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Wii on HDTV (Possible to downscale to SD?)


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I've got my Wii hooked up to my Samsung HDTV via the scart (with coloured leads into scart) plugged into what I'm assuming is just a simple lead allowing scart to be plugged into HDTVs (it's a small lead that the scart plugs into then the lead plugs into the tv). Sorry, I'm not that techie savvy when it comes to HDTVs.


Anyway, I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles and it looks a bit well, not as smooth as it possibly would on a normal SD tv? I don't know, but it seems very non smooth looking and I was wondering if I need to downscale to SD on the tv to make it look better....


Um, hope someone understands what I'm trying to say.

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Are you sure there's no scart connection on the TV? Or just a regular Red, Yellow, White AV inputs?


The "simple lead" you describe sounds to me like the adaptor for component cables... does this lead have left over inputs when you connect the Wii's AV cables? If I'm right then you are probably using the wrong thing and there is maybe an actual scart input on the TV that you should be using.


Otherwise like HoT said best find yourself a Wii component cable for best picture quality when dealing with HDTV's and Wii


And if i'm right about what you described when you get a component cable you connect it to the TV via that lead you are using... if I'm right


Can you post pics of what you have maybe?



I'm assuming is the TV an LED?

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It sounds to me like you're using Composite SCART, @NintyCat. Red, white and yellow, right? One's for video, one's for the left audio and the other for right audio.


In theory there are two superior connections the Wii can do:



Component http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Component_cable


Component is the best the Wii can do, as it's the only cable (for this machine) that can carry progressive scan. In either case, I assume you'd need to buy one specifically for the console. Keep in mind though that I haven't tried this personally, as I use my Wii with an SDTV.

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I currently have the wii scart (with RGB leads) plugged into this:






-SAMSUNG-CONNECTOR-BN39-01154F-BN39-01154A/dp/B005POM8WO (had to break url as cannot post urls due to post count)




The TV I have has no scart socket so uses the above. It does have RGB holes in it though, so would it be best if I plugged the RGB into the tv directly rather than the scart bit that came with the Wii? That is until I can get a component cable (the official ones seem to be expensive).


The Wii I have is the latest model that doesn't play GC games. TV is LED.

Edited by NintyCat
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If by "not smooth" you mean that edges of the image seem to flicker, than that would be indeed a problem with using scart instead of a component cable. Simply put: get one anyway. And don't ever bother with the official component cable from Nintendo. It's just ridiculously overpriced. Get a cheap one that doesn't cost more than 10€.


If by "not smooth" you mean the image has rugged edges all over, that's just due to the low resolution and lack of anti-aliasing of Wii games. Nothing you can do, except for getting a very fast PC and playing the game on dolphin. :heh:


Last thing I can think of are "image enhancements" on some HDTVs. When a friend played Xenoblade on his Samsung TV, we noticed that the shadows of the characters and generally the areas around all edges in the game seemed to "flow" and where blurred when he moved around. He later found out that this was indeed caused by some kind of processing the TV did on the image before displaying it (no idea what it was). If your TV's settings have something like a game mode, try to use it when playing the game.

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I currently have the wii scart (with RGB leads) plugged into this:






-SAMSUNG-CONNECTOR-BN39-01154F-BN39-01154A/dp/B005POM8WO (had to break url as cannot post urls due to post count)




The TV I have has no scart socket so uses the above. It does have RGB holes in it though, so would it be best if I plugged the RGB into the tv directly rather than the scart bit that came with the Wii? That is until I can get a component cable (the official ones seem to be expensive).


The Wii I have is the latest model that doesn't play GC games. TV is LED.


Ok yeah that wasn't the cable I was thinking of. haha


Yeah try just plug the indiviual Red, Yellow, White plugs into the actual inputs in the TV and see it there is any difference, if there is though it might only be very very small.


Also as Burny said check the settings on the TV and see if there is a Game mode. Also double check your Wii's own settings, make sure it is 60Hz rather than 50Hz and similar settings and image ratios on the TV itself.


As has been said when dealling with HDTV's a component cable is a must for best picture. Ask at your local game stores for one, they usually have decently priced 3rd party ones else try online, play.com has cheap options


Also when you get the Component Cable you'll likely need an adaptor cable like this f58e34ca29f508e2eccdb91b5831c3d3.image.667x408.jpg


LED TV's generally don't have the 5 indivdual inputs (actually never seen an LED with them) and uses this adaptor for component input. You more then likely got one with the TV so I hope you didn't throw anything away that you thought you might not need.

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The default cables that come with the Wii are the lowest quality you can get. What you need to do is either get an RGB SCART cable or a Component cable for your Wii - both can be found very cheap on eBay for a couple of pounds. Don't buy the official Nintendo ones because they're exactly the same but cost around £15 when you can save over £10.


Component is better than RGB SCART because it supports progressive scan which delivers a sharper picture but if your TV doesn't support component then RGB SCART is your best bet. When I got my cable I realised that some Wii games looked better when blurry!

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Are you sure you're using RGB Scart? I only ask because you'd have to have bought one specially and (as far as I'm aware) RGB is always carried through Scart. If you're using the red, white and yellow leads at any stage of the connection, the image will be converted to Composite (which is not as good).


It's a moot point anyway, as the best thing to do is get a Component cable (assuming your TV has got the inputs). When you do so, make sure you go in your Wii settings and change it to "EDTV" too.

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