelda, COD and Skyrim come out all in that month)


2D will never die, but at the same time we shall only get short portions of it unlike a very long time ago when we got plenty. 2D sprites games are coming out at the right pacing for me, not to much yet not too little.

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