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Very! Seriously though, I need to get everyone added who has it. With what I have at present, I'm rocking top of the shaman board, but I find that difficult to believe with only 18mil on the clock.


I've just added you... you'll find my code in the Codes thread.


Speaking of which @Coolness Bears where be your code... tis not in the thread?

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Lol, added you @Mokong X\-C, funny to see immediately that you're online. playing zen/excalibur! The one table I haven't tested much yet. Stupidly hooked on Shaman hoping to get 20mil!


Can someone explain all the different score things? Like Pro score, team score etcetc? This game is pretty fantastic, but it don't half confuse me a bit!


18 million on the shaman board is extremely good. That board is extremely simple with not much to it, not much to give out loads of crazy boosters and millions etc. It's why it's my weakest personally, not enough to do, but this score will be hard to beat. Well done! (bastard)


It has one diamond in the rough, I won't tell what it is, but I'm trying to re-create it to rack that score!!!


(and failing)

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Lol, added you @Mokong X\-C, funny to see immediately that you're online. playing zen/excalibur! The one table I haven't tested much yet. Stupidly hooked on Shaman hoping to get 20mil!


Haha, well Excalibur is my fav 98% of my play time on this is on that table, tried the others but so hooked on Excalibur it's unreal, haha.


Incidently FINALLY managed to unlock one of those lock icons on Excalibur, the first one for the dog, had to hit the ramp like 5 times in a row I think. All the time spent on this and only now have I unlocked one, haha.


Though on my very first play of El Darado I unlocked the 2nd icon :heh:


Can someone explain all the different score things? Like Pro score, team score etcetc? This game is pretty fantastic, but it don't half confuse me a bit!



Pro Score I think is based on your combined score of all tables

And Team score is based on the combined scores of you and everyone on your Friends List

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Mokong speaketh the truth. Ultimately, they're bollocks and you should ignore them.


Excalibur is so good I don't understand how it isn't everyones favourite, there is so much to it; so many little things to do, adventures and such. There is also stuff I really really struggle with, so the potential for huge scores is great! Haven't been this addicted to high-scoring since Geometry Wars!


Can't wait for the DLC; hope it's good value and also that they throw in loads of tables; invading the marvel ones - I want the Thor want dammit!

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I'm thinking of getting this, but am not quite sure about it. Do you have to play online to get your score on the online scoreboards, or can you play offline and it adds your score whenever you connect?


Yeah of course it does that. For pure value, this will probably be my best purchase. £4.50 for absolute hours and hours of entertainment; plus the new boards coming with DLC; fantastic!!

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I'm thinking of getting this, but am not quite sure about it. Do you have to play online to get your score on the online scoreboards, or can you play offline and it adds your score whenever you connect?

From the manual:


When the game starts, it attempts to connect to the Ranking Server automatically and will submit your new high scores. You can disable this functionality in the game settings.


Get the game NOW! :)

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  • 1 month later...



Just wanted to report that I have broken my high score on Excalibur which now stands at a mighty 62.4 MILLION


This pushes me above @welsh_gamer at last by 2million points :)

And just 7million away from @dazzybee (I'm coming for you dude)


But even better this places me SECOND in Ireland, my hughest position yet, WOOT

Wish I could say I was nearing in on 1st place in Ireland but that bugger is at 92million :wow:


So I got a fair bit to go before I take the best on Zen Pinball Excalibur in Ireland title :heh:


Also has anyone noticed the top 2 in the world on Excalibur now? Over a BILLION points.... like WTF :wow:


Also I hear that @lostmario has finally downloaded this gem, dude fill us in on how you're doing? Fav table yet?

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Also I hear that @lostmario has finally downloaded this gem, dude fill us in on how you're doing? Fav table yet?


Downloaded it on Sunday morning and my 3DS needed recharging twice that day because of how addictive this game is :laughing:


I don't really have a favourite table yet, trying to play them all equally.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am now the number 1 N-E'er on Excalibur again... in your face @dazzybee :D




Can't believe it.


Though Also pissed I couldn't keep it going to break the Irish record of 92million so I'm still ranked 2nd in Ireland.


Had the most amazing first ball run EVER. 62million after the first ball.


Didn't know you could increase the multiball jackpot more than once either, but it happened for me here. the 2nd increase brings the jackpot score to 700,000 and the super jackpot to 2.1million which really helped alot :D


Managed to increase it a 3rd time too, jackpot goes to 800,000, not sure bout the super though as I then lost the multiball and the actual ball before I could get the multiball back.


(I actually still don't know what the conditions are for increasing the jackpot? Anyone here know?)


Lost my 2nd ball pretty quick though, think I was only at 65million when I lost it, was sweating buckets as I was so near Dazzy's score and when the 3rd ball started kept getting small scores of 1000 - 50000, couldn't get the ball up the multiball ramp or any ramp actually.


When I finally beat Dazzy's score a bit of the pressure was lifted but then I was thinking, shit I've now got just this last ball to try and get 30million odd points with again for teh Irish record.


When I got into the 70million I was in a good flow, thought I would actually managed it, then the ball took a stupid hit off the underside of the right bumper and straight down the hole :mad:


Ah well, if I can somehow replicate that first ball run again and increase teh jackpots 2 or 3 times again I should soon find myself number one in Ireland.... then I set my sights on the world record of over a billion, haha

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I am now the number 2 N-E'er on Excalibur :D




Correction in bold.


I think you'll find that I am at the top and what a grand place it is.




I won't post my score, I'll let you all check the leaderboards and have your "wow" moment.


On to the next table :awesome:

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Correction in bold.


I think you'll find that I am at the top and what a grand place it is.




I won't post my score, I'll let you all check the leaderboards and have your "wow" moment.


On to the next table :awesome:


YOU FRAKKING EVIL Bastard.... you couldn't let me have my glory for just one week even...gggrrrr :mad:


I'm pretty sure @dazzybee and @welsh_gamer did the same thing to me last time I got to 1st N-E'er :heh:




But in all honesty dude well done that is an awesome score. And if you were in Ireland you'd be top of the country.


Out of curiosity what is the top score in the UK? Is it those same guys with over a billion in the (i'm assuming) global charts (or are they European charts?)


How did you manage a score like that?

Give us a breakdown of how well your balls went *cough*

Get loads of multiballs?


I mean your previous high score (that the ranking tables said) was like 42million.... that's a HELL of an improvement :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:


As for how beatable your score will be....time will tell



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